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Everything posted by ladyevenstar22

  1. ah ! i'm stuck on episode 3 of homeland season 2 i'm just not feeling it , nothing like feeling you're wasting 40mn when you could watch or rewatch something that will procure me more pleasure
  2. isnt there already a thread for this ? i'd look but i don't have time right now off to do my jillian michaels dvd i'm starting week 5 today of her body revolution workout in 90days
  3. personally i'm waiting for 12YAS , but very happy for sandy and georgie , and cuaron makes good films as for RR , i love ben but i hate timberlake more i never liked him as a singer , throwback to boy bands fan wars , don't listen to his songs and will never watch any films he plays in , not even for free!
  4. that was a quick death! beyond thrilled for sleepy hollow , its my fav new show this fall ,i find myself looking forward to monday last year that honor went to scandal
  5. agree and i thought it came across pretty well, that's why i was miffed to find out skye was a traitor and personally i had no idea about fury , i don't go on ew.com anymore
  6. don't own a blue-ray player so no point in buying the dvds but when i do first will be avatar , 2nd lord of the rings trilogy and 3rd iron man trilogy
  7. I give the film an A , it was tense and creepy from beginning to ending and the rain really gave a sense of isolation and bleakness i felt the cold ! At some points i was on the edge of my seat, others i was deep in it esp' torture scenes! this is not a movie where you stay quiet , lots of occasion for exclamations that guy alex with his whispering voice ugh creepy i was on the fence as to whether he was innocent or not , he certainly had you wondering but then as baumer pointed out he would do things or say things that had you going huh did i hear what he actually said , at any rate he totally entertained the cloud of suspicion over his head i don't blame hugh jackman character for doing what he did , there are people who say they would do anything for their kids but when push comes to shove are they truly willing to put aside right from wrong and truly do anything , terrence howard did a pretty good job of not going over that line and being extremely upset about even being passively involved viola davis was good too , she didnt lose it completely like the other mom (one can argue she pushed her husband to do what he did , she was selfish in her grief blaming him for not protecting them from everything,who could have imagined this happening and so he felt compel to act , maybe he would have done it all the same but she give him the extra nudge IMO) at some point i had random thoughts if the older siblings werent involved and just wanted to get rid , that's when it seemed alex wasn't involved at all and their a totally different suspect said other suspect was creepy as shit going into their house , what was his deal ? does he get off going into people house whose kids are missing to collect memorabilia (that shit weirded me out to no end) i couldnt get over the detective name being loki (too funny) and he had a quirky obsession with horoscope chinese or western with his tatoos on each finger , he did a good job even with the turd of a captain he had! i def' did not see the time pass because i was so involved in the storytelling , never once looked at my phone to check the time i'm glad they found the girls but i was thinking more and more that they were probably dead, but when joy recognized keller and said you were there i was confused for like 5mn as he ran out of the hospital and det' loki went chasing after him its only when he appears at the aunt's house i was able to put in context her quote , there had been so many twist that i was like what the father kidnapped them now , lots of random thoughts went through my mind because i had no clues who did it for the longest time . I know i'm not the only one who didn't make the link with the burned guy in the basement and the uncle disappearing i thought they were 2 unrelated events, and i didn't understand he disappeared so much as he walked out on her so why would i suspect he wasn't dead , still why i didn't notice the pendant on the burned guy or remembered it the first time loki saw the uncle picture or even when the story got to point mazes where mentioned alot i suspect i'll notice more things when i watch it again when its out on dvd ! i'm not in love with the movie so no A+++ for me then again given the subject but a deserving A for getting my undivided attention and the thrilling atmosphere , a well directed film like Cmasterclay said it felt real and the ending pretty ironic symmetry that he should be kept prisoner as he kept her 'nephew' prisoner, albeit his stay won't be as bad or long as the other guy if we chose to believe he's rescued that same night
  8. CARIBBEAN CINEMAS MEGAPLEX 7 PRISONERS 4.25PM 35% full missed the trailers because of annoying people buying tickets in front of me in combo with one booth open(wtf) , i don't understand people who still have no clue what they're all going to watch before arriving in front of the booth and to add insult to injury she gave the lady lots of change at least 3$ worth of quarters UGH ALAS i did not miss beyonce awful ad for pepsi UGH ok on to the movie , awesome , it was tight and pretty dark too , i guess you really dont know until confronted with situation what you would do , hugh was great he really shows a range of emotions in this , jake was pretty good also ! and that ending pretty ironic considering his acts during the film, everyone in the audience gasped when the credits rolled like wtf whyyy i guess they decided to let the audience decide what happens
  9. i like it but it scares me to no end, which is so funny as just the other night i watched sleepy hollow on tv it was a johnny depp double feature followed by neverland (would have made more sense to team it up with sweeney todd) and it was just as funny as usual plus look who got his neck back , you go trekker!
