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Lone Survivor (2013)


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LOL you and your anti-SEALness. :D

Yeah but come on. They saw their army, they knew they would be hunted if they let them go so why not just take them with them? When they were at a safe distance they could have let them loose, they basically could have extended their head start, but nah. These Navi seal are supposedly trained to run for long distances yet despite a head start, they are still caught up by the taliban lol. Every time they made new ground but diving off a 50 ft cliff, instead of making most of the time by escaping the area, they decide to have little chat breaks allowing the enemy to always catch up. This could have all been avoided at the start in so many ways, obviously the prisoners they freed were going to tell the taliban where they were so why no go in a different direction? It's a big environment, i'm sure they could have disappeared somewhere.I will give credit for how brave these soldier were though, apparently most of the injuries these guys suffered were accurate and to carry on moving let alone fighting shows heart and courage. Still, all could have been avoided :).
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From yesterday:Lone Survivor2:50 PMAbout 75% full, mostly older people.Trailers:That Awkward Moment: Looks a little too serious, some laughs.Robocop: Not much.Railway Man: Never heard of this till yesterday. Looks interesting.Non Stop: Does not look that bad. Though don't see if you are afraid of flying!Transcendence: Best trailer, looks pretty good.Neighbors; Some laughs-I hope Rogen destroys Effron in itMovie: Really good. Controversy is dumb behind this to be honest. I think this should of been nominated for more (Actor, screenplay and cinematography). It was sad also but well made. Audience really loved it.A

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Took my dad, a veteran of British Army, to see this movie since I heard good things about it.


I'm going to say this was the best "movie" experience I had in quite a long time, not because the film was a masterpiece or anthing, but I was able to share a genuine moment with my dad through this film.

I heard stories of his experience back in the day, and to see something similar depicted realistically got to me and to him as well. I cried a few times. He was silent most of the film. I had to hold back tears because if I let it, I don't think I could've stopped. When Peter Gabriel's song, both of us love his songs, started playing and the pictures came up... that was tough.

Politically we differ, but we don't think this film had any politics. It was a story of men, who had friends and families, who fought for each other, and their sacrifices. Sacrifices many men and women take for people they love.


Also each actor was great, especially Ben Foster and Taylor Kitsch.


A for me.

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I won't lie, I was totally ready for this to be me and baumer's first disagreement in a while. But I was wrong. In a good way!

The first half hour is hard to get into and a lot of it seemed unnecessary. I didn't need to see the establishing relationships between these people at the base because they're established much more subtlety and effectively in the combat sequences. Speaking of which, wow, those were well done. A masterwork of sound and camerawork from Mr. Berg and team. Not to mention he gets a great performance out of Wahlberg, especially in the last third of the film.


Never really reaches greatness for me but it doesn't have to. Perfectly enjoyable. 

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Very good film. As mentioned, it's a bit of a slow start but considering how little characterization we get once the shit hits the fan it was needed to help show the bonds between the main people.Combat was excellently staged, especially the sequence with Murphy making his suicide charge to the cliff face to get a sat phone signal.

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Well like I said in daily thread I'm mystified , perplexed, shocked , dumbfounded by what was shown in this film I couldn't help shaking my head at the seeming indifference of the military in this situation , it seemed like they were sipping margaritas while the shooting was going on , except for the other men in that group who came later on only to be crashed down ( why the hell didn't they jump out ! They were getting out anyway )granted I get they were frustrated with the lack of support , maybe should have waited for assistance coz they kinda came in like sitting ducks The army sent them in for an op and just abandoned them and then the apache pilot is like I see no movement ( no shit sherlock!) Oki doki back to base like after a minute buzzing around (my mouth dropped) basically my WTFs kept going crescendo as my disbelief There's also fact I saw captain phillips last night and in that 3 ships were sent after him and a navy seal team for one hostage in a lifeboat with 4 somalian pirates So to see this after I don't get it , then all the senseless shooting I have to say though they were troopers to take that many shots and falls and still have 90% of the wits about them ! Bravo...BTW hats off to the stunt guys they did a hell of a job The villagers who saved him I find had more balls than the us military and did more for him than they did for him and his team Where was the armada sent in to leave no man behind yada yadaAll that said they could have prevented this by keeping the hostages with them until they were sure they made contact and help was on its way before letting them go

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The military wasn't indifferent, though. There were major communication breakdowns and a general problem with available resources (helicopters, etc). If anything, this shows the fog of war: data is critical, and if you don't have the info (or the right info), your decisions will either be wrong or delayed.

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There was so much at stake there. Also there military would of probably just killed...


Now for some amusing trivia, that Taliban village was in fact a small town that is known for burning anything that goes onto the property that is not theres.

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Thanks for info telemachos , I hate war , even though I won't pretend to be a goody two shoes pacifist either! Yeah I guess the situation was just messed up all around , I just felt like why did they sign up for the military , I wouldn't after seeing this film felt like they were left to be slaughtered in an unfair fight ! But on the other hand they were navy seals? Aren't they like the elite of the us army and trained to be as near as possible super soldiers , they held off as long as they could that's for sure Whatever fails I put on the military as an entity and organisation , the portrayal of individuals was well done and dear I say this movie is leagues better than that snorfest of "hurt locker"

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Holy shit I wasn't expecting that... one of the most intense, brutal, and tragic war movies I've seen.  Some of the patriotism stuff was a little heavy handed, but otherwise great movie.  I'm sure almost everyone who walked out of this thought to themselves at least once "Uh, I might've terminated the compromise". 

Edited by Ozymandias
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For the most part, a damn good war flick.There's very little doubt that the film excels when building suspense and tension. In fact, I'd say the first 45 minutes are pretty damn fantastic. A palpable sense of dread is formed and tension is pretty high. At times there's nothing quite like controlled tension in a film.The tension and build allows the fight to be more powerful once it hits. The combat scenes are simply well done. Not only realistic but pretty intense as well. It is a pretty draining experience at times.Unfortunately, I felt the writing outside the war aspect left a little to be desired. There is almost a descent into melodrama at times. I was surprised for one that the payoff was somewhat underwhelming in nature for me. I for one did not really dig the ending as well. No need for manipulative devices, I thought the story did enough in that respect. Others may disagree, but my opinion simply is what it is.The writing may leave little to be desired, but there is damn good war/chase material on display here.

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This surprised me. A very visceral film. I didn't know any details if the story so I didn't expect it to be so nuanced. Man, it's an emotional experience watching these Blu Ray features. The families.

Edited by DeeCee
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