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How do you rank/grade your movies?

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I curious how different people rank, rate, or grade their movies, I am sure everyone have their own standards. Here are mine.


10 / A+ - Amazing

 9 /  A - Almost Amazing

 8 /  B+ - Very Good

 7 /  B - Good

 6 /  C+ - Pretty Good, OK

 5 /  C  -  Mediocre

 4 /  D+ - Boring, Kind of bad

 3 /  D  -  Bad

 2 /  F  -  Walked Out/ Refund

 1 /   -  Cruel and Unusual punishment

Edited by commonsense88
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I have devoted far too much time analyzing how I grade films, lol. Ultimately, the 4-star scale is my favorite. 4/4=Exceptional: Here is a film that goes above and beyond what I could have asked for. How does it go "above and beyond?" Well, there can be multiple ways a film transcends expectations. It could be crafted far better than I could have anticipated or deal with ideas that I rarely see other films deal with. The point is that whichever movie gets this grade is attempting to do something (and succeeding for the most part) that only a few other films in its genre or in all of film have ever attempted to do. The film need not be perfect, but it does have to come close to hitting the mark it sets for itself. (Example: The Wolf of Wall Street) 3.5/4=Great/Very Good: Basically, this film supplies me with all I could ask for from a movie. The only thing holding it back is that it might have a conventional plot, theme, characters, or it might not be as consistently on the mark in terms of hitting its ambitious goals. These films are the best of their kind; they supply you with all of the emotions and ideas that you would expect from this type of film (if the film is a comic book movie, you get an entertaining storyline with great action and solid characters that you care about; if the film is a drama, you get deep characters, strong performances, and good ideas that bring you to tears). They just don't give you anything unexpected, which is why they don't get 4-stars. (Example: The Wrestler)3/4=Good: This is a film that moves me and generally meets my expectations. The film generally lacks the ambition of a 4-star film and also the execution of a 3.5 star film. 3 star movies are well made and pretty moving. They generally deliver whatever I expect them to deliver; however, they don't do it with the same consistency that a 3.5-star movie would. Every once in a while, a 3-star movie will be ambitious; however, it often has too many flaws to be a 4-star or 3.5-star movie. Still, though, these films are worth the price of admission because they do meet most of my expectations. (Example: A Beautiful Mind) 2.5/4=Decent: Here is a movie that has a lot of positive qualities, but it also has a lot of negative qualities. It meets some of the expectations I have set for it, but does not meet most (like 3-star films) or almost all (like 3.5-star films). The movie never exceeds my expectations either (like 4-star films). These movies often move me a lot of the times and can be well made, but they also leave me frustrated and have certain weaknesses in technique. These films are not consistent enough in their quality the way a 3 or 3.5-star film is. They are rarely aiming that high (like a 4-star movie) and if they are, they often aren't well made enough to justify such ambition. Still, there are a few rewarding moments in such films. (Example: Pacific Rim) 2/4=Meh: These are films that are exactly like 2.5-star films, except they are even less consistent than 2.5-star films in terms of quality. They are more frustrating and have greater weaknesses in technique. There are less redeemable moments in these films, but there are still a few. (Example: Fast & Furious 6) 1.5/4=Bad: Here is a movie that misses most of my expectations or sets the bar so low that it is bad when it does meet my expectations. These films aim to entertain, but just aren't that well made (in terms of directing or characterization) to really meet that goal. Rather, they leave me annoyed and pissed off. Every once in a while, a 1.5 star film won't even really attempt to entertain, it will set a goal that I couldn't possibly care about and waste my time. These films still have 1 or 2 scenes that are good, but those scenes are not worth the pain endured while watching the rest of the films. (Example: Need For Speed)1/4=Very Bad: A movie in this category completely misses every expectation I had for it or sets the bar at a level that is insulting. These movies try to entertain, but simply fall apart in terms of execution. In other words, things like the plot and characters are not just bad, but they're awful and painful. Like 1.5-star films, some of these movies don't try to entertain, instead aiming to do god knows what. However, whatever they're aiming for is not just a waste of time, but it is a punishment. Sort of like a jail sentence. These movies do not leave me annoyed or pissed, they leave me with a burning hatred that lasts an entire lifetime. (Example: Transformers 3)0.5/4=Awful: These movies appear like the filmmakers didn't even try to entertain their audiences. They are trash and have no redeemable qualities, except for one thing: they are still movies. Making a movie is hard, and so 0.5 star films receive  half stars for being made. Other than that, these films are worthless. (Example: Transformers 2) 0/4=Impossibly Bad: I've never seen a movie that I thought deserved 0 stars, and I don't want to either. (Example: None.) Two things should be noted. First, when I talk about "expectation," I am speaking about genre expectations. When I define my expectations for a film, I ask "what do I expect from a drama?" "What do I expect from a comic book film?" My expectations are not defined by the film's director or cast members or predecessors (if the film is a sequel). Rather, it is based on something a little more objective, imo. Second, this grading system seems rather scientific. It's not. My grades are much more tougher to figure out than I made it seem on here. For example, I struggle if The Wrestler should be a 4-star film or a 3.5-star film. Most films have rarely moved me as much as The Wrestler did, which could qualify for 4-star status, but then again, the film's characters and plotline are conventional. Ultimately, the grading system matters less than my emotional reaction to the film, which is far deeper and more complex than any number could ever illustrate. But I think grading systems are fun. 

