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Avatar: The Way of Water | 16 DEC 2022 | Don't worry guys, critics like it

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I know the obvious reasons why, but metaphorically its pretty crazy that the sequel to the highest grossing movie of all time is taking this long to get made. We still don't have a definitive date. I bet Sam Worthington is getting bored and trying to spend the least of the paychecks as possible.

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Cameron's last two movies had epic visuals but Lucas-level scripts. If he actually takes the time to craft some memorable characters and decent dialogue to go along with the visuals, then A2 could be great. But for me he hasn't made a completely satisfying movie since T2.


Yeah, those 2 last movies were so Lucas that they ended up much more loved than last 3 Lucas movies (or 4 if you count Indy 4) by critics, fans, GA and AMPAS alike. And calling the characters from those 2 movies unmemorable is trollololol.


The whole TA vs Avatar thing is as pointless as any ____ vs____. It`s always fans of the movie that made less money that will try to goad fans of the movie that made more money into argument by saying the predictable crap such as:


Our sequel will make more money cause your has nothing predictable to offer. We know exactly what ours have (Thanos, another villain from the lore,etc).


So your movie got Oscar nom? Big fucking deal. They gave it to Crash too, go figure. Oscars suck.


Your movie may have made more money but our got Oscar nom/win! anthey are the only proof of quallity)


Feel free to insert more fanboy nonsense.

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And for the recod, Dawn was fuckin awful. The worst TV character topped only by the Most Awful Annoying Shark-Jumping, Charisma-free, Rdiculously-Written Bitch Kate in Lost but that`s because Whedon on his worst day is still miles ahead of Lindeloff. But Dawn and Riley were really huge low points. Huge.

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Leave Lindelof alone!


No. he sucks. A poster for pretentious aka only he and some really jaded crowd that won`t admit his writing is stupid thinks he is breaking new ground. truth is, his writing is stupid, all set up and no sense and no pay off and no consistency.

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And for the recod, Dawn was fuckin awful. The worst TV character topped only by the Most Awful Annoying Shark-Jumping, Charisma-free, Rdiculously-Written Bitch Kate in Lost but that`s because Whedon on his worst day is still miles ahead of Lindeloff. But Dawn and Riley were really huge low points. Huge.


Dawn was annoying, but the whole key plot was brilliantly done so I can forgive her character. Every major franchise has an annoying kid character at some point (little Orphan Annie in TPM, John Connor in T2, Superboy in SR). Fans just get overly worked up about it because they don't like the thought of their beloved franchise pandering to a younger audience. Just wait til Jake Sully gets a kid sidekick in A2 :lol:

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Young Na'Vi boy has lost his father, who got killed by the nefarious human Security forces. He's moody, angry, rebellious, is danger of being thrown out of the tribe and forced to live alone -- to not be one of The People anymore. One of the worst things you could do to a Na'Vi. But Jake speaks up for him, adopts him; the kid hates him at first, grows to love him, and the two of them end up kicking ass and fighting humans.





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Umm, no. Buffy didn't start to drop in quality until season 6 (which is when Whedon was less involved because he was concentrating on Firefly). The best season of Angel was the last one. Whedon knows how to set things up and pay them off later better than any writer. I have no worries about TA2. On the other hand, A2 is a big question mark for me. Cameron's last two movies had epic visuals but Lucas-level scripts. If he actually takes the time to craft some memorable characters and decent dialogue to go along with the visuals, then A2 could be great. But for me he hasn't made a completely satisfying movie since T2.

It looks like this time he is.

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Young Na'Vi boy has lost his father, who got killed by the nefarious human Security forces. He's moody, angry, rebellious, is danger of being thrown out of the tribe and forced to live alone -- to not be one of The People anymore. One of the worst things you could do to a Na'Vi. But Jake speaks up for him, adopts him; the kid hates him at first, grows to love him, and the two of them end up kicking ass and fighting humans.





3B right there.

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