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Everything posted by Hatebox

  1. If that’s the reason that’s hilarious. I know no-one gives a shit about technical awards but I’m all for that level of pettiness.
  2. “It feels like a Ubisoft game” is not a compliment in 2023 and reviews are reflecting that. The ‘reclaim towers in a map littered with busywork icons’ felt dated a decade ago. If you love it then great, but I’m glad people are calling that shit out now.
  3. The original Wonka movie seems to be a cult classic in the US but definitely isn’t in the UK so I’m sure audiences in the latter will just take it as its own thing. I never saw the original but I did read the book, and the wonka in that generally finds children annoying so it’s funny seeing this new version of him that, apparently, loves them.
  4. And… it’s a shame they couldn’t have made something more interesting with the IP, but there you go.
  5. Trouble is RDJ’s team is pushing the post-Oppenheimer ‘3rd act of his career’ narrative (yes, it’s Oscar campaigning, but still), and going back to the marvel fold actively conflicts with that. I was cynical at first but I’d be really surprised if he took the payday now, even in a few years. Evans on the other hand…
  6. No-one said they were the main problem. But they clearly aren’t helping, and when even Disney is finally admitting they’re spending too much on movies well, maybe there’s light at the end of the tunnel
  7. Honestly, I’m fine with bloated budgets being punished even if they’re scorcese and Scott films too. The streaming model/money pit is bullshit and Hollywood seems determined to learn the hard way.
  8. flops are great fun when they’re unexpected. Tragically, we knew it was happening long before Marvels opened, and it looks like it’s happening here too
  9. I’m waiting for Hollywood to gorge itself on IPs, burst its belly, and make all cinemas go out of business. Then, after that, a few indies venues will pop up again, showing shoestring budget passion projects. If they look good, I might consider possibly maybe thinking about supporting the medium.
  10. agreed. It’s clear Scott just wanted to make an android film and both are at their best when he’s onscreen.
  11. Definitely not a great trailer but I’m seeing this in cinemas so it doesn’t need to convince me. And yes, the title is silly.
  12. Is Young Avengers a name people online are using for convenience or is it the canon, in-movie description of the next lot? Because it’s a terrible name.
  13. didn’t realise hemsworth was in this. Congratulations on (probably) your first non-MCU hit movie Chris!
  14. After wonka and mean girls I wonder if the trailer will dare let the audience know it’s a musical
  15. Unlike Jurassic park, I’d still be moderately interested in further alien instalments if the talent backed it up. The monster will never provoke the same horror it used to, but if a director really committed to the OT’s analogue aesthetic and sense of mystery then the richness of the world and grim mood definitely allows for more good movies. Or just play lip service to the alien and be really, really weird. It (just about) saved Covenant.
  16. No opinion on the show but calling something ‘marvel zombies’ after the year it’s had is not great timing
  17. I don’t know why you’d give a shit about that but either way get used to it because it’s going to happen a lot with the rise of paid-off review influencers getting positive reactions out early. Doesn’t mean all films will have that downturn but we’ve seen it often enough.
  18. Quinn would be a very flavour of the month choice but it’ll be nice to finally see a Brit playing a superhero
  19. Endgame script is that increasingly crude horse drawing meme. First 45 mins of the world dealing with the aftermath is by far the most interesting, and should have been its own movie. The time travel shenanigans are a moderately fun “look how far we’ve come” victory lap that outstay their welcome, and the final green screen battle where each character gets their hero pose is boring as fuck. It made all the money in the world so who am I to criticise the product, but coming after the much superior infinity war probably didn’t help.
  20. Both knives out movies are fine. I don’t think the same “bait and switch main female character beats the rich entitled male villain” shtick will work a third time in a row though.
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