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Everything posted by ladyevenstar22

  1. AAA+ i was around 13/14 , i remember we bought the vhs and i wore it out after seeing the film i was so in love with it , i went out of my way to get the book but library only had half the story when they're kids , for some reason french editors cut the book in two ended up waiting 2yrs until they got the other copy there's nothing i don't love about the movie, the soundtrack ,the characters i loved meg but jo was my fav , as a fellow book lover i identified the most with her , that feeling of not fitting in anywhere (young people) i wanted to write too i thought laurie was the most gorgeous guy ever, and was very sad when joe broke his heart (i actually cried,not the only time during the movie though) i was not favorable to gabriel byrne professor at first but over a gazillion viewings he's endeared himself to me and i've gotten over jo and laurie not happening plus i like amy and laurie now amy i remember one line she had that marked me that first time when she said " i always knew i wouldnt marry a pauper" back then i had no idea what she meant ,had to look up the word , i never thought bad of her for it though watching it tonight again made me very whistful about marmee character/ susan sarandon's turn as her , i sighed a lot and wondered why my mother wasnt more like her understanding and supportive , she never held her kids back but made sure to accompany their growth as a person and offer an attentive ear and counselling so much that even when she was firm the girls never took it bad but always knew their mom loved them. I really loved her interaction with all her daughters another fav line of mine ,and i know exactly how he feels is laurie when he says "i have always known that i belong to the march family" this is just such a heartwarming movie all around ,that leaves you with a such a great feeling like a great blanket of love
  2. i didnt see LITTLE WOMEN in the archives , can you make a thread for it thanks! i just watched again for like the gazillion times , its like one of my fave film and book and first film where i saw christian bale in all his glorious youthful self
  3. sometimes i think avengers have spoiled rotten GA regarding superheroes , kinda like avatar 3D spoiled GA rotten for 3D effect everything else feels meh 99% of the time except for a rare few who actually used the 3D the way its suppose to could be more factors mix in , just an idea ...
  4. @fishnet as much i don't quite agree with your review it was entertaining i lol a lot i liked it and gave it an A- , i loved the japanese setting , the action was great whether the train scene or the ninja arrow-ing wolverine it felt like a throwback to japanese manga city hunter which i know as nicky larson in french now nicky larson is an unusual bodyguard type who gets hired to protect damsels in distress in japan , if you ever watch it you'll see what i mean , ensues lots of a fight with bad guys who want to kidnapp or kill her for some rival family or something , while protecting her girl falls for nicky coz he's irresistible bad ass macho with a golden heart and then even though he has feelings for her at the end they part ways as they realized they can't live in each other's world (but yeah the girl usually feels it more than nicky who feels until next girl/heiress comes in pic ) they kiss she goes into a plane and nicky walks away EPIC this is basically what happens in wolverine, but since pacific rim i've gotten all nostalgic about my manga childhood viewing so even though some things were a bit head-scratching it didnt deter from my being entertained overall i gotta agree though it was a bit hard to follow who was the villain , the childhood friend i thought he was nice but then he's in cohoot with viper chick , i thought viper chick was the big evil who killed the old man to take wolverine powers for herself but that turned out to be wrong , i thought the father wanted his kid dead but then ehh who knows i was bit confused about that i tots didnt see the grdfather still being alive which given pacific rim lately should have made an alarm go off in my head but i guess i bought plot the old man was dead as for the romance it was ok , wolverine aint nothing to sneeze at, i'd swoon too lol my true one peeve is him seeing jean all the time i wish he'd get over her already , she was never that into you to begin with ,everytime i saw her face i couldnt help remember she blew cyclops to bits which annoys me to no end as per fox cartoon on saturdays they got married and dealt with her phoenix issues (i vaguely remember i'll admit, yeah i'm miffed on cyclops behalf ) i didnt see the end credit scene, grrr but i was with a friend and she had to work so as soon as film was over it was like lets go , if i was by myself i usually wait till everyone is out before leaving
  5. megaplex 7 caribbean cinemas the wolverine 8.45pm about 70% full missed the trailers but woohoo not beyonce's horrendous pepsi ad i liked the film, it was a bit complicated to follow the plot in sense who were the bad guys , they were bad guys but then not really but then actually yes! now i've been in a manga kinda mood since pacific rim so i'm loving the japan setting , really a beautiful place one should visit someday , my only pet peeve a lady that kept appearing , i wish he wasnt so hung up on her ughh this film reminded me of many an episode of nicky larson , hmm oh wait right in english its called city hunter ok off to review center lol i give this a solid A , the action was crazy esp the train sequence!
