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Wknd Est: Purge - 36.6M; FF6 - 19.7M; NYSM - 19.5M; Intern - 18.1M; Epic - 12.1M; STiD- 11.7M;

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Oh and why is Universal predicting such a low drop for The Purge? I understand it dropped like a rock yesterday but a 12% Sunday drop is something you'll only see in July. And isn't WOM on this pretty bad. I expect that to drop a few more million than what they have. I hope Fast 6 increases to 20m with actuals and NYSM as well.

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The Shrek from the West End musical creeps me out a bit. He seems like he keeps that expression through the whole thing and his mouth barely moves. Like an Ogre with too much botox.


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WTF is this?!

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Oh and why is Universal predicting such a low drop for The Purge? I understand it dropped like a rock yesterday but a 12% Sunday drop is something you'll only see in July. And isn't WOM on this pretty bad. I expect that to drop a few more million than what they have. I hope Fast 6 increases to 20m with actuals and NYSM as well.


Interested to see the actual. I'm guessing it's about a million.

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Fast 6 needs a 3.5x from this point to hit 250m. If MOS wasn't right around the corner I'd say it would probably do it but a likely 50%+ drop next weekend makes that pretty difficult.


I don't think it makes it. Right about 240.

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You'd think after the catastrophic Spider-Man musical they'd steer away from movie-inspired musicals.

I saw that and it was awful. What made it especially awful was that we didn't get any Spidey swinging because of technical difficulties or whatever and the last fight between him and Green Goblin was literally just the audience staring at an empty stage with dramatic music playing and the guy in the spider-man outfit would occasionally pop up and shoot his shitty web-shooter.

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Even though You're Next looks (and probably is) significantly better than Purge, I dont think it will do more than 15M

Total? Nah, it should do fine, just nothin exemplary. I can see Cabin in the Woods numbers for it. Similarly to Cabin, the only real way to market it, is as a straight slasher kind of movie. But it's not quite as simple as that.
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