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Everything posted by ladyevenstar22

  1. whaaat? aw shucks ...yet! double pfff bye mini-dome! kinda sad they're really entertaining the whole aliens or military device mystery
  2. i wanted to give this an A- but yeah noo a B+ it is the movie was ok , i really can't hate on it, the acting was ok , kept me interested the core family unit but yeah the last 30 mn i started getting antsy and wondering when its going to end, never a good sign if you're taking your phone out to check the time i'm not sure how much you can criticize a film when it goes down that narrative style forest gump one as a poster said, but where forest gump weaved seemingly the character life with political events/presidents here i felt like watching picture slides where they never go deep i might have cut out a president or two to focus more on those i kept , agree on the presidents john cusack and james marsden and robin williams couldnt help but see the actor, alan rickman and liev schrieber were cool their makeup was great (toilet scene was indeed funny) even though i didnt like the son character his life seemed more interesting still his father was cool too , i mean butler in the white house not too shabby perhaps a tighter script and directing might have help this film be more, as it is i don't think it deserve to be in awards discussion certainly not as a frontrunner in contrast right before the film i saw the trailer for 12 years a slave OMG what a trailer , the movie looks feels and seems great and so many good actors in it , i'm sure once this comes out they'll forget about the butler its a good movie but it could have been better but def on a top 20 list of decent dramas ps: one thing that bothered me is the film over-use dancing as some interlude as it is i don't feel like rewatching this , i might if its on tv but on my own i'm not over the moon or wanting to discuss it intensely! but then again its ten times better than your usual tyler perry movie i do wonder why hasn't anyone done a tv series about that time 60-70s a la band of brothers style , there is so much material there ripped for the undertaking and i don't care if its a black person helming the project , they could do different directors there's a lot of good black actors out there and if need be do just like everyone else go poach them over the pond in shakespeare land , they breed actor actors over there regardless of skin color
  3. i feel most bad for poor fabrizio , jack haul him along in his folly , then dropped him like a hot potato once he laid eyes on rose!
  4. please put up "state of play", it was ok its with ben affleck , saw it on tv and what with him being the hot topic that he is i decided to watch
  5. i was wondering if there was a thread about it here, hoping conversation is a little bit more sane here , got totally scarred by the level of rubbish thrown at the film in domestic thread and since i have to wait till this weekend to see it i'm hoping it does well enough overseas relatively speaking because i do believe this could work as a franchise maybe after its out on dvd a sequel might fare better its kinda like tv suits not giving a show time to find an audience and axing it if it doesnt do well off the bat
  6. i wonder if jim carrey remarks about the violent nature of the film and dissociating himself from it and marketing hurt the film more than was thought i didnt think it was cool of him to do so as he did accept a paycheck, some actors are obliged to go the tv movies circuit and worse syfy movie circuit for a paycheck, you know that whole don't spit on the hand that feeds you thingy
  7. the schaddenfreude is quite heavy , i don't understand the glee at seeing YA movies failed there are all kind of audiences out there to which different movies cater all those who are huge fans of the hunger games how would you feel if the movie had been a dud, personally i don't like it but i'm not harping on it either to fail anyhoo i'll just stay away from this thread , will review the movie when i see it next weekend i think it comes out here on the 29 ! and i certainly hope they stand their ground and do the sequel, the writing wasnt all that in the book but the story was very compelling i just wish they'd give more thought to fleshing out these YA movies because there is potential and maybe give them more budget so some wouldnt be laughing at the special effects
  8. the movie was ok i like the concept and the world but the script was mehhh at best oblivion remains my fav syfy in that genre post-apocalyptic world (i don't count star trek as such still my fav syfy this year though) as i said in crowd report , lame spanish accent on matt damon character for someone who lived since a kid around latinos no way josé! i have to say bravo to jodie foster for passing off as a french character , i know she can speak very well french so that was a treat as to her character motivation as that of the boss of the company on earth and other leaders , why oh why is your security so whack , are you guys so high (literally and figuratively) that they thought that kind of stuff could never happened to them hubris is always the chink in the armor go figure! so jodie foster's madame delacourt thinks she's in her right defending her territory i dig that, she's tired of mr lawn-party/president twarting her power urges so she tries to get rid of him ok so far so good and enlists help of boss guy to override system yada yada what i don't get is the security , why even bother waking damon character up before downloading the data, or even why leave two tech guys with him instead of having 3 robots in that room i could tell what was going to happen next nevermind that kruger guy who out of the blue went off on a tangent that was useless and uneccessary to the plot and just fizzle the whole thing out , why his accolyte put him back together is a mystery? why she went into that room alone another mystery so she could be conveniently killed off at which point i'm like whyyy whaaat wait wasnt she the bad guy and then just dispose of her like that can you imagine cameron getting ride of the colonel quarritch 2/3 of the way as the battle is about to go underway in AVATAR? all hell breaks loose and it seems no one knows anymore what they're doing lets throw an explosion here and there ooh maybe here, in front or behind the camera i didnt give a fart about that woman and her daughter , i had no lost love for the thugs who suddenly are portrayed as che guevarra-ish i'm saving everybody when he didnt give a fart all his life and was a mercenary kingpin on earth sending people to their death or dumb dumb deportation (by the way none of those who got kicked out told the others what would happen if they tried to go up?) take a scene when matt damon had the grenade in his hand on earth : my version kruger brings out mom/kid with explosives on them , makes him drop it