Edited by Dark Jedi Master 007
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I know I posted this in another thread, but my ranking goes something like this:


5 - I love this film. There is something about it that really connects to me.


4 - I really like this film. It's extremely well done, but doesn't quite have the emotional connection.


3 - I like this film. It's got enough to enjoy about it, but there could be some problems. The vast majority of films will get this grade.


2 - I generally didn't like this film. It probably has a large number of problems that took me out of the viewing experience.


1 - I hated this film. It's bad enough to make me want to stop watching.

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I can never understand 100-point scales. How can you really differentiate between an 89 and a 91? 


i don't. i go by fives, so it's just like ranking out of twenty.


however, i do rank 'masterpieces' by ones, because i find it easier to differentiate the best movies.


so something like this































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I rate them this way:



Great  -this means that the film is on another level. It is as good as it gets. It's an all-time excellent film.


Very Good - it's an excellent movie but it's not as good as it gets. It can't be ranked with the greatest films of all-time.


Good - it's an enjoyable film. I liked it.


Ok - it's not good or bad. It's fine for what it is. It's not enjoyable enough to be good, but it's satisfactory. It's not bad. It's a satisfactory film.


Bad -the film is not good. I didn't like the movie.



I don't go below Bad or above Great. The worst films of all-time are still classified under bad. The greatest films ever made are still classified under Great.

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i don't. i go by fives, so it's just like ranking out of twenty.


however, i do rank 'masterpieces' by ones, because i find it easier to differentiate the best movies.


so something like this































Well, that makes more sense. Still, I find it difficult telling the difference between a 15 and 20, but if it works for you, that's cool. 

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I grade or rank by how great my orgasm is, duh. As a Queen should.

I do the same. Which is why Backdoor Sluts 9 is my favourite film of all time.

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93 - 100 A 5/5

90 - 92 A- 4.5/5

87 - 89 B+ 4/5

83 - 86 B 3.5/5

80 - 82 B- 3/5

77 - 79 C+ 2.5/5

73 - 76 C 2/5

70 - 72 C- 1.5/4

67 - 69 D+ 1/5

60 - 66 D/D- .5/5

59 > You don't deserve a star. 

I've actually formed my friends to this grading so everyone I hang out with grades movies the same way as me

Edited by Jay Hollywood
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A+ Absolutely loved it


A Loved it 


A- Really Really liked it a lot


B+ really liked it


B liked it


B- liked it some/it was okay


C+ okay/mediocre 


C Didn't like it


C- disappointing/bad


D+ pretty Bad 


D Hated it


D- Awful


F the worst of the worst. 

Edited by The Winter Soldier
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5.0 - Masterpiece, only for a few favorite movies, sometimes a movie deserves it but I don't give it a 5 only because I didn't love it as much as I loved my current 5's

4.5 - Decided not to consider one of my favorite movies for some specific reason (see above)

4.0 - Great movie


3.5 - Good movie

3.0 - Still a good movie, but probably failed to be meaningful to me

2.5 - Whatever, failed to meet standards, but not necessairily bad


2.0 - Bad movie

1.5 - A really bad movie that probably managed to irritate me in some way

1.0 - So annoying it's hard to sit through (Smurfs, New Moon...)

0.5 - Bad in so many ways you can't understand why it was released, full of conceptual and technical problems (Spice World, Jack and Jill...)



4 stars and above means a high rewatchable value. Sometimes 1.0 and 0.5 movies are so ridiculous that fascinate me, can be unintentionally funny and also have some rewatchable value.

Edited by JohnnY
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