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Wknd Est: DM2 - 44.7M ; GU2 - 42.5M; PR - 38.3M; Heat - 14M; TLR - 11.1M; MU - 10.6M (PG 100)

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Well, I've been loathe to jump on the "terrible marketing" bandwagon, but in retrospect (and after seeing the movie) I do think they should've started running the "human element" trailers and spots sooner than they did. It's not like those didn't have plenty of action either.

Yeah but I guess that's my point. They sold this movie based on why it's awesome. The human element...was not awesome.
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Wrong. This opening is right in line with other recent original sci-fi films like Super 8 and District 9. If it has similar legs it will easily top $100 million.

$290m+ combined budget disagrees.



i know TFR = The Flop Ranger


what does SR stand for, in Rth's quote?

Edited by Halba
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I dunno, I thought it kinda was. Corny as fuck? Yes. Cliched? Sure. But that sure never stopped a blockbuster before.

Dunno, there's a 30 minute lull when they're developing characters and plot where I was going...where are the fucking robots! Then they came back, and all was good.
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Dunno, there's a 30 minute lull when they're developing characters and plot where I was going...where are the fucking robots! Then they came back, and all was good.


But (putting aside that I enjoyed that part and you didn't), isn't it helpful to market just a bit of that? Hunnam's appealing enough, even though the role doesn't require much, and so is Kikuchi. Some of her arc: a shot or two of Young Mako screaming, smash-cut to Kikuchi tearing up, Elba saying "This can't be for vengeance" or whatever. Heck, sell a little bit of Perlman. Any of that helps offset the geek-punching a bit. And when you're marketing, you just want butt in seats, right?

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But (putting aside that I enjoyed that part and you didn't), isn't it helpful to market just a bit of that? Hunnam's appealing enough, even though the role doesn't require much, and so is Kikuchi. Some of her arc: a shot or two of Young Mako screaming, smash-cut to Kikuchi tearing up, Elba saying "This can't be for vengeance" or whatever. Heck, sell a little bit of Perlman. Any of that helps offset the geek-punching a bit. And when you're marketing, you just want butt in seats, right?

Well like I said...I'd be terrible at marketing.
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Well, I'm probably pretty bad too. Whenever I see a pitch reel for a TV show that looks good, it never gets picked up... and the stuff I think looks like shit ends up running for 5 seasons.

Yeah, what do we know. I still think Dark City had an awesome trailer. That really worked out well.
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2008 was the appetizer. The Tip of the iceberg. Childs play.

The meltdown that is coming is gonna shake our western, naive, pseudo- civilized, entitled, world to its core. 

The party will soon be over.


Wow!    "Doom" sure is popular this year.    I was going to make a list of all the doom type movies this year....there are a LOT of them.   We love that stuff apparently.   "Things are getting worse all the time" and "The end is near"....there will always be business for that stuff.


Meanwhile, we've doubled our lifespan in the last 100 years and people are still lining up to buy video games and cell phones during "the worst recession since the 30s".   Yeah...we are really in "hard times".   :D


This is the most ridiculous statement.  People that pay to see movies don't have to understand anything about how a film is made.  They don't have to appreciate the Odessa Steps, the invention of the wipe in CK or any other esoteric thing that happens behind the scenes.  All they have to know is whether they are entertained or not.  Critics can't compete with that.

Critics are so irrelevant.   In the end, everyone makes up their own mind whether or not a movie is "good".   And there is no right or wrong way to experience art.   You can study it if you want...but that doesn't make your emotional reaction to it any better than the person who just shows up to watch a movie.


agreed. quality of film means nothing sometimes as long as its entertaining, and the marketing is good enough to sell that.


but transformers 2 and 3 are only <6.5 on imdb showing they sucked.

armageddon? 6.4

pearl harbour 5.8?


they are the highest grossing low rating movies i have ever seen. Up there with the twilight series which is even worse rating wise.


All are crap movies but 'entertaining' and quality are different aspects.

I'm really starting to question the IMDB rating system.   I really really really dislike Transformers 1...and never bothered with TF2 or 3 (I heard 2 was worse than 1?   Wow!!).  


But...the public loves Transformers movies.   Who the heck is voting at IMDB?  (Mostly Nolan fans from the looks of the top 250).    The internet in general is very deceiving....the hate Transformers gets does not translate to what the public wants and likes.   And Nolan would be in every conversation in real life if the internet was an accurate portrayal how how people feel.


Give me Guillermo del Toro over Bay every day (I love love love the Hellboy movies and Pan's Labyrinth)....but the public does not agree with me.

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Wrong. This opening is right in line with other recent original sci-fi films like Super 8 and District 9. If it has similar legs it will easily top $100 million.

Dude district 9 and super 8 both had a budget between 30-50 million. PR has a budget of 200 million. Those movies doubled their production budget, this doesn't look like it will even reach a 3rd of its production budget. That makes it a flop. Stop comparing to low budget movies with similar openings
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