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Sun#s pg 230...Wknd Est: DOFP: 91M, Godzilla - 31.4M, Blended - 14.2M , NB - 13.9M [NO SPOILERS]

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This is really a great film guys. I would rank it the best of the year and the best X-Men movie in the franchise.

Edited by #ED
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If I saw as many movies as Baumer, you'd have more of them.(Or is it a better answer to ask me about Marvel movies then?) :ph34r:


Should we all do the mother of all rankings and rank every Marvel movie ever? From Howard the Duck to DoFP.

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MODERATION AND OFFICIALWARNING:Guys, it's come to my attention that people are still posting occasional spoilers for DOTP and/or GODZILLA. Let me remind everyone: spoilers are FORBIDDEN in this forum. If you're curious about the definition: anything that is not in the trailers or official marketing is a spoiler. Discussing scene specifics is a spoiler. Discussing a single plot point is a spoiler.Spoilers are not allowed in this forum for two weeks after release (in the movie's main thread) and four weeks after release (for all other threads).If you wish to talk about any of these things without worrying about spoilers, go to the movie threads in the Review That Movie forum, where spoilers are welcome. If you choose to post here, spoiler-tag your posts. I'm getting sick and tired of having to edit people's posts and I know the other admins and mods are as well. Further infractions will be dealt with. Please let's not have that happen.

Like I told Ed (who ignored me), BO forums just needs to invest in a guillotine. Its the only solution. Nuking from orbit wont work this time, theyll find a way to get wifi in space.
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Oh that's alrite. I don't need to know that.

Are you sure? Ask him if there are room for you to get in. Considering that half the BOF population is in there, I figure you would want to go in and party with them.
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Are you sure? Ask him if there are room for you to get in. Considering that half the BOF population is in there, I figure you would want to go in and party with them.


Oh no. That's not really my kind of party. But keep me in mind if Scar Jo starts giving out invitations.

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This is a big weekend. If DOFP's OW is under CA:TWS, then TCA:TWS has a great chance of winning the superhero war this year. That would be Disney/Marvel's 5th year in a row winning the superhero war domestically at the box office.


They said it couldn't be done. They said Spider-Man and the X-Men were too big and powerful. They said Disney/Marvel wasn't winning the superhero war this year. They said a lot of things. But, this war is far from over. And I have only one thing to say at the moment:




Haha You couldn't wait to post this. 

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There is a public good that should be done this weekend, for the good of film. Follow this advice yourselves, but also tell your friends, and tell them to tell their friends. Don't watch TASM2 in theaters, or buy it at all on home video. Don't give any more money to Sony. Let's collectively put in a strong effort to hopefully contribute to Sony suffering financially so they can FINALLY give up the Spider-man film rights to Marvel, so that we can FINALLY get GOOD Spider-man films again.


If you're a Spider-man fan, this is the right thing to do. Sony has proven they are completely incompetent in treating Spider-man on film with respect or doing the character justice.

Edited by ACCA
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This is a big weekend. If DOFP's OW is under CA:TWS, then TCA:TWS has a great chance of winning the superhero war this year. That would be Disney/Marvel's 5th year in a row winning the superhero war domestically at the box office.


They said it couldn't be done. They said Spider-Man and the X-Men were too big and powerful. They said Disney/Marvel wasn't winning the superhero war this year. They said a lot of things. But, this war is far from over. And I have only one thing to say at the moment:



Too bad they can;t make as good as movie as Days of Future Past. 

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