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A Marvel Fanboy

Dredd (September 21, 2012)

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lolBut that is the best time to see movies...when they're near the end of ther run. You get no annoying kids and wankers coughing or eating popcorn like a pig, no big head in the way, and it's generally a pleasant experience. The only thing that can ruin it is the movie. But you have to judge it correcty because you may wait too long and the film disappears before you've had time to go and watch it.In the UK, I tried to do this a lot because I loathe people talking and chatting and not watching the damn movie.

Its not as bad in R-rated movies. I saw this on Friday night with about a 50-70% full theater and I didn't have any problems with kids talking and fucking around on their phones.The audience for the Avengers though was miserably annoying. From now on I'm seeing PG-13 blockbusters late on Sunday nights.
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Its not as bad in R-rated movies. I saw this on Friday night with about a 50-70% full theater and I didn't have any problems with kids talking and fucking around on their phones.The audience for the Avengers though was miserably annoying. From now on I'm seeing PG-13 blockbusters late on Sunday nights.

Yeah more and more I am starting to hate movie audiences. I try not to let them ruin the movie for me but it is not easy sometimes. This is why I am so happy that I get some movies with just my friends before the release date. That way I don't have much to complain about if I see the movie again
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I miss UK audiences. They're respectful of others (turning off phones, whispering if they need to talk, eating with their mouth closed, no kicking the back of your chair etc.). UK audiences are also shy and scared of confrontation, so if someone is annoying you while you watch the movie, all you have to do is say "can you stop that please" and they will be quiet as a mouse for the remainder of the movie. Or just give them a glare.

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I miss UK audiences. They're respectful of others (turning off phones, whispering if they need to talk, eating with their mouth closed, no kicking the back of your chair etc.). UK audiences are also shy and scared of confrontation, so if someone is annoying you while you watch the movie, all you have to do is say "can you stop that please" and they will be quiet as a mouse for the remainder of the movie. Or just give them a glare.

Try that in some places in the US and you will see a brawl start
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Lol, I've seen this happen before. I've been involved in one of them. :D

Oh i have seen it as well. I haven't been a part of one yet though. Something to work towards I guess :P
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I'm sorry, but based on all I've heard, US audiences sound like total cunts. Finnish audiences sit there and stay quiet

A lot of US audiences can be like that. Dont get me wrong. I have had plenty of good audiences too so it's not a 100% across the board. However, lately it seems like more and more audiences are getting worse
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I miss UK audiences. They're respectful of others (turning off phones, whispering if they need to talk, eating with their mouth closed, no kicking the back of your chair etc.). UK audiences are also shy and scared of confrontation, so if someone is annoying you while you watch the movie, all you have to do is say "can you stop that please" and they will be quiet as a mouse for the remainder of the movie. Or just give them a glare.

I'm scared to say anything at the smaller cinema around here. These two girls were being obnoxious and swearing during a showing of HP6, and a dad told them to shut up and it almost started a brawl. Sucks living in Twat Central UK.
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I'm scared to say anything at the smaller cinema around here. These two girls were being obnoxious and swearing during a showing of HP6, and a dad told them to shut up and it almost started a brawl. Sucks living in Twat Central UK.

Well I come from one of the more posh places of the UK. On the whole people are quite pleasant. I've yelled at people in the cinema before to "shut the fuck up", and they did. It was great.
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Oh, I've told countless people to shut up. And while the moment was tense, the point was received and desired result achieved.The last serious one was TDKR and I got an assist on this one. It was opening Friday night just hours after "the event". You'd think with that in people's minds it might bring some reverence to the atmosphere.Three black teenagers sit behind and just to my left. I'm in a group of 6, the rest of my group is to the right. But me and my friend were literally right in front of them. They come in just as the last preview or two is playing. Talking the whole time but hey, as long as they get quiet when the movie starts I'll chalk this up to arriving late and getting settled.I'll cut it short but the two girls chatted in a non-hushed tone for the first 5min. About the time Catwoman leaves with the pearl necklace I lean over and say, "Really, you are still talking?" One girl gives me attitude, "who you think you are?" I tell her the guy who paid $12 bucks to see TDKR not hear her gossip. Five minutes later my lady friend gives me the look like she can't believe they are still talking. I tell her again, "Please, stop or I'm going to a manager."No sooner are those words out of my mouth than this big black guy who must've been as tall as me, 6'5", but had biceps in different zip codes comes across the aisle, into my row, leans over to these two discourteous teen girls and tells them "They best shut the F*&K up right now". Then the two adult black ladies behind them also say(and I love this), "Little girl your time for discussion ended a long time ago."I can only assume cause I'm white the girls didn't take my two requests seriously(or that my biceps are in the same zip code) but they shut up and shut up fast. They also shortly left.The level of rude, discourteous behavior seems to only go up every few years. I would seriously pay an upcharge for a theater that didn't allow teens, or parents with infants into a theater. Can't get a babysitter, tough, don't gamble your 8mo old is going to sleep the whole time. Teens just by and large have no respect for public gatherings, it's as if every event is a concert.

