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BO.com 100 Greatest Directors (closed now)

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My list which will be done by tonight:

    [*]Michael Haneke [*]Alfred Hitchcock [*]D. W. Griffith  [*]Lewis Milestone [*]Abel Gance [*]Orson Welles [*]Francis Ford Coppola [*]Alain Resnais [*]Milos Forman  [*]David Lean [*]Billy Wilder [*]Jean Renoir [*]Marcel Carné [*]Stanley Kubrick [*]Laurence Olivier [*]Sergio Leone [*]Woody Allen [*]Federico Fellini [*]Jean Luc-Godard [*]Michael Curtiz  [*]F. W. Murnau [*]Paul Thomas Anderson [*]Krzysztof Kieślowski [*]Fritz Lang [*]François Truffat [*]Terrence Malick [*]Joseph L. Mankiewicz [*]Erich von Stroheim [*]William Wyler [*]Martin Scorsese [*]Sidney Lumet [*]Joel and Ethan Coen [*]Stephen Frears [*]Sergei Eisenstein [*]Pedro Almadovar [*]Mike Nichols [*]Paolo Sorrentino [*]Steven Spielberg [*]Yasujirō Ozu [*]Victor Fleming [*]Ang Lee [*]Roman Polanski [*]James Ivory [*]Luchino Visconti [*]Bernardo Bertolucci [*]Sydney Pollack [*]Michael Cimino [*]Charlie Chaplin [*]Andrew Haigh [*]Raymond Bernard [*]Xavier Dolan [*]Oliver Stone [*]Ridley Scott [*]Stanley Kramer [*]David Lynch [*]Frank Capra [*]Spike Jonze [*]Wong Kar-wai [*]William Friedkin [*]Clint Eastwood [*]Kenneth Branagh [*]Pier Paolo Pasolini [*]Ingmar Bergman [*]George Lucas [*]Asghar Farhadi [*]Sam Mendes [*]Alfonso Cuaron [*]John Ford [*]Julian Schnabel [*]Peter R. Hunt [*]Paddy Considine [*]Cecil B. DeMille (He`s ranked here cus of Greatest Show on Earth) [*]Ron Howard [*]David Fincher [*]Danny Boyle [*]Akira Kurosawa [*]Carlos Reygadas [*]Peter Jackson [*]Richard Linklater [*]John Madden [*]Lynn Ramsay [*]Michelangelo Antonioni [*]Abbas Kiarostami [*]Sergei Bondarchuk [*]Johnathan Demme [*]Hugh Hudson [*]Anthony Harvey [*]Terrence Young [*]Vittorio De Sica [*]Baz Luhrmann [*]Robert Altman [*]Robert Benton [*]Sylvain Chomet [*]Quentin Tarantino  [*]Roberto Rosselini [*]Alexander Payne [*]Alan J. Pakula [*]John Huston [*]Bob Fosse [*]Terry Gilliam

Edited by riczhang
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1. Ridley Scott2. Steven Spielberg3. John Carpenter4. Roland Emmerich5. Michael Bay6. Wes Craven7. Alfred Hitchcock 8. Peter Jackson9. James Cameron10. David Fincher11. Gore Verbinksi12. Del Toro13. Richard Donner14. Stanley Kubrick15. Sylvester Stallone16. Jon Favreu 17. Joe Johnston18. Mel Brooks19. Ron Howard

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Directors (using scoring guide, in alpha order)

1. Alfred Hitchcock

Akira Kurosawa
David Lean

Howard Hawks
Sergio Leone
Sidney Lumet
Michael Mann
Hayao Miyazaki
Martin Scorsese
Steven Spielberg

Alfonso Cuaron
Joel & Ethan Coen
Francis Ford Coppola
Federico Fellini
John Huston
Elia Kazan
Stanley Kubrick
Quentin Tarantino
Peter Weir
Fred Zinnemann

Paul Thomas Anderson
Darren Aronofsky
Ingmar Bergman
Kathryn Bigelow
Kenneth Branagh
Mel Brooks
James Cameron
Frank Capra
Michael Curtiz
Frank Darabont
Andrew Dominik
Clint Eastwood
David Fincher
John Ford
Milos Forman
William Friedkin
Terry Gilliam
Peter Jackson
Stanley Kramer
Spike Lee
Christopher Nolan
Roman Polanski
Sydney Pollack
Otto Preminger
Carol Reed
Steven Soderbergh
Oliver Stone
John Sturges
Orson Welles
Billy Wilder

Ben Affleck
Woody Allen
Robert Altman
Wes Anderson
Brad Bird
Danny Boyle
Tim Burton
John Frankenheimer
Paul Greengrass
George Roy Hill
Ron Howard
Rian Johnson
Spike Jonze
Ang Lee
Fernando Meirelles
Sam Mendes
Mike Nichols
Alan J. Pakula
Chan-Wook Park
Alexander Payne
Wolfgang Petersen
Ivan Reitman
Ridley Scott
Edgar Wright
Edward Zwick

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et j'ai fini. I definitely left off more people than I care to find out. If there's anyone super egregious i left off, just PM or post in this thread and scream at me. 


