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Everything posted by ladyevenstar22

  1. if its true not a bad idea the two time block of continuous episodes , breaks are so annoying esp when you're trying to hang on to a show that you're not feeling as much love for anymore talking to you once and revenge !
  2. intelligence people , sawyer is back gahhh i miss that sexy sexy man!!! i'm happy for him and hope its a hit he deserves it
  3. i'm watching a bunch of tv trailers on youtube so far under the dome , mistresses(sun is in this) , the 100 (desmond is in this), the tomorrow people star-crossed from cw is the dumbest , aliens that don't even look like aliens ugh sure and all cast look like models pfff now reign , i might just do this for the next hour unti i hit the sack i like this time of the year tv wise the smell of new shows expectations potentials hidden hits that breakout, the inevitable who will be the first to get cancel i've yet to watch the 2nd half of revolution lolllll i'm determine to watch it all if only to give up on it afterward i figure i ought to watch the entire season before sacking it irrevocably LMAO at reign on cw !!! dont know whether to laugh or cry at the crime in session about to happen oh i see resurrection is a makeover of french les revenants will be skipping , not my cup of tea! the blacklist looks good , james spader love him! ok finally a show i'm psyched about after trailer "intelligence" on cbs with sawyer (lost actors are back on tv woohoo i'll check all their shows) back in the game looks ok if you're a baseball fan and since i'm not oh well... dracula on nbc hmmmm dunno it does have jonathan rhys meyer in it! i dunno from king henry 8 to vlad eh wait and see i guess ironside also wait and see if its serial i might be interested if its case of the week only might get boring quick oooh karl urban in almost human, hmmm def will give this a go... sleepy hollow hmm jj abrams always give his shows a chance ...
  4. wut? i love that movie , pure escapism for a couple hours , i totally bought it (or maybe i just really enjoyed alien encounters lol)
  5. me myself and irene home alone wedding crashers there's something about mary( classic) le diner des cons (i agree funny as hell) galaxy quest many others i'd have to check my dvds stash if i really like a comedy then i have the dvd which is rare as its not my fav genre scifi is
  6. i'd have to look up list of films from that year but otherwise i saw jurrasic park at the movies , the big screen effect of that first scene is forever etched in my memory but i'm pretty sure most other films from that year i probably saw them the following year on HBO , at best i went to the cinema 3-5 times at the most that year , going was a big event back in the day the 5$ it cost seemed like a fortune when it cost only a dollar to rent a vhs , renting vhs was very big here it was that or wait till film came out on HBO , back then we had one french channel and one english channel which was from neighbouring island anguilla which was split between TBS in the day and HBO at night , of course there were "rich" people who could afford cable and satellite dishes (it saved us from fighting over the tv) then we got cable in 1996 i remember because that's when i started watching telenovelas and my spanish improved mucho!
  7. the only bad thing about jaws is the sequels that didnt know when to stop , jaws 2 is good also but they should have stopped there i'm even very fond of how fake the shark looks today , even so still scares me lol its that darn music as much as you say its not real its not real the music has you thinking "yes it is , yes it is!!!" lol
  8. i was wondering where this thread was, i finally started watching season 2 last weekend and then forget about it all week lol and now i'm watching episode 3
  9. you're right about her mother , i just googled her, i like to think angelina jolie is at an age where sex appeal shouldnt matter anymore she's not some young starlet who feels she needs that as a crutch or edge in the business anymore! heck she's never needed it because she's a good actress it was always just an added bonus, some might say same thing about jennifer lawrence ps: welcome to the forums i see its your first post
  10. lol this was a fun few pages to read, i thought about jumping in the discussion on jolie vs aniston but thought better of it ah heck who am i kidding here's my two cents short version instead of essay aniston is pretty but jolie is absolutely gorgeous and beautiful aniston exhudes next door wholesomeness but angelina is pure sex-appeal overall magnetism basically anything aniston does or could ever do ,jolie can and has done ten times better plus jolie is half french lol i think its more fans that keep the rivalry alive than the actors themselves who have moved on i like to think .... that said i should go watch homeland season 2 since i'm not going to the cinema instead i'm here browsing while listening to andrea bocelli "aria" the opera album (loving it so far but then again i love his voice so he could be singing the phone book listing for all i care)
