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Everything posted by ladyevenstar22

  1. my whole being is geared positively to love this movie and i like the actors in it, i can't imagine anything being unbearable!i know the story by heart,have read it ,and seen french version with gerard depardieu &john malkovich at least once a yearso really only the singing is a ? to a degree as i know hugh , anne,mamma mia girl and helena can sing/act don't know about russel crowe though!anyway when i do see it i'll let you know if something managed to annoy me i just hate when most people have seen a film and i haven't
  2. i'm debating with myself whether to watch les miserables online one way or the other, because my theatre isnt showing it, and won't be in any foreseeable future, as on their site they say what films are coming in january and february and no miserables, i see django is coming but no musical! and i'm pissed because 1/i love hugh jackman 2/i'm french it would be unpatriotic not to see this classic whenever you get the chance 3/ i love musicals 4 / i want to see it on the big screen i want my first impressions to stem from that experienceoooh dilemma! before i make any decision i'll go speak to the theatre manager and see if that coming soon line-up is subject to change!
  3. i absolutely loved the hobbit and thought skyfall was meh at best but i'm biased in both cases (lotr fan and not a daniel craig as bond fan)
  4. finally watched the globes just now, and on paper i had a hard time understanding jodie speech but seeing it live it was so much better and moving, lots of starlettes teared up...and real actresses tooi'm not sure TLJ was mad , it seemed like he had that face all show long, he's old so i'll excuse him for not being chirpy but i highly doubt he was sour from losing, he's been way too much around the win/lose blockleo looks so young , they could easily do the remake of titanic with him in the lead role...they could have presented robert pattinson as the star of cosmopolis instead of twilight (i love twilight but come on in front of a crowd of actors but hey they all started somewhere too)/same goes for poor jeremy renner hansel and gretel really pfffi got the arnold and stallone presenting foreign film,it was an intersting pairingmay i just say tina fey and amy poehler were FANTASTIC as hosts and made the whole thing fun , proving you can have fun without making a room cringe from your barbsi now remember that i do like jessica chastain a lot , so hoping her or naomi watts win come oscarsthe best thing about downloading the show was being able to fastforward through most of the speechesone thing very true someone said who was accepting an award i think , can't remember who it was but they said thank you for nominating shows or movies people might not have heard of otherwise or check out!and its true , ive decided to check out hbo series girls because the actress came off very genuine, also kevin costner tv film see what its about (i recently saw the bodyguard on tv, gahh i was in loveeee with that film back in the day)about anne hathaway i like her so i didnt see what bothered other people, and probably wouldnt have tried to if i hadnt read it here and at AD , she's bubbly! but i won't lie and say there aren't actors who in similar manner irk me to no end so its really a question of taste!very happy for hugh jackman ,he's such a fun guy ,good work ethics, had to work hard to get to where he is...very generous with his fans!happy les miserables won, but may i just say as a french , it grated on my nerves the way everyone pronounced victor hugo masterpiece name, as i'm bilingual i don't have an accent when speaking english so i just pronounce it in french and continue my speech in english its mee- zay- râh- bluh (like in duh) ben affleck was genuinely surprise he won , what with oscar noms helping that belief, and of course always a pleasure seeing george clooney do a george clooney charmed his way through anything last but not least many of the dresses i thought were misses from pics on celeb site, weren't that bad in the flesh so to speak , still even so best dress was hands down for me jennifer lopez ,the details was exquisite plus she's still rocking that figure( eat your fingernails anorexics ladies of hollywood)
  5. YOU GUYS ARE TOO FUNNY!!! goodnight...happy for ben affleck, sad for joaquin phoenix all in all not invested in the awards this season as i haven't seen any of them! hope that changes come oscar night
  6. ben affleck!but di caprio is a close second only difference with him is that we're stunned into silence by the inane notion that they don't want him getting an oscar anytime soon, one of the best actors of his generation pfffff go figure!
  7. coolio ,for a second there that building/street looked so familiar then i remembered that the cinema i went to in birmingham was a UGC, i also went to star city not too far (bus ride away) esp for the gold class treatment (think they got bought by VUE) can't remember that well its been 6yrs now since i was in england! but it was the best movie experience ever ,reclining leather sofa, free popcorn, so much space! then again at 14£ i have pics of my theatre on my island will edit if i figure how to put them on here, the airport is literally like 3mn in car down the road i took this pic from you have to go up an escalator that leads to here on one side posters and actual cinema and on the other ticket booth ,ice cream shop and an arcade room,will take a pic of that next time i go
  8. i do , i have them stash all over the place, my pocketbook, my bag, drawers, books ...but i never thought about doing a scrapbook, thats not a bad idea, especially for films i've seen multiple times like LOTR,TWILIGHT, star wars 2&3 etc...
