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Weekend estimates: CF-$74.5; FRZ-$66.7; Thor2-$11.1

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I mostly agree with you on Hemsworth lacking charisma (though I blame some of that on Collin's character since that's how Gale is in the books too), but I thought Hutcherson really stepped it up in CF. He was relatable and I felt sorry for him almost as much as Katniss.

I agree. Hutcherson stepped up big time in this one. Hemsworth=forgettable.

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Truth. I'd like to see him go nuts in the Games.


They really just need to mix his Tallahassee role in Zombieland with Haymitch, and he can go nuts on other participants. That would be a sight to see. <3 Woody.

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That's cause she's the Mockingjay, symbol of hope and revolution for all types of people.



She is an usurper to the established order. Upset the established order and what you have is chaos. She's an agent of chaos.



Eh, SKYFALL is more impressive from a visual and production standpoint (Mendes is a much better visual director than Lawrence),


Dat Deakins Effect

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Better than which Potter?

Most of 'em. Both THG movies at least give their main character plenty of time to breathe, and moments other than just hurrying the plot forward. She's also much more interesting as a character than Harry (in the movies, anyway). Edited by Telemachos
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She's also a threat to Nolan's 2D domination and Marvel's 2013 domination.You have made powerful enemies this day.


Look Katniss fans, you've fought very hard in these box office games. But they were just games. Would you like to be in a real war with Nolanites and Marvel fans?

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Most of 'em. Both THG movies at least give their main character plenty of time to breathe, and moments other than just hurrying THR plot forward. She's also much more interesting as a character than Harry (in the movies, anyway).


Katniss is a better main character than Harry, but HP has a far better surrounding cast of characters and a better developed world

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Most of 'em. Both THG movies at least give their main character plenty of time to breathe, and moments other than just hurrying THR plot forward. She's also much more interesting as a character than Harry (in the movies, anyway).

Couldn't agree with you more on that sentiment. I've always had major problems with the Potter films overall despite my love for the books. You're dead on about most of the HP films not giving the characters (or plot for that matter) any time to breathe.

Edited by MovieMan89
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Im loving these CF #'s, but just curious...are people still keeping in mind post-Thanksgiving or are you just treating this as any other normal weekend? Now people are saying a total above TDKR and what not? I'll go ahead and admit I was probably wrong about not passing $400M, though its still early, but some are getting carried away and I think they're forgetting this is arguably the 2nd biggest holiday in America which helps - alot. We can celebrate, but nothing is still sure-fire until we see next weekends drops.

just as long as it makes it to 400
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Couldn't agree with you more on that sentiment. I've always had major problems with the Potter films overall despite my love for the books. You're dead on about most of the HP films not giving the characters (or plot for that matter) any time to breathe.

To be fair the Harry Potter books are long, honestly what made Deathly Hallows Pt 2 so good was that there was less plot to cover and more time to do it.I would have been okay with Half Blood Prince and Order of the Phoenix getting two movies (maybe even Goblet), I actually like the idea of turning a book into two movies as long as there is enough content in it to do so.
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Like Katniss in Mockingjay, I guess we will have to be.  :P


I'm completely clueless at this point :)


Oh, Philip Seymour Hoffman >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wes Bentley, please consider replacing Wes Bentley with PSH in Interstellar please, Nolan.

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To be fair the Harry Potter books are long, honestly what made Deathly Hallows Pt 2 so good was that there was less plot to cover and more time to do it.I would have been okay with Half Blood Prince and Order of the Phoenix getting two movies (maybe even Goblet), I actually like the idea of turning a book into two movies as long as there is enough content in it to do so.

Goblet need the two parter treatment the most of any, imo. So much rich content they could have mined from the source material there.

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