and get in like a nice little boy strapped in and everybody lands nicely on elysium movie version he gets to keep his grenade and kruger doesnt use his leverage to any good use and chaos ensues ugh really basically what happened here was a clusterfuck of stupidity happening at the same time and i couldnt help but wonder where are the redundacies, back-up plans , fail safes? how the heck did that place survive for so long and then poof in one instant a cascade of wtf events now seriously what was that ending, all of that for what everyone is citizens yeah i'm happy for them but why wasnt that the case already the program sent medical ships down to earth who each had a dozen healing pods in them;so i'm like wait a minute what was the point of the film if those in power only needed to send those shuttles down once a month to heal people now you see i'd make a better dictator keep the crowd lulled into a false sense of contentment, give them something to work towards, a lottery of sorts, build an elysium for the middle class, heck put a few pods on earth hospitals and let them queue there ! build an elysium on earth , if they can have atmosphere on a spinning wheel in space surely they can build a dome no?come on and i also didnt like that in that future its the latinos who are poor,they were in LA and i hardly ever saw any americans with an english speaking accent i mean like are they all in space? to sum up disappointed but not too much as i wasnt looking forward to the film and hadnt heard about it until 2 weeks ago when someone mention it as we talk about scifi fatigue at the movies i did really like district 9 so yeah but this seem a bit more of that without the surprise or originality/freshness i didnt hate though so i'll give it a B- i forgot to mention they say earth is polluted so bad somtg somtg at the beginning yet the atmosphere of earth looked gorgeous earth was its good old blue self except the continents didnt seem as green
  9. i haven't seen the movie either but since i have no idea what he's talking about its ok i probably wont remember by the time i get around to seeing it once dvd is out MEGAPLEX 7 CARIBBEAN CINEMAS ELYSIUM 4.25PM crowd ehh 5% it was afternoon on a sunday sooo from what i saw coming out after percy jackson 3D had a bigger crowd (kids pfff) trailers : sure i missed one but here are the other two grandmaster (have no idea what that was) paranoia (now you guys have been saying this film is bad in the weekend thread and per box office it is flopping ? but the trailer looks good so is this a case of the trailer being better than the movie?) as for the movie it was ok , i didnt buy matt damon terrible spanish accent esp if he lived there his whole life and had a spanish nun (edit: wait a minute isnt his wife latina? even worse pfff) apart from that the movie kinda fizzled near the end , i feared the end and i was right , i wish it had been more realistic instead of the cute ending which i did not get but i'll go into details one thing i can say here though i'd make a better dictator or leader in such a world , have they learned nothing rule n1 keep the populace content and peaceful amidst their real miscontent
  10. i might watch this at some point this week its on tv in french cable channel canal+ but kids around and its not suitable for them i saw a guy running naked which caused paul rudd character to overturn his car
  11. i lasted 15 mn watching cold light of day then took it off , at least i watched all of die hard 5 for what its worth even though my attention was never in any danger of being engaged ... pff i'm sleepy off to bed , had a long day watching tennis lol
  12. "love and other disasters" please such a beautiful and funny movie with brittany murphy who i still cannot believe is dead , she was so full of life
  13. this movie gives you so much feels , esp if you're in a bad mood its like drinking coffee it puts you in a right mood asap , a good dose of hope and positivity in human kind /future!
  14. so clearly i'm not going through homeland as fast as i thought i would , only finished episode 3 the other day and then under the dome caught my full attention but you know you gotta go with the flow....always be in the right mood for 40mn of some show otherwise it will drag on and bore you to no end
  15. i'm up to date on "under the dome" as of last night ...so maybe i'll check out this orange thingy, is it british?
  16. imitation is the greatest form of flattery they say , still i can see how it might be annoying that the copy is more the original but now more people will check out the book , i am
  17. ok so 3-5 tonight so they tried a bomb at it , how original!!! but i thought i heard something like the dome is causing magnetic interference with outside world? and that's one major reason gvt want to destroy it apart from pr "saving chester mills inhabitants" so far i haven't seen anything worthwhile, bye bye padre cuckoo though , he had it coming ... at angie and junior , i get it doomsday scenario but still yuck... so i read a few pages from the book , and i gotta say i prefer tv barbie to book barbie and just had to laugh at idea of a woodchuck having a pov
  18. it crossed my mind the simpson but that just shows simpson influence trumps stephen king , more people have seen the simpson movie or was it an episode than knew about the novel by stephen king
  19. sonic i'll try , they're just lucky regular tv season hasnt started so i have time to try new things, or stuff i wouldnt have given a second look at ... i hope they show a bit of what's going on outside the dome
  20. just finished episode 1&2 ok ok so far i can see this getting old quick or not depends if story gets better i kept thinking if this was in fringe universe walter would figure it out halfway through the episode because he's that smart lol i like the smart kid who instead of partying is mapping the dome, his sister storyline weirdo hello how did she not see her boyfriend was a psycho i like the misfit ex soldier who must be thinking fucking cows!!!! i could have made the line in the nick of time grrrrr i like lefevre but it has more to do with my fascination with red hair , her character will see but what does it say she didnt know her husband had shady dealings so far i'm thinking the mayor has no real idea what's going on , probably knew something would happen but what no idea, clearly he sold the town for some experiment and thought he was getting the better end of the bargain and i have to lol at the priest/morgue guy who's also shady
  21. way harsh guys , it does feel like end of summer for americans anyway, when is school due? us not before 5th of september the soonest in french system on my island! cannot wait there's only so much i can stand my nephews being in the house all day long , as it is i let them go outside to run around so i can have some peace of mind
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