  10. give this an A- i enjoyed it , so did not see the twist at the end coming , but now i know he really let everyone think he was a fool and unwiling detective on the case who gets played time and time by the horsemen i was pleasantly surprise the guy didnt die in the car, i did wonder at the logic of him staying in the police car he stole , when he had at least 2/3 chances to get out of it and abandon the car as mark ruffalo's character and french girl got blocked by a truck ,and other vehicules before even reaching the bridge but then i sorta explained it away by thinking he was trying to get to a rendez vous point i also wondered why they seemingly abandoned him to his destiny to distract the policemen while they escaped def will be rewatching this again , now that i know i need to watched it again see if there were clues as for the magic tricks , impressive even if a little exaggerated , i also like that it wasnt about the money but the true art of magic i'm more of the crowd who believes there's an explanation behind the magic , to quote a saying magic is only science we can't explain or understand yet... ah yes my friend googles says exact quote by clarke is "any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" i also agree more info or myth-building on the eye would have been cool but if they can work it in a sequel why not ...
  11. can't disagree much with the bulk of reviews here , i'm watching it right now , and yes it is boring i don't mind will smith take on his character, i get it he's extremely cold and to the point but at least he's trying with his son as for the kid awful i agree which is so strange because he was good in " pursuit of happiness" could be smaller kids are more natural actors and don't overthink their performances? i get what happened with his sister traumatized him but it irks me to no end when a kid can't follow a simple order (just to create drama) ugh and no initiative of his own , stop whinning , i dont understand his behaviour you see him training to be a ranger and here he is in a real situation and you'd think he has no experience even in theory everybody knows this when in difficult situation go back to basics see what works and what doesnt all in all better to be awful now than later on , he can only learn from his mistakes and do a better job effects were not terrible , LMAO IS THAT MOUNT DOOM did they just scam the visual from lotr for that scene , and mind you i ask because i have seen lotr trilogy an insane amount of times 10 minutes to go and i'm thinking it has to be incredibly frustrating for will smith character to have to depend on such a weak other character who is his son i guess this was suppose to be like some initiatory journey for the boy quatar , a self exploration as he discovers himself in a dire situation but the script is of no support to the idea i'm just glad its not 2hrs and yes not a movie you would willingly or unwillingly rewatch ,too bad i'll give it a C+ for trying but not succeeding
  12. finished the tv show but still haven't read the book , and now that regular tv schedule has started don't know when i'll have time...
  13. oh my , it was ok for a first episode , yeah coulson is alive! i was happy to see dr chen from ER she still looks really good for her age i had to laugh at the car in the end , pretty fly for a 'dead' white guy and seriously how cute are the nerds , i asked myself are they twins? didnt understand a word they said but it sounded cute like a foreign language might def giving it a go and yeah i don't think people should expect marvel superheroes movieverse quality but i still think its a good idea , could be a good soundboard to spring ideas on and add on to the movieverse like a good sidekick as always it was nice seeing colbie anyone else got fringe vibe , reminded me of an episode of fringe where a guy exploded in a train station and they realized afterward that he was the bomb
  14. can't say yes or no to his win as i have yet to finish season 1 , only watched first 2 episodes then decided to wait till it was over and well i'm fickle like that sometimes other shows catch my fancy
  15. i won't hold my breath with the emmys they make you want to pull your hair out with the snubs on nomination days and ceremony day with the winners they choose 98% of the time!
