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Everything posted by ladyevenstar22

  1. i'm mad for sleepy hollow ! nice one fox wasnt expecting anything from you after fringe!

  2. one of my first question once i was out of the theatre , how was it possible they all got damaged and were all empty (i'm i suppose to guess they all died) , from what i know all these satellites and space stations aren't orbiting the earth at same degree, do people have any idea how many junk is orbiting earth right now its like a mini ring around earth blind to the naked eye i also don't agree clooney character needed to die , had they chosen it wasnt needed but i get it this was a one person impropable travel back to earth have to agree , space , shots of earth , the feeling of disorientation well done so on to my review , i liked the movie and what i mention above about the science didnt deter me from the experience of the film itself ,like i said in friday numbers thread , its questions i asked myself afterward once i started thinking about the movie but during i was sufficiently engaged now i don't know if its due to reading all the hype and then having to wait so long to see it because of a friend who made me wait a week then bailed on me last minute and is now on vacation on some other island , should have followed my instinct and see it OW like i had planned that said at no point did i cry or feel like crying , i was more wowed by the visuals than anything else , the initial destruction and urgency as they abort the mission but then after that it felt more like now what ? in retrospect it was kinda funny that she basically spent the film hopping from one space vehicle to another i like her line about the chinese station as she neared it saying you're not leaving without me smtg like that , it took me a minute to catch on what she meant it was not obvious at first that it was reentering the atmosphere whether she was on it or not something that bothered me was the debris hitting her escape pod during reentry , it just reminded me of the last nasa catastrophe that rushed the end of the shuttle program , where they showed you afterward how debris upon lift off cause the irreversible damage to the shuttle and so i was thinking how can she possibly survive reentry when they didnt again fictional license and within the film and subsequent happy end her nearly drowning was a bit much but ehh at that point she was kicking and alive ... my true peeve with the movie is i'm not quite sure what the hell happened in the first place to cause all of this to happen to point where they were disconnected from mission control , what did the russian do ? gravity is a self-contained film and it works but i wonder if it wouldnt have benefitted from showing earth perspective even though i get it was his choice to do it so but its probably the reason why i never fail to cry and choke up watching apollo 13 and not here all in all its not bad , there are pros and cons but for the most part it works and i gave it an A- but i don't feel need to rewatch it right now my great expectations are pinned on 12 yrs a slave , i'll be truly sad if it doesnt pay off emotionally for me , also mandella biopic , i have a feeling they should deliver in that aspect where the butler didnt but eh awards season is still a very long one
  3. megaplex7 caribbean cinemas GRAVITY 2.50pm showing , 5% full (it was the 2D so who knows plus its been out 2 weeks now ) trailers OMG i've never seen so many trailers before one film in my life , usually we get 4 maybe 5 *las vegas (is this hangover for seniors?) *anchorman 2 *thor 2 ( getting a bit boring seeing same trailer under and over) *carrie 2 ( dumbest trailer ever , it shows entire movie in it , if you've seen the original you know what i mean) *mandela (it look really good , idris elba perfect casting , what a guy ) *the counselor ( still dunno what its about reminds me of runner runner trailer ) *HOBBIT 2 YES YES YES smaug wow legolas wow kate is an elf wow cannot wait to go back to middle-earth *saving mr banks (omg this seems like a tearjerker for the ages, i already know i'm going to cry tom hanks as walt disney who's the genius who thought of it add to that emma thompson MAGIC) ok gravity good movie i was engaged but bullock character was a tiny bit annoying, i couldnt help thinking wasnt she vetted by psychiatrists , and other specialist before leaving her go up there , on the other hand you have clooney who was cool as a cucumber lol, i was left with way too many questions when i had time to think about it i get some people don't follow the space program , maybe don't watch discovery channel shows on sattelites and how many of them are orbiting the planet, ok off to read review thread maybe i get some answers from people who've watched it more than once
  4. finally i saw GRAVITY , it was pretty good, visually neat , story wow a bit over-dramatic more in review ... the best part was i got to see the latest hobbit 2 trailer , i was fangirling in my seat ( i spy a dragon wooooohoooo) i would have been pretty pissed off if i didnt get to see it , and talk about trailer i have seen a gazillion times now which is a lot coming from me and my puny lone island theatre THOR 2 i think i've seen it 5 times now that's a record , def no way if i was not a fan i woud forget this is coming out soon
  5. ok for sure tomorrow i'll go see gravity fuss!