And also, anything past like the 60s is in no particular order. I gave up trying to rank at that point and anything post 20 is only in roughly the right place (give to take 2-3 places). 

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My list


  1. Billy Wilder  2. Alfred Hitchcock  3. John Ford  4. Martin Scorsese  5. Steven Spielberg  6. Howard Hawks  7. Clint Eastwood  8. Stanley Kubrick  9. Francis Ford Coppola 10. Orson Welles 11. Quentin Tarantino 12. David Lean 13. Woody Allen 14. Federico Fellini 15. Luis Buñuel 16. Michael Curtiz 17. Akira Kurosawa 18. Hayao Miyazaki 19. George Cukor 20. William Wyler 21. Michael Mann 22. Christopher Nolan 23. Elia Kazan 24. Luchino Visconti 25. Fritz Lang 26. David Fincher 27. Tim Burton 28. Coen Brothers 29. François Truffaut 30. Walt Disney 31. Sidney Pollack 32. Luis García Berlanga 33. John Huston 34. Charles Chaplin 35. Pedro Almodóvar 36. Ridley Scott 37. Roman Polanski 38. Sidney Lumet 39. Ernst Lubitsch 40. Louis Malle 41. Joseph L. Mankiewicz 42. Terrence Malick 43. Peter Jackson 44. Alejandro Amenábar 45. Sam Mendes 46. Alfonso Cuarón 47. Leo McCarey 48. Paul Thomas Anderson 49. Sam Peckinpah 50. Alejandro González Iñárritu 51. Brian De Palma 52. George Roy Hill 53. Arthur Penn 54. Robert Altman 55. David Cronenberg 56. Michael Haneke 57. Andrew Stanton 58. Jean Renoir 59. Frank Capra 60. Mel Gibson 61. Jonathan Demme 62. Ang Lee 63. James Cameron 64. Vincente Minnelli 65. Sergio Leone 66. Alexander Payne 67. Ben Affleck 68. Brad Bird 69. Steven Soderbergh 70. Mel Brooks 71. Terry Gilliam 72. Costa-Gavras 73. Carlos Saura 74. Jean-Luc Godard 75. Milos Forman 76. Alan J. Pakula 77. George Clooney 78. J.J. Abrams 79. Peter Weir 80. George Lucas 81. Fred Zinnemann 82. Franklin J. Schaffner 83. Richard Donner 84. Ron Howard 85. Wes Anderson 86. Michael Cimino 87. Ingmar Bergman 88. Guillermo del Toro 89. Robert Zemeckis 90. Sam Wood 91. Paul Greengrass 92. Bryan Singer 93. Nicholas Ray 94. Oliver Stone 95. Bernardo Bertolucci 96. William Friedkin 97. Bob Fosse 98. Robert Redford 99. Neil Jordan100. Ivan Reitman 

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My list which will be done by tonight:

