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Avatar: The Way of Water | 16 DEC 2022 | Don't worry guys, critics like it

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I don't like all this 3 sequels talk. I am very fine with Avatar 3 being the last one. Avatar 4 would be one too many.

Better to get it out now than as a spur of the moment decision following the success of a third movie. By the time it comes along people will be expecting it.
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Its a lock.

It's not. In fact, it probably won't increase internationally. Avatar was a kind of a phenomenon pretty much everywhere, not much room to grow. And exchange rates were pretty favorable. Edited by Elessar
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They were already pretty expanded when Avatar came out. Russia made, what, $100m? China 200m. It may make a little bit more in some markets but drop in others.

It is still early to tell. Avatar 2 wont come out until December 2015 at the earliest. Economy and exchange rates in Europe still have enough time to back to normal. The sure thing, however, is A2 will increase in most expanding markets like Russia, China, Latin America, by a large margin.
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^^^^This statement reflects what I've known since the film came out but the more people who watch Avatar on DVD/BR now realize how weak the movie is from a story perspective.

Here we go again. People, get it in your brain: fanboys and "connossieurs" of cinema may love to throw around empty lines like, "the plot was subpar" and "the story lacked," but mainstream audiences--you know, the millions and millions of people who fell in love with Avatar's characters and story--simply don't give a shit about this supposed subpar quality of writing that internet dwellers started parroting once the first few anti-Cameron fanboys started using the "bad plot" argument. Cameron, whether you want to admit it or not, is an extraordinary storyteller, and he took a story that's been told countless time, streamlined it and stripped it of any narrative 'fat,' and then added the amazing special effects and setting that only added to the plot. You could say, "it was a hit only because of its shiny colors" till you are blue in the face, but the reality is that people went for the characters' and the story's primal appeal. You don't gross close to three billion dollars if audiences don't connect, on a human level, with what's going on onscreen. And that goes for any billion-dollar grosser...AIW, POTC, Transformers, you name it. Sure, it's hip to belittle those films by saying that their plots were "terrible" and that nobody cared about the characters, but if nobody cared, none of those films would have made even half of what they did. The thing with all of these internet critics is that they truly believe that what they read on the net - and keep perpetuating- is true about mainstream audiences. It is not. Edited by cochofles
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Here we go again. People, get it in your brain: fanboys and "connossieurs" of cinema may love to throw around empty lines like, "the plot was subpar" and "the story lacked," but mainstream audiences--you know, the millions and millions of people who fell in love with Avatar's characters and story--simply don't give a shit about this supposed subpar quality of writing that internet dwellers started parroting once the first few anti-Cameron fanboys started using the "bad plot" argument.

Most of the people who criticise Avatar's plot and characters are not anti-Cameron. In fact, they're the opposite. They know Cameron can do better (his screenplays for the Terminator films, Aliens and The Abyss are works of genius) and so hold him to a higher standard. Avatar was good by Hollywood standards, but for Cameron it was a step down artistically. And the gross for the sequels will reflect that unless he puts as much care into the script as the visuals next time.
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The gross for the sequels will not have anything to do with this so-called lack of artistic quality that fanboys keep pushing as the reason for Avatar's non-existant plot deficiencies. If audiences connect emotionally with the films just like they did with Avatar, the movies will do fine. If the sequels fail to gross what the first one did it certainly won't be because mainstream audiences, who don't give a rat's ass about "artistic value," will suddenly go, "the plot of Avatar was unoriginal, unimaginative, and derivative. I will not see this."

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And the gross for the sequels will reflect that unless he puts as much care into the script as the visuals next time.

Please, that is EXACTLY what detractors said about TITANIC's follow-up: "... And the gross for Cameron's first film after Titanic will most certainly not become a Titanic-level phenomenon unless he puts as much care into the script as the visuals next time.". We all know what audiences thought of that.
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The gross for the sequels will not have anything to do with this so-called lack of artistic quality that fanboys keep pushing as the reason for Avatar's non-existant plot deficiencies. If audiences connect emotionally with the films just like they did with Avatar, the movies will do fine. If the sequels fail to gross what the first one did it certainly won't be because mainstream audiences, who don't give a rat's ass about "artistic value," will suddenly go, "the plot of Avatar was unoriginal, unimaginative, and derivative. I will not see this."

I agree that the main weakness of the 1st one was storyline. But I feel James went with a familiar plot/story cause the world he was creating was very complicated and advanced so something was going to fall to the wasteline. But the story is also the reason it connected to so many millions of people. The concept of Love, Nature and Life are universal concepts that everyone can relate to. Will the Sequels Drop? Sure but OW is going to be Massive. It is funny though when people call it Fern Gully and Pocohantas in Space, lol. It wasn't perfect, most Blockbusters aren't but the film will be remebered as a Classic. I just hope James knows the expectations are going to be massive for the success the original had. Every sequel will be under a microsope, thankfully this is the same guy that made "Aliens and T2".
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Please, that is EXACTLY what detractors said about TITANIC's follow-up: "... And the gross for Cameron's first film after Titanic will most certainly not become a Titanic-level phenomenon unless he puts as much care into the script as the visuals next time.". We all know what audiences thought of that.

But I cared about the characters in Titanic, whatever flaws the screenplay had. I didn't give a damn about the paper-thin characters in Avatar. Though Sam Worthington's charisma-free performance certainly didn't help.
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I agree that Sam needs to show even more personality in the sequel, but when he was in the Avatar, he character shinned, it's only the human that was a little stale. But now in the sequel he is one of them so it's going to be cool to see him as an Alien in the whole movie. So if this comes out in 2014 Dec. 5 years after the original, it's going to be massive. I honestly think if it's loved, "Avatar II" can increase over the original.

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But I cared about the characters in Titanic, whatever flaws the screenplay had. I didn't give a damn about the paper-thin characters in Avatar. Though Sam Worthington's charisma-free performance certainly didn't help.

That's you. Your opinion is not fact.Clearly, millions of people around the world cared enough about the "paper-thin characters" to make the film an extraordinary word-of-mouth smash. No matter how you people want to do the little "bad, bad, plot-thin thin characters" routine, a film does not gross 3 billion dollars if audiences don't connect to those characters. The characters were vivid, solidly delineated, and well-played. That's all that matters for audiences. But this ridiculous idea that audiences will reject the sequels because suddenly Joe and Jane Filmgoer will care about some high-falutin standards of "quality" is pure, unadulterated fanboy BS.
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