  6. i hope he has friends and family who truly care about him hollywood truly is cuthroat island , we sometimes forget a universal truth money doesnt beget happiness we figure hey they're rich compare to the mortal joes of the world so what problems can they possibly have
  7. who's a jolly good reliable fellow x3 , its community we're back hope its not an october 19th situation again i thought it was a joke but google told me its pretty true ! i know the feeling blue and it is not the warmest color out there its like a glitch in the matrix when for a second you see the truth that's out there , a tear in the fabric of space and time but its important not to let the blues get the best of you it hates meaning , it hates when you matter to someone and to yourself , it hates happiness and laughter
  8. who's a jolly good reliable fellow x3 , its community we're back hope its not an october 19th situation again
  9. comedies are a hard sell week in week out the only show i watch that can qualify as a comedy is PSYCH apart from that nothing else
  10. why would she ? she's an unwavering staple of the ceremony and a living legend cate blanchett would be a lovely winner but meryl for the win always (ought to be considered ftw always )
  11. a fav of mine to this day! i was totally cosplaying the pink ranger in my head anyway lol as a teen i thought the movie was the coolest ever , i was easily awed in 1995 i didnt see it in movies though , but i saw it on hbo and would watch it everytime it played and then we got our hands on the VHS , burn the shizz out of that tape it had great songs and a great one liner i still use you ooze you lose! of course i won't deny the effects look outdated but i have affection for it , its like freddy krueger films or chucky , you can't tell props look like chewing gum-ish but i still enjoy it the same as when i first saw it
  12. the show is on a hiatus for 3 weeks due to baseball but will be back with remaining 8 episodes and as far as i know they've been renewed for a 2nd season of 13 episodes , deciding to stay the course with the cable length format of course who knows if they won't decide to change that to 22 later on but i personally think it would be a bad idea , long season invite filler episodes , lots of mini hiatus every other episode abc we're looking at you that just loses audience and with 13 episodes less chances of the demon/baddie of the week formula getting to repetitive and gives them a clear arc plot wise to follow
  13. very good episode , that girl was cray-cray waving the gun around like that and sure enough lol and castle 's reaction "she dotted my i" was too funny ! i love his vest ha ha ha... on the by side , castle has got to boot pi out! everybody walking in like its the train station , hello casa castle huh maybe some day they'll create a detective agency and hire esposito and ryan as partners to hold the fort when the go on a cruise in the north pole
  14. as a teen i thought this film was awesome , i plead the fifth (can't hold my taste as a teen against me lol) its one of those rare video games i remember playing when i was young, as i've always been more of a bookworm than anything else any game i played was due to my cousin owning the latest gaming device and asking me to play with him when on vacation
  15. gahhhh i'm jealous! i just saw the episode this morning first thing waking up along with breakfast LOVED IT i just love how the show makes me laugh and gives me scares , kind of like a roller-coaster
  16. well gee this was a blast to read ...not !
