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Captain Craig

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Everything posted by Captain Craig

  1. She had that during Civil War? I can't recall when/what film(s) the arrow necklace was in so help me out. What are we saying this signifies?
  2. $58m worldwide to go, assuming BOM has international updated as well. Tick Tock Tick Tock
  3. I do not get the giant sized bag of hate by RTcritics(23%) on this film. Frankly the audience one either, 64%. Grade: B or B- at the worst. The plot is laid out and easy to follow. There are no twists, no narrative points one should be scratching their heads about. The action is solid. The f/x was only questionable in one spot that I observed for about 2 seconds. I think the real "problem" for this film...isn't this film. Days of Future Past is the problem for this film(maybe Apocalypse to some level as well). By killing of Raven/Mystique you've just drastically and fundamentally altered everything. EVERYTHING. When we thought DoFP might only be making minor adjustments this film shows that no, no, no...major alterations are in play. We are either in an alternate universe or the main one just doesn't exist as we know it anymore. If so then where does Logan exist? Main timeline or alternate? Literally I'm not going into Pros/Cons for my B grade as they are more minor. The death of Raven is really why I feel audiences are down on the film. Critics I'm not sure cause it's not because there is a plot issue or poor acting. If you showed this movie to someone in a vacuum they could follow it just fine, be entertained and not be upset. I think the fussiness is all related to "how does this all work now within the wider X-verse".
  4. RE: Swamp Thing TV show I'm waiting till I react. I mean, I've not see it(can't justify $75 for DCUTV) but want to. Reactions have been amazingly good that I've seen.
  5. Godzilla sub or over 55% drop this weekend??
  6. Swamp Thing is the only show on this fledgling outlet I have interest in seeing. Seeing reports similar to this across the net which is encouraging. Looking at the yearly price, $75, for the DC Universe network though is not something I'm willing to do. The other features/shows/etc on the platform aren't enticing enough. I'll just have to wait.
  7. So this has been finally moved off "The Lot". Getting more real. I'm cautiously optimistic on this, perhaps more so than I was Venom. With Venom I knew to be a bit hesitant due to the characters intimate ties to Spider-man directly. Morbius does not have that so they should be able to make a fairly faithful adaptation of just the character himself.
  8. The Cobra I could stand for more of but Kurt acts like revisiting old characters or situations is beneath him now. Hawk I'm indifferent to though. Now, John Spartan....I'd like another crack at that sci-fi world! Clone Snipes, he and Sly did EX3 so I bet he would return as well!!
  9. Star Trek Discovery recently wrapped up Season 2 that featured Captain Pike and Spock with cameos from 'Number One' and NCC-1701 herself this year!! I must say I wholly love how this season helped iron out story inconsistencies bridging this to TOS era. They have to give us a series with Pike and crew now! So curious to see where Discovery S3 goes after that ending! Surely others here are watching ST:Disco
  10. Saw this back in the theater when it came out, just roaming down here. Grade: B A largely competent reboot in terms of casting and story adaption. The cgi suffers in a few spots. My largest complaint though is that Milla's character as the main antagonist comes across as way more 2-Dimensional and parody-esque than she should have. That brings the whole thing down. Not sure if it was the material on the page she had to work with or Direction, maybe both. I like how the post-credit is setting up some familiar faces. We may yet get a sequel, who knows, after all early word is the Tomb Raider reboot film is getting one so I'll hold out hope for a bit longer.
  11. Grade: B- I see I'm not as wholly alone as I felt I might be on this film. As an action film John Wick does its thing very, very well. However, unlike some other action franchises, I feel John feels even more repetitive than some others. Roll, kick, shoot, dodge, punch, shoot, reload just in a different location than the last act or even film. I'm finding they are all starting to blur together for me, unlike say Die Hard, Rambo or Lethal Weapon. The story mythology is getting a bit thick. "The Table" and all the euphemisms for dealings above it, below it, off of it and how many seats are at it, how many heads does it have etc etc. They sultan looking guy in the desert is a thread I found distracting and frankly a bit unrealistic. What are we conveying here? That the heads are isolated, hard to reach? To imply The Table has been around for centuries and this visually represents that? Is the next head going to be in some family castle? John knew damn well he wasn't going to kill Winston. Why cut off your finger and pledge to serve when you damn well know you are not...then say as much not too many minutes later in the film?! I also don't buy Winston killing him in the end. That also is some greater ruse I can buy. However, John survives a 4-5 story fall off The Continental, hitting fire escapes on the way down AFTER the beating he's just taken for the last hour?! Also the "King" or Bird King as I'd like to call him, why he doesn't just put a bullet in the head of that Adjudicator is beyond me. Her prancing around like she has some immunity card strikes me as unrealistic. If I'm this bad ass head of "x" and The Table is pissed why should I care what they think when their lapdog shows up to tell me I'm being demoted or whatever? The only sequence I truly felt that deserves some credit is the one with Sofie and her dogs at the "currency" palace in Casablanca. The bulk of this movie is largely cotton candy for me. Tastes good the moment you put it in your mouth but disappears about as quickly and is not filling. My B- grade could go down after I watch it again down the road on home viewing.
  12. If @baumer want to take top Rambo fan spot on this site I'll concede it to him. However, I'm laying claim to the #2 spot and I am excited for this. I think Baumer will come around with his excitement the closer it gets and for sure by the second trailer. I don't think any jungle scenes will come into play. Doesn't appear from this initial trailer that the action is going to take us into those parts of Mexico. Sly has flatly stated this is going to have a more western theme to it, think No Country for Old Men.
  13. With exception to Dumbo this past spring Disney is killing it this year so far with their film slate.
  14. Is the final product of this film going to resemble anything coherent? At this point I feel like its a train wreck much like nuFantastic Four...I have to see it for the unintended horror.
  15. Clearly you've not seen Sly in...well anything the last 5ish years. He's in better shape than action man Tom Cruise who is in his 50s. Your loss but I'm stoked for Rambo: Last Blood and I'll be there for Indy 5.
  16. I'm always up for another visit with the Alien saga(Predator as well), despite Covenant not being all that awesome. I know I'm in the minority but I'd really like a third Aliens vs Predator film. Yeah, that second one was bad but I wholly enjoy the first one with no shame!! Bring back Sanaa Lathan I say. She should've been the "Ripley" of an AvP trilogy anyway.
  17. Official Canon? Says who, James? 😁 His vanity project can be his T3, it can be yours, but the facts are there has long been a T3 that is canon. Dark Victory is the alternate much like Genysis and does not overwrite it at all. I suppose Superman Returns is a legit Donnor 2.5 or the last Halloween film the truest Halloween 2 for you as well...because, well because the latest executive producer said so. Sure, go with that...in your head. Meanwhile there is a legit Halloween II and it is brilliant. Rise of the Machines may have some flaws but it is, has been and will be the T3 that is part of the larger legit Terminator saga for most, Cameronites not withstanding.
  18. Swamp Thing is the first one of these DC Streaming shows to actually look great.
  19. Luckily I have a "true" T3 called Rise of the Machines. I have a 4 film +TV saga that blends into one fairly good narrative. This isn't T3, it is its own reboot like Genysis and will die as such. Treated by most fans as the Highlander Quickening of the saga. Pointless. Sadly none of us will ever have the saga wrap in on itself and complete things where Kyle is sent back for T1.
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