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Potter - when will it get the recognition it deserves? FFS

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Here's the just rewards Potter has gotten:Highest grossing franchise in the history of film.Almost 8 billion in world wide salesJK rolwing is close to being a billionaireAstronomical HV salesMade millions for the three young actors.Potter has been a wonderkind unlike any other franchise with the exception of SW. To me, that is it's just rewards. SW never got the Oscar love either, and it's really not that big a deal.

Too logical baumer. You should know better than that. ;)
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  • Founder / Operator

Not to mention it got one of the best-reviewed films of the year with its final entry (and a couple of others along the way).Much like Star Wars and Star Trek, these are accomplishments not to be taken lightly. I doubt many would even think Potter hasn't been justly rewarded if LOTR hadn't done so well a decade ago at the Oscars. But universally-appealing franchises like that don't come around very often, and pretty much never in the case of fantasy movies.

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ROTK was a straight up shock to me. I have never seen the academy throw that kind of love to a sci fi/fantasy kind of film before. For all intents and purposes, RTOJ, by that logic, should have won best picture. But it didn't. So seeing LOTR pull it off was shocking, to me anyway. I don't think that will happen again in 50 years, maybe longer.

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75Live, what's your problem?

Anyway, Star Wars DID receive a Best Picture nomination AND Supporting Actor nomination.

I don't want a win. I never wanted a win. I just want DH2 to receive a Best Picture nomination because in my eyes, and in quite a lot of others, it's deserving. The only Potter films I think are of Best Picture quality are Prisoner of Azkaban, Deathly Hallows Part 1, and Deathly Hallows Part 2. But I'm not expecting a nomination. I'm just saying it would be really nice for them to acknowledge Potter. That's it.

But you know what grates me way more than the film not being nominated for Best Film/Picture, etc? It's the lack of recognizing the cast of Potter. Sorry, but that is one category where I truly feel the series has absolutely excelled at. Deathly Hallows Part 1 and Deathly Hallows Part 2 were the best acted fantasy films ever. Yes, more than LoTR, where I feel a few actors go overboard.

Whatever. You clearly don't agree with me, but I speak for a lot of people when I say that the CAST really hasn't received the love it so deserves.

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Oh, and Return of the King was totally not deserving of that Best Picture win. I like it, but it is of far less quality than its two magnificent predecessors.

I agree completely. ROTK was the worst of the three. FOTR was much better than A Beautiful Mind and should have won in 2001.
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Let's compare actresses. There is no question the acting was better in Potter. Maggie Smith, Helena Bonham Carter, Imelda Staunton, and especially DH1-Emma Watson were all so much better than the actresses in LotR.

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Let's compare actresses. There is no question the acting was better in Potter. Maggie Smith, Helena Bonham Carter, Imelda Staunton, and especially DH1-Emma Watson were all so much better than the actresses in LotR.

Sorry buddy, but I don't see it.
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  • Founder / Operator

See? You two can find something to agree on here after all. :lol:While I don't think its deniable that ROTK won for the trilogy as a whole, I still vehemently disagree that its inferior in any way to its predecessors. But this isn't really relevant to Potter, I suppose.As far as the acting in Potter goes...its excellent. But stronger than LOTR? Debatable. Sometimes a great script and great director enhances an already magnificent cast though, and that's where Potter was never able to quite stand up to LOTR in the opinion of most.

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DH2 had better acting than the LotR films

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I wasn't referring to LOTR in my previous post but I'll bite. Sure, there are a few individual performances in a particular Potter film that are comparable to the best performances in a particular LOTR film, but when you consider the whole of the ensemble I disagree. Andy Serkis alone pretty much checkmates your argument.

But neither LOTR or Potter has the best acting in a fantasy film out there (the pic in my prior post indicates one such fantasy film). How exhaustive I could go depends on how you want to construe the term "fantasy," since there are a number of films that are nothing if not fantasy in sentiment and in themes, if not in the classical genre interpretation.

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But what has he got to do with Harry Potter or LOTR or The Princess Bride?

It's a joke which suggests that Harry potter having better acting than LOTR is about as lame as saying Keanue Reaves is the best actor in the world but clearly the joke went straight over your head forcing me to have to explain myself.
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