  16. well tonight i watched pain& gain followed by the full monty and now i'm going to sleep
  17. can't believe i never got around to watching this before its so funny and sweet and man i was rooting the whole time at the end , they did good and wow naturally i had no idea what full monty meant i had heard about the film when it came out but never saw it on tv of course now i know robert carlysle from once upon a time tv show and mark addy as king robert baratheon from GOT just a lovely film , for a bit there i thought they weren't going to do it anymore but gotta love the town how they were gently mocking them and everyone just wanted them to do it in the end and i recently rewatched magic mike again which feels so professional in comparison whereas this has more heart (i guess this stripping business has become more of a business) and those strings great choreography
  18. i'm watching this and halfway i felt like taking it off, it has funny moments but i can't believe how incompetent they were! agree the rock was very good in this, i like him he's cool guy! agree with choice of end credits song so fitting to the movie "gangster's paradise"
  19. there's a showing of prisoners at 3 pm might go see it if in the mood and yes def will be because hugh jackman is a draw
  20. have to admit after all the shitty stuff that happened in the world this week , a shitty day i had , this was a great mindless entertaining film to end friday on and the closest i've come to watching a horror movie in years (in the same genre there are the scary movies films)
  21. i give this a B this movie is so peculiar to itself i don't think i can compare it to anything so the B is specific to it i have to admit i laughed a lot , like a lot ... still way too much swearing going on and was i the only one thinking no way franco goes to heaven and duh he opens his mouth , just knowing what was going to happen i started laughing i felt so bad channing tatum was mcbride bitch noooooo (probably because right now the vow and magic mike are playing a lot on canal+ hbo french equivalent) funny bit is i nearly turned the film off in the beginning for some reason i thought this film was that british film with simon pegg i heard about and when i realized this was actors playing themselves and actors i'm not a fan of even though i've seen their films when the earthquake happened and the blue light zapped people up that totally woke me up and kept me on the disaster ride i actually enjoyed pineapple express so loved the references and the mini-sequel they did i have to admit i did look at the clock at the 1 hour mark , as it does get a bit repetitive but it was fun! wonder what happened to emma watson? i screamed when backstreet boys appeared , man i lovee that song (hey i'm a BB fan for life) and literally facepalmed during the boys ascent to whitney houston bodyguard song had i not made a mistake i probably wouldnt have watched this film of my own volition but i'm glad it was soo funny them drinking water like its champagne , seriously the songs choices were ridiculously hilarious !
  22. i'm scared she says no! castle has done so well to get the girl plus i just like the group together as a unit if castle wasnt so ruggedly handsome i'd be tots swooning over ryan , espo has his cute side too but i love how they have each other's back
  23. it was good! i have to give props to the makeup guys , i mean wow i did a double take on matt damon face , he looked so young and yummy like a golden boy my my my.... so i kinda compared this to brokeback mountain being the only other gay couple movie i've seen in a drama anyway (that i can recall) and i have to say i think its more an old person/ young person shacking up that bothers me than same-sex pairing i have to admit the pool side scene was lol, damn that speedo on damon , i had the film on my computer for a while there but finally watched it because douglas is doing promo for it in france he was on the news , and damon was in this cinema interview talking about hte numerous fittings for the speedo that would fit just right , oh to be an actor !! its really hard sometimes as for the movie itself doesnt it just suck how he treated damon , you kinda hope this would be the one who'd change him but i was like hell no when he made him do surgery , and yes yes how funny was rob lowe's face in this , if i saw a plastic surgeon looking like that i'd run in the other direction asap
  24. i did too, pretty good plus afterward i was like geez why did i watch this so late just before going to bed i love the movie and johnny depp makes me laugh to no end in it plus the mystery was great ... i was kinda sad to see my lose his neck so quick
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