  6. so i'm back and i enjoyed it, but then again i was always a fan of logan , off to crowd report or review review then i missed the trailers pff
  7. off to see the wolverine , crowd report later
  8. its hilarious how i went through season 1-3 of breaking bad in like 10 days and ever since i'm like disinterested dunno why i guess i just need to get in the groove again
  9. is this actually happening ? if it is i'm psyched i liked the first one a lot the ideas esp the star trek-ish idea of going boldly where no man has gone before
  10. IRON MAN 3 reigns supreme over the summer !!! i've changed sig and avatar , so what's the pb ... albeit i don't do it often i dare say its only the 2nd or 3rd time , i might keep this one a good bit too until avengers2 or hobbit 2 in december if a pic catches my fancy
  11. funny i loveeee twilight and so far watching this i'm thinking mehhh at best , the voice over is annoying ...i'm watching but not impressed or going awww over love story ... so there goes a myth that because you like twilight you'll like this (granted i have not read the book either , does that make me a bad fan ? hmmm ...) the first time i heard the concept of this story it did not appeal to me and so far movie only confirming that feeling ... i'll edit when i'm done ,still have an hour to go lolllll this movie is too funny , i just can't connect maybe i do need to read the book after all, i don't like having a opinion without all the information available its pretty unconventional ok and its done after a good few chuckles , i might give the novel a read but yeah still keeping it as a C
  12. damn andy , you're usually pretty upbeat about most films
  13. with a cherry on top!!! i love these films ,didnt expect to but great storytelling
  14. i picked karl urban , i wouldnt have thought about him but now that you mention it YES good choice ,he's got the brooding down after seeing him in dredd , i also like richard armitage
  15. watching "parade's end" with benedict cumberbatch , i like to check out the nominees for emmy best miniseries/tv movie i'm in love with benedict , what an actor i already was since sherlock but he just gets better with every new role i see him in ,plus i love the setting of the story
  16. my cousin has netflix via his PS3 and its still working and now he's in france ! so still working but i guess his ps3 is american
  17. anyone else had pb posting just now, i spent 5 minutes trying to post a comment which just wouldnt pass! i thought internet wasnt working but other sites were fine and then it started working again , has this happened to anyone else?
  18. so i didnt wait till this was on french tv but watching the dvd so that's that the concept of a zombie thinking is lol , and OMG that girl looks exactly like kristen stewart its eery all in all the film is funny and made me roll my eyes a bit, what sane girl falls for a zombie lollll but still its cute if you go with the flow
  19. i'm about to watch warm bodies , had no idea what it was about until first minutes and then i remembered the movie about the girl who falls for a zombie smtg like that oi wish me luck , i'm trying to compose with concept of a zombie monologue and stream of consciousness hmmm
  20. 2013 films i've seen so far : A+ iron man 3 star trek into darkness pacific rim A oblivion world war z man of steel B beautiful creatures olympus has fallen C hansel and gretel witch hunters (dvd) jack the giant slayer (can't remember if i scored this, also dvd) C- safe haven (dvd) a good day to die hard (dvd) gi joe retaliation (dvd) 13 films so far , i'm sorry i missed the great gatsby but it came out when iron man 3 and star trek had exclusive rights on my cinema budget due to multiple viewings i also mention dvd if i saw it per rental and not in theatre. next movie will probably be THE WOLVERINE next weekend if i have time right now what's playing at my theatre(7screens) are DM2 / GU2 / PR / RIPD / THE HEAT / TURBO / WHD
  21. yes to cumberbatch (star trek) kingsley (im3) rdj (im3) but yeah haven't seen the indies sooo list incomplete for sure
  22. so far this summer i've only truly enjoyed 3 films iron man 3 pacific rim star trek into darkness wwz was pretty good except for ending which was a bit abrupt in tone/pace oblivion also but was that a summer flick or summer appetizer? of course that's only films i've seen because i have no way of seeing films like before midnight or much ado about nothing here
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