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1st Annual Forum Games! - PART 21 - 116 - FINAL PART ON 117 - WE HAVE A "WINNER" - AFTER CREDIT SCENE - Page 119

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this thread is giving me whiplash i have no idea what's going on,why people are saying what they're saying 


or maybe i shouldnt try understanding late at night while watching a show about different timeline and time travel 


so since you invited me to this game, did i do something , kill someone ? or you're still writing me into the story that has yet to be posted?

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And you used that photo?


Posted Image

Erm, I mean I can just delete it for good?

Good lord, you are whoring for likes. :lol:

No! I thought about doing this in the beginning, but I thought itd be too complicated so I did the trailer instead. My ratio is a comfortable 80 something I dont need to whore. This summer sucks, I cant do a little thing for the forum for everyone to just enjoy? Im no whore.

Is it working tho?

Ps. Walt Disney better like parts 8 and 9. Tabs.

How the fuck I become Batman? There appears a typo in my card.

The name doesnt always appear over the right character. You will find out tomorrow who's who.

:( I don't get a poster.

Everyone will get one eventually. Dead or alive, but I cant do all 66 right now. Thatd take all day and I doubt itd get the likes to compensate.

Are we giving a million each, or total?

Each, but Ill negotiate payment plans and financing options. No interest, but I will charge penalties for late payments.

Jandrew, I have to explain to the board of directors why the budget has ballooned to 250 mil!!!

I told you, we signed Jonny Depp for 4 parts. We need to pull the OS audiences.

No story yet?

Tomorrow. Well, technically today.

No instead we got posters to tide us over.

The appetizer before the main course. The mozzarella sticks before the riblet and fries basket meal.

John Marston and Sam posters are the best! Tarzan one is totally lovable though.  :lol: Where are the other 51?

Did no one read the top haha. I said all 66 will get here eventually. I cant do them all at once.

this thread is giving me whiplash i have no idea what's going on,why people are saying what they're saying 


or maybe i shouldnt try understanding late at night while watching a show about different timeline and time travel 


so since you invited me to this game, did i do something , kill someone ? or you're still writing me into the story that has yet to be posted?

Since youre coming this late in, just go to page 1, I have each part archived. That way you dont have to worry about the rest of the clutter.

And Numbers does a kill list and I have the dead/alive list, both also on page 1. Page 1 is the hub' just head to da hub!

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