  11. alas i don't do horror films exception zombie films (i love me a good zombie movie) i got terrible nightmares for days when i was younger, then a few yrs back i felt adventurous and figured i'm old enough now and watched the exorcism of emily rose on tv during the day , lo and behold i had nightmares all week needless to say it refreshed my memory as to why i stayed away from these type of films
  12. nothing at the movies this weekend yawner i want to check out elysium but it comes out the 15th at my theatre now : 2guns/ grown ups 2 / the conjuring / ripd / red 2 / smurfs 2 / turbo /wolverine 3D none of which i care to part or waste 7.25$ on (and i've already seen wolverine luckily for me and wallet in 2D )
  13. wow didnt expect only one review and not positive too! i'm watching it right now and i like it a lot so far... edit when i'm done eh the end was sad but its a sweet little movie, i'm fascinated by the life of domestics back in those days it was a hard life can't imagine doing it ,i'd be more on the side of the masters lol it was very sad that she didnt fulfill her dream
  14. can't remember exact quote but tywin says something along once you know something you can't unknow it unless it was some other character in GOT
  15. maybe if the theatre had booths so you could see or notice someone using their phone or even better give each person earphones so you don't hear them talking or eating but that would defeat the point , half the fun is being part of crowd reaction when a movie is good and funny
  16. so my nephew wanted to watch this , i didnt but he won sooo coz its hard denying a 6 yrs old anyhoo we watched it ,he fell asleep 20mn in but in his defense he's seen it already and it was bedtime i laughed a lot, the triplets were hilarious the girl certainy had a lot of spunk the only thing that bothered me (not really) was for the longest time haven't never seen it before i thought she was a princess who went on some faraway journey her being all tomboyish , yet she goes absolutely nowhere, it was more an emotional/psychological journey , i really don't know why i thought so ... i loved the kindred bond between father and daughter by the way her hair was mesmerizing , that thing had a life of its own the king and queen were an odd couple but very funny i have to say they could have at least made one of her suitor good-looking even if she refused him , even fiona in shrek couldnt stand prince charming and he was very cute but an asshat through and through the maid was too funny, first time with queen bear was but then with the boys all in all a good animation , sure the mom turns back but the other prince didnt , so he was already a cautionary tale like many we tell kids today ingrained with truth and a lesson to be learn OT , when the clans left didnt that remind you of the end of harry potter and the goblet of fire , it felt like the same place and i wonder if maybe that's where they did that scene in potter (must be some scottish location in real life) i'll give it an A , i laughed a lot and story was more than ok, i mean that as i don't watch animation at the cinema or anywhere its really odd circumstance that find me watching one , as it is same thing happened a few months ago when my nephew wanted to see HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA on dvd , that tell you when last i saw an animation
  17. of what little i've seen die hard 5 identity thief (both dvd) i kinda fast-forwarded here and there in IT because i just couldnt buy the angle of me feeling empathy for a thief like that these people wreck havoc on hard-working citizens who follow the law no matter how shitty their life is and i'm suppose to feel sorry for her hell no! die hard was just boring it didnt ellicit any sort of emotion in me
  18. i now have only last episode of house of cards to watch and today i finally got around to watching homeland season 2 first episode le sigh its been like what 6months now since it aired ,now that i've started it i hope to be done by next sunday tuesday watched homeland season2 ep 2....
  19. when is this airing in the uk? i've heard not before 2014 for us on PBS yikes i miss my quirky sherlock
  20. i know breaking bad is awesome , but its more like i lost my mojo for it momentarily and other stuff caught my fancy like right now i'm breezing through HOUSE OF CARDS ,its really great but the whole character talking to camera telling us things is always a bit off-putting , although this is kevin spacey so its way less annoying that saoirse ronan in THE HOST lol
  21. most years there is such a film that captures my fancy completely , that year it was the king's speech others maybe there'll be 2 films like last year argo and les miserables either winning would have been fine there have been a few years where i didnt really care but had a detached appreciation for , and later came around to seeing their awesomeness like "no country for old men " and "there will be blood" but yeah i love it best when i'm a 100% behind a film
  22. ugh i can hardly fanthom 2014 2015, 2016? wut whatever will i do will i along with million pine to go back to pandora and be blue again
  23. "de gustibus et coloribus non est disputandum" ...nuff said the king's speech was a great and deserving winner , others i can agree on and many others i'll disagree
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