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Avatar: The Way of Water | 16 DEC 2022 | Don't worry guys, critics like it

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Brick wall in the sense you can only see one thing and not the rest. No, you say only 3D sold Avatar which was not the case. I am not talking about enjoying Avatar just pure box office.

I see as much as you, we are just looking at it from different viewpoints. I dont think only 3d sold avatar. I think it having groundbreaking 3D visuals was a key and vital part of its success.

Furthermore, I'd go as far as to say that if it was only ever released and talked about as a 2D movie, I believe it would have made significantly less money at the box office, not just from lack of 3D ticket prices but from less people going to watch it, but it's other drawing points would have still made it a success.

Edited by RaidensSword
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3D Sold the movie and that's the end of this.. And Neo, you're the pot calling the kettle black with your brick wall comment.. I know for a FACT that probably 90% of this site feel the same about you when it comes to arguing box office and you talking down to people knowing you can get away with it cause your a MOD, so go pound sand..

I agree 100% on what Raiden said, but you are crazy to think only 3D sold this movie. No doubt it helped but were other things like I said, but you so conveniently missed. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

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3D Sold the movie and that's the end of this.. And Neo, you're the pot calling the kettle black with your brick wall comment.. I know for a FACT that probably 90% of this site feel the same about you when it comes to arguing box office and you talking down to people knowing you can get away with it cause your a MOD, so go pound sand..



and I quote 'I know for a fact that probably' hahaha


please continue, you make me feel like a smarter person.

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Well, Avatar came out 5 years ago, so maybe that's why people aren't talking about it now. But I assure you, they will come 2017.


I think deep down you just have trouble dealing with the fact that Avatar made more than your precious Avengers. I recognize this being a hard f**king fact of life for a hardcore Marvel fanboy such as yourself, but it's a fact your ass is gonna have to get realistic about. :)


"The day Avatar II getting released, you may feel a slight sting. That's pride fucking with you. Fuck pride. Pride only hurts, it never helps. You fight through that shit BKB."

Edited by vc2002
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3D Sold the movie and that's the end of this.. And Neo, you're the pot calling the kettle black with your brick wall comment.. I know for a FACT that probably 90% of this site feel the same about you when it comes to arguing box office and you talking down to people knowing you can get away with it cause your a MOD, so go pound sand..



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BKB, jessie: At this point, just agree to disagree and move on.


BKB, you need to accept that a good number of posters here disagree with your statement about why AVATAR was popular. They have solid reasons to back up their opinion, whether or not you like it.


This argument has been beaten to death, reanimated, shot through the head, buried again, ad infinitum. We're all sick of it. I'm sure you are too.

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I'm sure someone has more precise data than me spitballing, but it's always a bit tough because the US doesn't count admissions, so you have to go off estimates based on average ticket prices, and then (possibly) more precise breakdowns in terms of 2D/3D/IMAX, etc.


From what I remember, most estimates had it in the 75-80m admission range.

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People who saw it in 2D couldn't get into a 3D showing at the time, so they took the next best option.. And NO, Other blockbusters shouldn't have hit 2.5B WW cause the 3D in the other movies wasn't near as good as what Cameron put out, thus, the movie could've been a steaming pile, but the 3D kept people coming back for more.. And if the story was so damn good, then once again, how come you never hear quotes from the movie in pop culture like you do other movies??? I mean, for a movie that made as much as what it did, you'd think it would be one of the most quoteable movies around, but no one cares..

Did you not just see what the user posted about his hometown? Anecdotal, but if 1 person who's small theatre played it only in 2D manages to find the spec that we are on the Internet, the odds are that there are many more stories like his too. Not every theatre has 3D capability.

Give me a bloody break. Remember HTTYD? Everyone praised the 3D, or maybe Gravity? People were raving about the visuals.They didn't even hit 1B WW. Avatar did 3x what those two films did COMBINED.

You just twist anything to your viewpoint don't you? There's a HUGE difference between the "story" and "quotes". It's like saying Babe Ruth was great at hitting home runs, but was a terrible catcher. Both are true, but that doesn't diminish the former at all. Just because a movie doesn't have any quotes that stick doesn't mean it hasn't had an impact.

The story of caring for the environment is what stuck with the GA and that's a bigger achievement then any of your precious comic book movies could ever hope for.

Edited by Mattrek Loves Del Toro
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Is it such a controversial statement or even negative opinion though? Its great visuals were publicised and talked about by Cameron and the media prior to release, there were stories about it changing cinema forever, that 3D would become the norm etc.

And its visuals were GREAT. It was awesome in the cinema with 3D. I dont think visuals were the only reason, but they were a significant factor and combined with the message, story and directors name value became a great success.

He's saying that the only reason Avatar made what it did is from the 3D and visuals and I'm calling him out on his BS.

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I don't have 1 good goddamn thing invested in this movie other than the fact that it pisses me off when something is so blatantly obvious like this and people deny it.. Call it a pet peeve I suppose, but forget the fact I posted proof that this is what sold the movie, which I did.. Would you prefer once again to hear this from James Cameron himself??? If he said in an interview that his reasoning for making AVATAR was to introduce the masses to 3D done right and that this is mainly the reason why the movie made what it did, would you accept this??? A simple Yes or No???

You call 3 quotes on the Internet proof? I can go to Twitter and find 3 quotes from people who believe all Muslims are terrorists. There's always a group of people who believe things that just aren't true, 3 measly quotes is not what you would call proof.

Oh and it's quite obvious it bugs you that Avatar beat your previous Marvel.

Edited by Mattrek Loves Del Toro
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Honestly, instead of going round and round and round and round the same point (3D boosted it, no it didn't), can this thread be closed or something till actual news comes out. The last 10 pages (most of the last 322 pages) have effectively been the same thing stated over and over.

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3D Sold the movie and that's the end of this.. And Neo, you're the pot calling the kettle black with your brick wall comment.. I know for a FACT that probably 90% of this site feel the same about you when it comes to arguing box office and you talking down to people knowing you can get away with it cause your a MOD, so go pound sand..

Oh because you say so it's the end of discussion? Puhleaze your head is so full of hot air you should burst soon. He's arguing that 3D isn't the sole reason for Avatar's success. Seems like a pretty fair statement.

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Wrong Neo. A Good, maybe even great movie equals quotability, like ANCHORMAN.. Nuff said.. Hell, throw the SW franchise in there while were at it..

So now if a movie has good quotes that makes the entire film good? I'm laughing my ass off at your logic.

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Honestly, instead of going round and round and round and round the same point (3D boosted it, no it didn't), can this thread be closed or something till actual news comes out. The last 10 pages (most of the last 322 pages) have effectively been the same thing stated over and over.

What--you didn't pop into the STiD or Man of Steel threads?


Circular discussion is not cause to close a thread.

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