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Shawn Robbins

CA2: $10.2m Thursday Night (beats Thor2's $7.1m) | $100m+ coming?

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In DC's head it was, so instead of wisening up, they stupidly came to the egregious conclusion that fun = fail. I blame hacks like Goyer for enabling that stupidity. 


WB not DC, still Green Lantern's failure shouldn't have discouraged them. They just needed to make a movie with a lot less studio input (not that it will ever happen, still).

Edited by Fancyarcher
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Why am I blindly biased? I don't like some Marvel movies, think others are mediocre, and thought some were very good. Same with DC or any of the Sony or Fox CBMs.

That's not how your initial statement read. Just now you are adding qualifiers.

Your initial statement was all inclusive: "And yet their movies are pretty generic, overall"


Now, when called out, you want to add qualifiers and be all, "what?"

That's fine, play it that way if that's the truth. 

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But franchises increase a studios chances at success.The worst performing studios lack major franchises.Is that a coincidence?


Yes and no. I don't think franchises are inherently negative, but Hollywood has the ability to "live off" original and standalone films. They choose not to because audiences want to see more of their favorite characters (nothing wrong with that), which ultimately leads to overexposing the majority of said franchises and running them into the ground.


That's why the Spielbergs, Nolans, Camerons, Cuarons, Scorseses, etc. are so important. Even when they dabble in franchises, they typically get to do it their way--and a filmmaker's vision, more often than not, will endure longer than a corporate studio's.

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Tele admires Marvel's business acumen even as his soul laments their "artistic soullessness that needs some 1960s new-wave French and Soviet bloc creative juice" 


Ironic that the 1960s gave birth to Marvel as we now know and adore it then. :P 

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Sorry to bring up RedLetterMedia again, but this recent video of theirs seems pertinent:




If sequels were made illegal Hollywood wouldn't invest billions into new movies.


Say goodbye to Harry Potter, LOTR, Batman, Star Wars, Captain America, Frozen and every other visually impressive movie series.

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WB not DC, still Green Lantern's failure shouldn't have discouraged them. They just needed to make a movie with a lot less studio input (not that it will ever happen, still).


DC too. Even the comics have consciously been trying to be overtly dark, gritty, depressing, brooding, emo etc. ever since Frank Miller happened to them in the 80's. And that mentality has just gotten progressively worse over time. The New 52 is such dour, soulless dreck.

Edited by Spidey Freak
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I think CA2 is getting a good reaction because its a comic book that fully delivered or exceeded expectations.2013 had many hit comic book films but all three did not meet expectations from a qaulitu point of view.

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