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2011 Best Picture Predicts

Recommended Posts

1. The Descendants

2. The Artist

3. War Horse

4. Moneyball

5. Midnight In Paris

6. Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close

7. Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy

8. The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

9. Hugo

10. Margin Call

11. The Help

12. Young Adult

13. Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows: Part 2

14. The Tree Of Life

15. In The Land Of Blood & Honey

16. 50/50

17. Drive

18. The Adventures Of Tintin

19. My Week With Marilyn

20. A Dangerous Method

ELAIC may rise up (or down) when reviews come in.

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Heh. Anything that pisses off Jeff Wells makes me happy. I hate how pretentious he is, he's always talking down on "average" people. He thinks he's so much better because he blogs for a living and gets invited to film festivals and screenings (and throws a fit when he's not invited). Serious question- how do these people survive? Film blogging/criticism is not a real job... do they even get paid? They certainly don't have full time jobs.

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I rather enjoy Wells and his crotchety-ness. He's so off-the-wall sometimes... and yet, he really does love film and film history, and it comes out in oddly poignant comments or examinations, especially about older films.

It was a hoot listening to him and Sasha Stone on their Oscar Poker podcast last year, especially with Wells getting so deeply depressed about TSN going down (even though I was rooting for TSN too).

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Why is LexG wasting his talent on driving hits for Jeff? He should have his own blog. Anyway, Jeff is fun. A douche but a fun one. OTOH, his gf is a douche and a bore. he could have done better. I mean, unknown Elvis impersonators boink much better than greesy hair SS.

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Predicts as of right now:

Green Lantern

Bucky Larson

Breaking Dawn 1

The Sitter



Big Momma 3

Sucker Punch

The Worst Movie Ever!

Evil Bong 3D

Whoops! Wrong predicts ;):P

Okay really:

The Artist


Extremly Loud

The Help

Midnight in Paris


Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy

War Horse

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Predicts as of right now:

Green Lantern

Bucky Larson

Breaking Dawn 1

The Sitter



Big Momma 3

Sucker Punch

The Worst Movie Ever!

Evil Bong 3D

Whoops! Wrong predicts ;):P

Okay really:

The Artist


Extremly Loud

The Help

Midnight in Paris


Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy

War Horse

Okay here are other possible titles:



Rango (You never know)

Super 8 (See above)

Young Adult (Forgot about this one)

Dragon Tattoo

The Muppets (Longshot, but yeah)




Win Win

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Why is LexG wasting his talent on driving hits for Jeff? He should have his own blog. Anyway, Jeff is fun. A douche but a fun one. OTOH, his gf is a douche and a bore. he could have done better. I mean, unknown Elvis impersonators boink much better than greesy hair SS.

Haha. He should definitely start his own blog.

I rag on Jeff alot and I really can't stand him as a person but there is a reason I keep reading his blog- I do get some form of twisted entertainment out of it, so I give him credit for that. And he really does have passion for film. Sometimes that misguides him into doucheville but whatever.

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