    [*]Michael Haneke

    [*]Alfred Hitchcock

    [*]D. W. Griffith 

    [*]Lewis Milestone

    [*]Abel Gance

    [*]Orson Welles

    [*]Francis Ford Coppola

    [*]Alain Resnais

    [*]Milos Forman 

    [*]David Lean

    [*]Billy Wilder

    [*]Jean Renoir

    [*]Marcel Carné

    [*]Stanley Kubrick

    [*]Laurence Olivier

    [*]Sergio Leone

    [*]Woody Allen

    [*]Federico Fellini

    [*]Jean Luc-Godard

    [*]Michael Curtiz 

    [*]F. W. Murnau

    [*]Paul Thomas Anderson

    [*]Krzysztof Kieślowski

    [*]Fritz Lang

    [*]François Truffat

    [*]Terrence Malick

    [*]Joseph L. Mankiewicz

    [*]Erich von Stroheim

    [*]William Wyler

    [*]Martin Scorsese

    [*]Sidney Lumet

    [*]Joel and Ethan Coen

    [*]Stephen Frears

    [*]Sergei Eisenstein

    [*]Pedro Almadovar

    [*]Mike Nichols

    [*]Paolo Sorrentino

    [*]Steven Spielberg

    [*]Yasujirō Ozu

    [*]Victor Fleming

    [*]Ang Lee

    [*]Roman Polanski

    [*]James Ivory

    [*]Luchino Visconti

    [*]Bernardo Bertolucci

    [*]Sydney Pollack

    [*]Michael Cimino

    [*]Charlie Chaplin

    [*]Andrew Haigh

    [*]Raymond Bernard

    [*]Xavier Dolan

    [*]Oliver Stone

    [*]Ridley Scott

    [*]Stanley Kramer

    [*]David Lynch

    [*]Frank Capra

    [*]Spike Jonze

    [*]Wong Kar-wai

    [*]William Friedkin

    [*]Clint Eastwood

    [*]Kenneth Branagh

    [*]Pier Paolo Pasolini

    [*]Ingmar Bergman

    [*]George Lucas

    [*]Asghar Farhadi

    [*]Sam Mendes

    [*]Alfonso Cuaron

    [*]John Ford

    [*]Julian Schnabel

    [*]Peter R. Hunt

    [*]Paddy Considine

    [*]Cecil B. DeMille (He`s ranked here cus of Greatest Show on Earth)

    [*]Ron Howard

    [*]David Fincher

    [*]Danny Boyle

    [*]Akira Kurosawa

    [*]Carlos Reygadas

    [*]Peter Jackson

    [*]Richard Linklater

    [*]John Madden

    [*]Lynn Ramsay

    [*]Michelangelo Antonioni

    [*]Abbas Kiarostami

    [*]Sergei Bondarchuk

    [*]Johnathan Demme

    [*]Hugh Hudson

    [*]Anthony Harvey

    [*]Terrence Young

    [*]Vittorio De Sica

    [*]Baz Luhrmann

    [*]Robert Altman

    [*]Robert Benton

    [*]Sylvain Chomet

    [*]Quentin Tarantino 

    [*]Roberto Rosselini

    [*]Alexander Payne

    [*]Alan J. Pakula

    [*]John Huston

    [*]Bob Fosse

    [*]Terry Gilliam




Im sure the likes of Cameron and Nolan deserve to be higher on the list than these?? or even on the list. How could anyone claim Kenneth Branagh to be better when all he really has under his belt is Thor and Jack Ryan?? lol. Sam Mendes basically copied Nolans work on Skyfall, but nah he's better :rolleyes: 

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Its funny that old directors seem to get more praise on this site than newer directors, even if they aren't actually better.


older directors get more attention on this site in the same way michelle bachmann is currently fucking sarah palin. it just ain't so.

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Directors (using scoring guide, in alpha order)

1. Alfred Hitchcock


Akira Kurosawa

David Lean


Howard Hawks

Sergio Leone

Sidney Lumet

Michael Mann

Hayao Miyazaki

Martin Scorsese

Steven Spielberg


Alfonso Cuaron

Joel & Ethan Coen

Francis Ford Coppola

Federico Fellini

John Huston

Elia Kazan

Stanley Kubrick

Quentin Tarantino

Peter Weir

Fred Zinnemann


Paul Thomas Anderson

Darren Aronofsky

Ingmar Bergman

Kathryn Bigelow

Kenneth Branagh

Mel Brooks

James Cameron

Frank Capra

Michael Curtiz

Frank Darabont

Andrew Dominik

Clint Eastwood

David Fincher

John Ford

Milos Forman

William Friedkin

Terry Gilliam

Peter Jackson

Stanley Kramer

Spike Lee

Christopher Nolan

Roman Polanski

Sydney Pollack

Otto Preminger

Carol Reed

Steven Soderbergh

Oliver Stone

John Sturges

Orson Welles

Billy Wilder


Ben Affleck

Woody Allen

Robert Altman

Wes Anderson

Brad Bird

Danny Boyle

Tim Burton

John Frankenheimer

Paul Greengrass

George Roy Hill

Ron Howard

Rian Johnson

Spike Jonze

Ang Lee

Fernando Meirelles

Sam Mendes

Mike Nichols

Alan J. Pakula

Chan-Wook Park

Alexander Payne

Wolfgang Petersen

Ivan Reitman

Ridley Scott

Edgar Wright

Edward Zwick


Cuaron better than Kubrick? You must be a member of the Academy! 

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1. Ridley Scott

2. Steven Spielberg

3. John Carpenter

4. Roland Emmerich

5. Michael Bay

6. Wes Craven

7. Alfred Hitchcock

8. Peter Jackson

9. James Cameron

10. David Fincher

11. Gore Verbinksi

12. Del Toro

13. Richard Donner

14. Stanley Kubrick

15. Sylvester Stallone

16. Jon Favreu

17. Joe Johnston

18. Mel Brooks

19. Ron Howard


Roland Emmerich and Michael Bay way above David Fincher and Stanley Kubrick?


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