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Sunday/Wknd #'s, MU 23-24/82, WWZ 17-18/66, MoS 11.7-12.3/41.2, TITE 13, NYSM 7.8 BOM, RTH

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Yeah, total crock of shit. People go out of their way to see 2D even when there are more 3D screens available. Last year, the Avengers 2D showings would always sell out faster at my theater than the 3D shows. Same shit seems to be happening this year with various movies. It is definitely not a case of needing more 3D screens. If anything, they need to admit the audience is tired of 3D and drop the 3D screen count significantly.

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If man of steel drops less than 50% what will be the excuse of bad worth of mouth folksIf man of steel drops more than 60% what will be the excuse of those saying 2 solid entries made it drop on 2nd weekend?


If MOS drops more than 60% next weekend, there will be no excuses. I don't even think Kal can defend it. :D

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3D is DEAD!

Unfortunately far from it...3D is huge os and studios will not be giving up that extra revenue any time soon...3D in theaters is here to stay disappointingly.
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NYSM 9/10

IM3 8.5/10

TGG   8.5/10

STID  8.4/10

FF6 8.3/10

Intership 8.5/10

I'm so excited 7/10

Die hard5   1/10


Have no money for you: MoS, TH3, MU

Edited by Leyla
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Unfortunately far from it...3D is huge os and studios will not be giving up that extra revenue any time soon...3D in theaters is here to stay disappointingly.


In the States, they are starting to figure out that the silent majority doesn't like it. We are speaking with our wallets judging by the low 3D percentages of pretty much every movie in the last couple years. The only reason a movie like IM3 or TA opened with a 3D share around 50% is because people wanted to see the movie no matter what. 2D shows would sell out first and then people would be forced to see it in 3D if they wanted to see it ASAP. But for movies where the demand isn't so high to see the film itself, the 3D percentage is a joke. If you take out IMAX (which charges a premium for 2D and most people just want to see a movie on a bigger screen), the 3D share on films like Star Trek 2 and Man of Steel was pathetic.

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hey dont get me wrong he is really good in certain roles- but could he ever do something else besides the wise cracking guy he is in SN or any of his other films----NO. He is who he is.  Im just saying, yes, he could be a pretentious brat (btw i hate that word- pretentious) but he comes off like that even in his interviewsTh

he's young

he can improve :)

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In the States, they are starting to figure out that the silent majority doesn't like it. We are speaking with our wallets judging by the low 3D percentages of pretty much every movie in the last couple years. The only reason a movie like IM3 or TA opened with a 3D share around 50% is because people wanted to see the movie no matter what. 2D shows would sell out first and then people would be forced to see it in 3D if they wanted to see it ASAP. But for movies where the demand isn't so high to see the film itself, the 3D percentage is a joke. If you take out IMAX (which charges a premium for 2D and most people just want to see a movie on a bigger screen), the 3D share on films like Star Trek 2 and Man of Steel was pathetic.

Bolded is why studios will never stop releasing movies in 3D...post converting a movie to 3D cost very little and the return on investment always pays off. I really dislike post converted 3D, but filmed in 3D (like Avatar and Hugo) I think is great actually. So let's keep filmed in 3D but kill in fire post converted 3D.
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The Good

Fast and Furious 6 

Star Trek Into Darkness 


The Okay

The Great Gatsby

Iron Man 3



The Ugly

Only God Forgives



fuck Only God Forgives

Edited by Jack Nevada
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I don't think a major blockbuster released this year so far has achieved a 50% 3D share.


Yeah, even IM3 was 45% and that film had huge demand. I've definitely noticed they are starting to loosen their grip on giving us a choice. With the Avengers, my local theater had both of its biggest screens playing the film in 3D. The 2D shows were on a single small screen. This year for Man of Steel, I went to a 2D show and was surprised to see it being played on one of the bigger screens in the theater.

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Gatsby is horrible imo. I didn't get the point of the whole movie and STID just wasn't for me. I saw STID twice to see if I missed something the first time and it still bored me to tears. Those two films are the worst of the summer so far, along with TH3.

You have to connect with the caracthers to like it.
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I'm thrilled Jlaw won, but Riva should have. 

I srsly thought there was no competition for Riva

she was above everyone


but obv Hollywood sided with Weinstein

Edited by Leyla
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Unfortunately far from it...3D is huge os and studios will not be giving up that extra revenue any time soon...3D in theaters is here to stay disappointingly.


If the rest of the world loves 3D, that's fine. Let them have it. We know it's not working here and it's sure as shit not because there aren't enough 3D screens.  :rolleyes:

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If the rest of the world loves 3D, that's fine. Let them have it. We know it's not working here and it's sure as shit not because there aren't enough 3D screens.  :rolleyes:


I don't know how much of it is the fact that they love it or the fact they don't have a choice. A number of members here have said their countries don't have much choice for Hollywood films. It's either see it in 3D or wait until home video. We were in a similar spot at one point here too. Toy Story 3, released during the summer of 2010 while the post-Avatar 3D craze was in full effect, was not shown on a single 2D screen at my theater. I refused to watch it and waited to rent the film.


That's why I was so happy Nolan refused to let WB convert Inception later in 2010. Over time my theater has started allowing more choice. Two years after TS3, they at least had a single small screen showing Avengers in 2D. And three years after TS3, they had one of the largest screens in the theater showing Man of Steel in 2D.

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