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The level of rude, discourteous behavior seems to only go up every few years. I would seriously pay an upcharge for a theater that didn't allow teens, or parents with infants into a theater. Can't get a babysitter, tough, don't gamble your 8mo old is going to sleep the whole time. Teens just by and large have no respect for public gatherings, it's as if every event is a concert.

I couldn't agree with this more. I would pay more for that as well. I have been tempted to open my own theater anyway and I would definitely put in cell phone blockers and such. The teens and others are the worst.
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Oh, I've told countless people to shut up. And while the moment was tense, the point was received and desired result achieved.The last serious one was TDKR and I got an assist on this one. It was opening Friday night just hours after "the event". You'd think with that in people's minds it might bring some reverence to the atmosphere.Three black teenagers sit behind and just to my left. I'm in a group of 6, the rest of my group is to the right. But me and my friend were literally right in front of them. They come in just as the last preview or two is playing. Talking the whole time but hey, as long as they get quiet when the movie starts I'll chalk this up to arriving late and getting settled.I'll cut it short but the two girls chatted in a non-hushed tone for the first 5min. About the time Catwoman leaves with the pearl necklace I lean over and say, "Really, you are still talking?" One girl gives me attitude, "who you think you are?" I tell her the guy who paid $12 bucks to see TDKR not hear her gossip. Five minutes later my lady friend gives me the look like she can't believe they are still talking. I tell her again, "Please, stop or I'm going to a manager."No sooner are those words out of my mouth than this big black guy who must've been as tall as me, 6'5", but had biceps in different zip codes comes across the aisle, into my row, leans over to these two discourteous teen girls and tells them "They best shut the F*&K up right now". Then the two adult black ladies behind them also say(and I love this), "Little girl your time for discussion ended a long time ago."I can only assume cause I'm white the girls didn't take my two requests seriously(or that my biceps are in the same zip code) but they shut up and shut up fast. They also shortly left.The level of rude, discourteous behavior seems to only go up every few years. I would seriously pay an upcharge for a theater that didn't allow teens, or parents with infants into a theater. Can't get a babysitter, tough, don't gamble your 8mo old is going to sleep the whole time. Teens just by and large have no respect for public gatherings, it's as if every event is a concert.

LMFAO. Thanks for this story.I've only ever been in one serious incident at the theater before. It happened when I started throwing popcorn at the back of this guy's head while telling him to stfu because he wouldn't stop talking to his girlfriend for 30 minutes. He got up and started shouting at me but he didn't do anything(he was a lot smaller than me), but he started pissing off other people really bad around me and ended up getting his ass beat by one of them pretty badly after he started giving them attitude as well. I got up and left because I knew someone was gonna call the cops and I didn't wanna risk spending the night in county lmao.
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I couldn't agree with this more. I would pay more for that as well. I have been tempted to open my own theater anyway and I would definitely put in cell phone blockers and such. The teens and others are the worst.

There are actually a couple of theaters near me doing this now. They have 1 screen designated as V.I.P. and you have to be 19 or older regardless of what movie is playing. They really upscale those theaters, bigger screen and when they made the switch they took out the 350 seats and replaced them with 119 extra large and padded leather recliners and it has in theater restaurant service right up until the movie starts. It's pricey though, $19.50 for 2D movies as opposed to $12.50 on the regular screens.
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