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Everything posted by Hatebox

  1. Ha, a Guardian journalist I follow on twitter just called the movie empty trash - certainly at odds with her own paper which gave it 5 stars. Also (I haven't seen the movie but tiny spoiler regarding a song choice):
  2. Dang, hadn't seen the RT in a while so that's quite a drop. Are we now allowed to say the movie is critically divisive (remembering that's no bad thing)?
  3. I think IronJimbo just couldn't compute the idea that an actor turned down Cameron. Still, would have been a hell of a payday for Damon.
  4. I know it's a cheap shot at this point but I'm continually amazed at how bad the wigs on Johansson are given the budget of these movies.
  5. Matt Damon turned down a role in the first Avatar even though Cameron offered him a 10% profit cut. https://www.gq-magazine.co.uk/culture/article/matt-damon-christian-bale-ford-v-ferrari-interview
  6. I think the double standard comes about primarily because they still insist on using a waaaaay past his prime Arnold. It's that Star Wars conundrum of not having enough faith in the conceit without the familiar actors.
  7. When did filming start? Feels like even for Bond that's taken a while.
  8. Well I guess that was inevitable. I hope they're paying Neill a lot of money. (PS: him and Goldblum have aged exceptionally well. JP was over a quarter of a century ago!)
  9. Mildly shocked at that Downton number. I knew it had a cult in America but I didn't think that translated to 31m on an OW.
  10. tfw you're so desperate for anything Avatar related you get excited over a fucking mobile game.
  11. Those posters are an eyesore. Lucky the early reviews are so great, because marketing for this has kind of sucked.
  12. Haha, I knew they couldn't resist the RDJ baiting. Even after he dies we're going to have Rogue One style CGI 'reimaginings' of his Iron Man, aren't we?
  13. Vox Lux was good, though I can see why many didn't care for it. I didn't even know this film existed so have no opinion about it bombing critically, except to say it's a travesty that Jon Hamm isn't a huge movie star already.
  14. "Don't call me angel" sounds like it's telling off the movie's own title. Anyway, I look forward to another Sony action comedy flop.
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