  17. its a sweet film with an unlikely plot which is the reason it took me so long to watch this film , just this summer it was constantly on tv but i'd switch channel i thought it looked boring people in the desert and again that title reason that brought me around seeing it , tom mison plays in it and since i'm fangirling the heck out of him since sleepy hollow started , i'm catching up on his filmography ....i had seen him in parade's end but he was a secondary character there to benedict cumberbatch anyway i was more on ewan mcgregor character dubious outlook on the project except i never changed stance completely like him i loved the prime minister communications lady played by kristin scott thomas she had the funniest lines and text messages the sheik hmm didnt know what to think of him , he seemed like quite the spiritual man , a bit too naive i get this is fictitious but from what little i hear of yemen in the news terrorist nest , the idea of them haivng this benevolent sheik is hmm i dunno , and since i truly don't know much about that country i won't say anymore on this particular angle its just him the doctor jones and the girl all converge to adopt this idealistic view of the world through this unseemingly project that at best seemed foolhardy but eh the guy is uber rich right ... i'd have rather the soldier (tom mison) be dead than bring him back to life just to participate in this sham in the desert and get his heart broken by having to witness how someone else stoled his girl while he was missing in action , their bond of 3 weeks before he left was tenuous at best , she cried what could have been but in the meantime she actually got to know mcgregor character and bond with him instead maybe i'm getting more cynical with age still it was a sweet movie just the end was a bit theatrical so just an A from me! next i'm going to watch lost in austen with tom in it
  18. i watch tv and at same time i dont i watch the french cable canal + satellite mostly for sports , political talk shows , investigative shows , the news we used to have american cable until about 5 yrs ago ,cried like a baby when we gave it up because two cables bills were too much on the budget but kids were still very small and it was in their best interest to hear only french at first and not pick up english too soon as it causes pb with their learning , its a specific problem to my island bilingualism , left to our own devices we'd screw french 99% of the time so at the time it really felt like i gave up on tv as i really only watch the french one for sports , i've since adapted to it lol but luckily at same time i got my laptop and discovered the joys of watching tv online without ads i'm positive i can't go back to before being beholded to a specific time and specific day and unlike americans no DVR that's how i ended up giving the shaft to ugly betty because it was playing at same time as smallville on thursdays and i ended up watching UB years after it ended so yeah all my fav shows i watch online since to me its like i don't have tv , i don't care to watch americans shows in french , i dislike dubbing in any language(things get more often than not lost in translation. I don't mind subtitles but would rather do without them
  19. hopefully i go see gravity tomorrow see what all the noise is about ...or not edit: likely not ...my friend can't tomorrow and she wants to see it before leaving on vacation to dominican republic so we were wondering gravity is it better in 3D or 2D?
  20. as much as i love castle and beckett , i like the whole team together so was not a fan of her leaving the preccinct beckett and esposito have a great friendship , lainey and beckett , ryan and esposito , castle and esposito/ryan
  21. its funny you never know what show is going to have people talking on this site ,many people on my twitter and facebook who enjoy this show and yet here it hasnt clicked with a lot of people , c'est la life i guess! i'm really enjoying the show , i like the main characters a lot ! and i'm looking forward to what's in store next
  22. wow good episode i don't like skye , her personality rubs me the wrong way that plus she's a traitor it didnt click with me the scientist name until the end of the episode *such fail* lol in my defense i'm not a marvel comic book geek , still i've been reading the avengers 2 thread ok i have a better excuse i only woke up an hour ago and had breakfast while watching this whatever mix , that's cold ... but then the end why it didnt occur to me , knowing the universe the show is set in , where people don't always die from being exposed to highly toxic chemicals and other elements , and scientific accidents have consequences the effects were cool i have to say ! way way better episode this week i wonder how long skye is going to be dancing the fine line between committing to being a shield agent and being a rising tide mole , she'l have to make a stand at some moment and swear allegiance to the team !
  23. 4th episode was really cool, plot moving along nicely ...loved the interaction between ichabod , jenny and abby !
  24. so i finally catch up on this season , saw all 3 episodes last night back to back i was very surprised by her reaction , can't believe how stressed i was over it lol so much i waited 3 episodes before watching this season i'm just glad she got fired now the team can be back together again , i missed ryan esposito etc don't care for PI at all
  25. lilmac spoiler tags ? ok i just woke up but now i remember i saw an early trailer which must have shown that bit but still its a huge spoiler if you haven't seen the movie or trailers , but it must have been a sneak peek because i don't remember seeing anyone's face sandra or george just people in space suits in space
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