  9. good idea, maybe it will.... lincoln has oscars hidden in all his pockets (so many oscar winners and a multiple oscar winning director) that said i haven't seen any of these movies , it suckssssssssssssss huge cojones!!!
  10. def the biggest sting oscar wise today was ben not getting a nomination, the rest is more or less ok!
  11. oki doki i'll come back later, its like my eyes can't help but focus on the red
  12. am i the only one seeing red? its very distracting
  13. how come there's no monday thread yet? was yesterday a holiday or numbers just aren't out yet? (likely i guess)
  14. not a lot of chatter going on in this post, guess the weekend numbers didnt spark any passionte debate! lol
  15. Oh my he really looks different joel! Fishnets I disagree about elijah I thought he looked the same, all the oldies actually good job makeup crew, can't wait to see legolas . As for leo he's the ultimate baby face actor,I love how he's constantly trying to look older with beard and stuff lucky for him he's an amazing actor so its not an inevitable curse for him , others aren't as lucky! Very happy hobbit still doing great at the top! Go hobbit!
  16. If these turn out right hoorah for the hobbit, and mini ouch for miserables getting out-punched by django! But I'm so happy about BD2 number , could there be a slight chance at 300M?! I saw on CNN that skyfall pass the big B mark
  17. well after the whole best thread ever evoking numerous pun jokes about fassbender in this movie, i figured i'd watch it ! film has been laying around waiting for me to watch it since last january i guess...i figured i need to get through all awards films nominees from last yr which i haven't yet before this yrs list is complete of awards hopefuls etc...anyway about the movie, been used to europeans films i have to say i didnt get the fassbender schlong fame....movie was very weird, very uncomfortable, and intimate in sense you see him in all his imperfection, his boss was an overbearing douche!his sister was a handful of an emotional mess, so needy and pathetic no wonder he felt trapped by her!film just got weirder and weirder as he went down his hole of meaningless sex...the threesome scene felt like it would never stopped , felt like watching two completely separated things sharing the same space his disgust/pain and supposedly a sex encounter where the ladies were gaining pleasure and is suppose to be ultimate fantasy of meni might have liked it more if he seemed to want to change and work at forming a real meaningful bond with a woman but then it would be another film i guess! and would that be a viable realistic option giving his background...
  18. should i read this thread? what page did things went on an acid trip of sorts
  19. lolllll for some reason i thought why are they talking about the queen of england in a box office weekend thread :lol:
  20. very nice fun movie! christopher walken is gold in it!
  21. i'd love to go see it one last time but logistics haven't aligned ,maybe next weekend do a double feature of the hobbit and twilight or hobbit and les miserables will see!very happy to see the love for twilight abroad esp brazil
  22. i watched the first 2 episodes of season 2 , a bit blahhhh ,the more i think about the more i realize i just don't like emily she's beyond cold and unlikeable, i would have loved if she truly was torn between her revenge and being in love with her ennemies son!
  23. wow and now i'm all caught up , mid season finale was crayyyzayyyyloved andrea dumb arse face when she recognizes daryl, sure bet she feels like a dumb blond now,and i had such respect for her and how far she's came but i guess a trip to pleasantville sure showed how tough she was...after been on the road with our group that town just rubbed me wrong , it felt like a set and not the real post zombie outbreak world!can't understand the guvernor's thought process, why is he so hell bent on killing humans that are alive, those military could have been useful assets, then he keeps glen and maggie hostage for what? and why were they so interested in daryl being alive or not? i get it has something to do with the prison being fortified and safe, and for some reason rick and grp did what they couldnt clean up the place from the zombies!its just his motivations are murky at best, and now he's turned on merle woahhh and poor stupid andrea still staying by his side , ahhh poor thing she's good for the chop block this season, at least dale wont see her go down tsk tsk
  24. black dude of the group is been eating alive right now (can't believe i don't remember his name ), i'm kinda sad! in hindsight i should have known: he did passionately plead for 2 bozo inmates to be included in their group! i see a trend...watching episode 4 of season 3 lori's having the baby i keep watching by 2 mn span lollllll
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