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Man of Steel (2013)

Man of Steel (2013)  

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I guess Im the first one here not to like it.


I am hoping this is the one of those few times we disagree about a movie :P  I should be seeing it tomorrow morning

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A good advice. Try to read before you write, pal.


Telling people they're dumb is not an intelligent way to make an argument. Care to explain your POV how the movie handles those said-mythos instead of name-calling.

Edited by dashrendar44
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I have to wonder how many innocent people died during Supes' fight with Zod.


Superman just gave no fucks.

That is what I liked about the film. It showed the scale of the fight. Unlike the Avengers a huge battle in NYC and nobody dies?

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Tons of people died in TA. Didn't Cap get blown out of a building with tons of people in it? There were memorials at the end on the TVs too.

Really I do not remember anybody dying? So the hero decide to tell jokes when people were dying?

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Really I do not remember anybody dying? So the hero decide to tell jokes when people were dying?


At least, there were lines of dialogue by Captain America acknowledging the prospect of eventual collateral damage (especially commanding NYPD forces) by getting NY civilians into caves shelters and underground train stations for their safety. And also telling his team mates to contain the invasion and fightings within few blocks to limit civilian casualties and give time to evacuate the rest. However, casualties are implied by the montage with memorials and shrines.

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It's at least better than Batman blowing the shit out of any car in his way, killing people at worst, leaving them unable to get to work, maybe even completely wrecking their economic situation. Very inconsiderate.


Seriously though. If Tony making quips is inappropriate then so are the celebrations in ANH and ROTJ, which saw many rebels dead. Ridiculous isn't even the word for some of these criticisms.

Edited by Floppit Floppeeeddd
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So is it true that

Clark lets his father die in a tornado rather than reveal his powers? Because that almost makes me not want to see the movie. One of the most emotional parts of Superman '78 was always when Pa Kent dies of a heart attack and Clark says "All these powers, and I couldn't even save him". To change that to "I could have saved him but I didn't want to" seems an even bigger mistake to me than changing Uncle Ben's death in ASM. I hope I'm wrong.

Yep...that's true.   Felt weird to me too.


6/10 for me.   I really liked Cavill a lot and want him to play Superman for a long time.  His calm demeanor and "goodness" really appealed to me. Others are complaining he was too serious, but frankly the more upbeat Reeves approach would not work in this story. What exactly would he be cheerful and lighthearted about? Some might point to the script on that...but Cavill definitely performed exactly what the script called for in my mind.


I couldn't quite figure out what was bothering me about it, but now realize it bugs me that Superman is not the smart character here I remember from the comics. This Superman's solution is to "hit hard...then if that doesn't work, hit harder". I do appreciate the "determination is what makes him a hero" angle and am glad that is a part of a Superman movie, but isn't he supposed to be a genius in the comic who uses his brain to solve problems too?Part of me is wondering if this isn't setting everything up for a World's Finest or JL movie. In order to make Batman necessary at all you've got to downplay how smart Superman is, right? ...Or this could again just be that those writing the script don't know how to make a super hero smart because I don't think they made Batman particularly smart in those movies either.   Ditch Goyer/Nolan...they should stick to Batman only.

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This AICN talkback nails it:


AxeEmAll  6 hours ago
    [*]  [*] 

For me, the movie was great. Ambushbug, you have the right to your opinions, but allow me to react to some of your complaints.

First, the movie is about the journey of Clark into Superman, which is why it has less Metropolis which you want to see more of but will surely be addressed in the sequel. It is only in the end of the movie that he has truly become the Man of Steel, and he had to be tested by fire to finally get there.

Second, the appearance of Jor-El later in the movie and helping out Lois is not deus ex machina because his presence is a complex hologram that mimics his consciousness recorded in the nanomite key which Supes gave her, and this has been clearly established in the earlier scenes and further punctuated by his last scene with Zod when the latter “deleted” it. In other words, the hologram stored in the nanomite key was purposely programmed by Jor El to actively help his son in his death.

Third, Pa Kent saying “maybe” is something he said reluctantly. He is a dad protective of his son. He is not perfect, and yet regardless of what he said, as a person he is ever heroic as proven by the tornado scene. In other words although he said “maybe” to the
young Clark, when faced with a serious crisis, he literally puts himself in harm’s way. Just because he saved a dog from a tornado does not make him an idiot.

