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Everything posted by zackzack

  1. Then Creed, Daddy's Home, Revenant & Hateful Eight can win this list. Even Road Chip & Sisters may have some small chance
  2. This list includes only earning in the said year...? Or all earning by the movie into 2016?
  3. Either way , this will definitely clear $900M domestic now...Jesus!
  4. Spielberg has been known to furiously storyboard his movies, efficient with studio's resources, while maintaining high level of proficiency as a storyteller. His movies made money for the studios that's why he keeps getting the blockbuster projects (although it seems now that he shies away from all that)
  5. Point Break did better than expected, not that it is an impressive number...
  6. Avatar is not likely to even outdo the 1st Avatar but I think James Cameron is still king when it comes to innovation in large scale innovation in action cinema. Avatar 2 and its sequels are bound to astonish once again. TFA is a nice fan service but it is a tribute rather than anything wholly original. Avatar may be derivative but Cameron works his ass off to impress with his 3D presentation. JJ has the original franchise which always have major potentials for improvement in the area of acting, editing, fx, even storytelling. The major creative elements, the foundation of the universe, already laid down by Lucas. JJ just need to carry on and tweak here and there. Still a funny gif
  7. Re: China. A movie about a bunch of fast cars crashing through skyscrapers made $390M in China. So a franchise that would feature two of their movie stars as heroes (Donnie Chen & Jiang Wen) could get a lot of votes.
  8. $250M is sexy, orgasmic beyond insane. $230M-$240M is doable but you will be bruised & battered by the time you get to the top. But $220M is like a nice plain-looking girl you finally settle down with.
  9. Can TGD outgross the lowest grossing Pixar movie 'A Bug's Life? at $162M unadjusted? Barely it seems. Not even Christmas bump can help this one. Alvin will take some of the audience.
  10. No, I watched all Inarritu movies since Amores Perros. I was referring to the term "misery porn", very fitting
  11. Those plans to stretch the final film of a trilogy to 2 parts? Not happening anytime soon
  12. Is that the studio that employs people who email racial comments to their colleagues?
  13. 2013 has 35 $100M movies. Both 2013 & 2014 have 13 $200M movies. 2015 will miss both records. But the year will have 2 $600M movies and a record of 6 $300M movies Something about mega blockbusters that suck up all the attendance for lesser movies.
  14. Maybe the main actress is not into it anymore Look at that jpeg above which may kinda describe Lawrence's attitude towards the movie
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