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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. Uh nope. I wasn't even in it. I did say I didn't think it was impossible, but very unlikely.
  2. I dunno, I kinda have an uneasy feeling about this movie's success for some reason. Unlike the great feelings I had about WIR and Frozen a year out. I just think the concept sounds a little too niche for widespread kid appeal. And before anyone says WIR's concept was niche, video games are not niche among kids whatsoever today. All kids are into them now.
  3. You guys should care. Sci Fi and Animation are the only major genres never to be recognized as a Best Picture by the Academy, and Animation at least has its own category now so that really just leaves Sci Fi. That's 80+ years of a major influential movie genre being ignored. It's high time that's corrected. The Academy already royally fucked it up with not giving it to Star Wars and Avatar, so I have to hope third time's the charm.
  4. OK, I have to admit, Frozen's holds are damn impressive considering the business LEGO's doing.
  5. It definitely feels to me like the tides are shifting more and more in Gravity's favor for BP. Put me down for a Gravity sweep, sans Bullock.
  6. True, but even still I have to believe the OW would have been even bigger with a summer or Holiday release.
  7. Holy shit Lego!!!! Didn't think that was even possible in February. So happy for it though! I wonder what this puppy could have pulled for OW in the summer.
  8. I guess it could be Bullock again if they go for a complete Gravity sweep. I think that's the only way she'd win though, if Gravity is getting all 10 of its noms.
  9. I actually think Dench is next in line to win if for some reason Blanchett gets snubbed. Philomena got way more love than most were predicting. A lot of experts didn't even have it getting into BP with 10 nominees. It's obvious the Academy really likes it. And Dench is putting the cap on her career, so you never know when they'll give it to those kind of performances as kind of an honorary type award.
  10. It depends on the relationship he had with her prior. There's lots of people who when they marry consider their partner's kids their own as well. It's like if an adopted brother and sister not blood related fall in love with each other. Is it still not a bit strange? Seems like it to me. It's the relationship that makes it incestuous, not just the blood. If Soon Yi seemed like his kid to him before he fell in love with her it's gross.
  11. The Nut Job has been holding well. Clearly it must have great WOM.
  12. More than enough to believe it if you ask me. Woody Allen is a strange and very insecure man. Pedophilia and rape don't seem like a stretch to me for him. I've never been able to like him personally or even as an actor. Something always has unsettled me about him, and not just cause of the Soon Yi thing.
  13. Lol so what exactly was it DQ'd for? Cause no one knows it?
  14. Truly one of the strangest I can recall seeing in a film. A total mystery what the hell they were thinking with it.
  15. I feel like to accurately judge a director you should have seen at least 5 of their films, and there's definitely not 100 directors I've seen that many of their movies.
  16. Oh I'd pick it over Raging Bull in a heartbeat. DeNiro's performance is the only thing I've ever found exceptional about that movie. The Academy got it right that time as far as I'm concerned.
  17. Trying to fill in some of my BP gaps recently, and I just watched Ordinary People for the first time and was blown away by what a profoundly poignant film I found it. Definitely would have made my top 25 list. Maybe I'm just a sucker for movies that can accurately portray depression at a teen level, since I know what that was like, but I really thought its themes were exceptionally conveyed. Mary Tyler Moore definitely should have won for it, I've never seen someone nail a character like Beth so perfectly. Her aloof and calculated mannerisms were just superb. Timothy Hutton was amazing too and made his character seem so real. Was unaware of him prior to watching it, it's too bad he didn't have a more prolific career after the film.
  18. The first teaser for Avatar was meh, but I think all the subsequent trailers/spots did an excellent job selling it. Also I think the Avatar Day thing where they showed about 15 mins of the film in a special Imax 3d screening that summer before was a great way to start early hype. I was telling everybody I knew how blown away I was by the Imax teaser and how awesome the 3D was.
  19. Well she does have a stronger jawline than most men.
  20. Unless Trash is brilliant I will be rooting against it for the sheer fact of the number of unworthy BP noms Daldry has had now.
  21. It's the I Robot sequel. Will Smith finally turned into a white dude and lost all his star power in the process.
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