Clark was 17 years old during the tornado scene. The film does not reveal if indeed Clark at that point in his life already has the prowess to move as fast as Faora or if he still has to discover that kind of ability in the same way that it was only when he was 33 years old that he
discovered that he could fly.

Pa and Ma Kent had invested their whole lives protecting Clark’s secret; you might say it was their obsession to do so since
they felt Clark was not yet ready, and that’s one of the ways they show their love for him. They love him so much that they are willing to risk their own lives to protect his secret. It may not make sense for us, but from my standpoint as a parent with kids, it does make a whole lot of sense. You simply love your child so much, or too much that what may irritate us as overprotectiveness of our parents is for them simply love.

Fourth, you claim that Lois is miscast because she looks older than Superman. In our reality, age and looks do not really matter when it comes to love. You are bordering close to saying that Supes has the right to fall in love only with those about his age or younger, and that would be insulting to many lovers with big age differences between them. You might say that Superman deserves a better looking Lois, but who are we to judge whom he chooses to love, right? The whole world may say he deserves better, but the truth is that we do not choose the people we love, or when we fall in love. It just happens. If you fall in love after a romantic dinner-- or just after extreme destruction had taken place, then so be it.

Snyder had said it so many times that he wants to ground Supes in our reality, so that’s what we get.

Overall, I sense that you want a Superman film with a Superman the Movie vibe, something a lot more fun and something akin to a romantic comedy which is really the focus of the first Chris Reeve Supes film, with a dash of warmth and humor and less shaky camera moves.



Yep...that's true.   Felt weird to me too.


6/10 for me.   I really liked Cavill a lot and want him to play Superman for a long time.  His calm demeanor and "goodness" really appealed to me. Others are complaining he was too serious, but frankly the more upbeat Reeves approach would not work in this story. What exactly would he be cheerful and lighthearted about? Some might point to the script on that...but Cavill definitely performed exactly what the script called for in my mind.


I couldn't quite figure out what was bothering me about it, but now realize it bugs me that Superman is not the smart character here I remember from the comics. This Superman's solution is to "hit hard...then if that doesn't work, hit harder". I do appreciate the "determination is what makes him a hero" angle and am glad that is a part of a Superman movie, but isn't he supposed to be a genius in the comic who uses his brain to solve problems too?

Part of me is wondering if this isn't setting everything up for a World's Finest or JL movie. In order to make Batman necessary at all you've got to downplay how smart Superman is, right? ...Or this could again just be that those writing the script don't know how to make a super hero smart because I don't think they made Batman particularly smart in those movies either.   Ditch Goyer/Nolan...they should stick to Batman only.

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How difficult would it have been to include a short 5 second post-credits sequence of Batman observing the aftermath from the Batcave?  You wouldn't have to show Batman himself (thus limiting yourself to how the suit and cape would look) but just indicate somehow that the movie shares the same world as Gotham.  


I am shocked given that Goyer says that Bruce Wayne IS in this universe.



There is a very minor nod to Wayne Enterprises in the film (satellite that Zod destroys) but something along the above lines would have added $50m to its overall boxoffice easy.

Edited by lilmac
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I hated the first half. It's poorly edited, badly filmed, and all of the emotional beats fell completely flat. But once it finally focused on the good vs. evil plot for good (the Smallville battle) it became very enjoyable.


First half: D

Second half: A-


Grade: C+

Edited by tribefan695
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I completely disagree when you say the action is not as memorable as that TDK scene. While these did seem like a lack of suspense because of the nature of Superman's powers (although I'm not saying that that is a reason not to do suspense) I wasn't particularly bothered by it. The fight scene in the town between Clark and Faora had something similar, but the need for him to overcome something and I was waiting and waiting and it took awhile to happen so I felt tension there, not necessarily suspense but tense nonetheless.

Very emotional part of the movie for me. I was led to believe that the movie was devoid but that scene was definitely powerful.

I get where you are coming from, and i like your review I agree with it. I guess I was just expecting to much. Ether way it was fun hanging out at the theater! lets go again soon. 

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