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1st Annual Forum Games! - PART 21 - 116 - FINAL PART ON 117 - WE HAVE A "WINNER" - AFTER CREDIT SCENE - Page 119

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What's going on in that beautiful mind?

I'm on your magical mystery ride...

And I'm so dizzy, don't know what hit me, but I'll be alright...


My head's under waterBut I'm breathing fineYou're crazy and I'm out of my mind

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This is where I stop until I find out where this story goes.


Love your curves and all your edgesAll your perfect imperfectionsGive your all to meI'll give my all to you

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Welcome to the jungle, we got fun 'n' games

We got everything you want, honey we know the names

We are the people that you find, whatever you may need

If you got the money, honey we got your disease




In the jungle, welcome to the jungle

Watch it bring you to your kn-kn-knees, knees

I wanna watch you bleed


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Hey hey mama said the way you move


Gonna make you sweat, gonna make you groove


Hey hey girl when you shake that thing


Gonna make you burn, gonna make you sting


Hey hey babe when you walk that way


Watch your honey drip, can't keep away



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Thanks guys and girls for being patient. Part 8 and 9 has taken a few days. I also estimated that I've spent a grand total of over 24 hours working on these stories, but I will say it is not time wasted. I promised big, game chaning (literally) things in 8 and 9, so hopefully this lives up to this promise. So Part 8 is still fresh, I will post Part 9 aka Part 8.5 tonight!


We begin, in this spoiler...

Darkness. Then boom. There was light. Club lights. All 66 members stand on a dance floor, their heads bowed. An up-tempo, electronic beat drops and the players all begin to dance in unison: Bollywood style. Swift camera angles, lavish Indian beats and instruments, and pyrotechnics. 

Telemachos: (krumping) Come with me, oh so sexy, let's survive these Games...

Sam: (looking seductive) Through the sun, through the rain, you'll experience lots of pain...

Grim22: (doing sexy moves) And we only have ourselves to blameeee!... Break it down, yall! 

Everyone: (while dancing syncronized) Spam! And spoilers! Spam! And spoilers! 

Males: We have done these Mods so wrong, so now we have to sing this songgggg!

Everyone: Spam! And spoilers! Spam! And spoilers!

Females: If we all just got a long, instead of arguing Marvel/DC all day longggg!

Tawasal: Who's the captain now? The Mods areee.

Ruthie: (seductive) You wanna run? You won't get farrr.

Mulder: 66 go in, but only one survives.

CJohn: Isn't this usually how it is, in bee hivess?
Everyone: (colorful) Not the bees! Not the bees! Oh please! Not the bees! Anything but the bees!!!

Boom, boom, shaka shaka, boom boom, shaka, boom, shimmy, woooo, shaka, boom. Everyone is glossy and oily and sexed up like in the Bollywood dance hits. They twerk, they krump, they gyrate: it's suggestive. They all get back in line...

Everyone: Spam! And spoilers! Spam, spam, and spoilers!

Blankments: We flooded report notifications so high...

K1stpierre: And now we all must fight or die!

Noctis: At least there's a lot of pretty hot guys.

Straight Male Members: And girls! Pause. 

Everyone: Spam! And spoilers! Spam! And spoilers! (fast) Prepare to say goodnight! The dance number ends.

Kal: Oppa, Gangnam Style.


Cut to black. Suddenly there is light again and we see a snowy ground from a POV angle. The Bollywood dance was a dream of Tarzan's. He opens his eyes fully and wakes the rest of his team. They camped in the dense woods.

Tarzan: Guys! Guys, get up! He shrugs Dar and Mango and they get up. We should get out of here, before "Token Oaken" comes back!


In the control room, the illustrious Jandrew stands shocked at ShawnMR's statement.

Jandrew: What do you mean you want the Games cancelled? We can't.

ShawnMR: We can, and we will. I made a mistake. We put all those members in that Dorum, but what is the moral of this? I'm leaving BOF, and I don't want this to be my legacy. Now I'm shutting it down. Jandrew steps in front of him and holds his ground.

Jandrew: You're not shutting down anything, Shawn. Jandrew gets close. He eyeballs Shawn. Look at me...look at me, I'm the captain now. Jandrew puts his hand in ShawnMR's face, and Shawn slaps it away. Shawn shoves Jandrew and Jandrew comes charging. They fight in the room. ShawnMR throws Jandrew against a monitor. Jandrew rips out a keyboard and bashes ShawnMR in the head with it. Jandrew swiftly kicks ShawnMR in the chest and the other Mods come rushing in and tackle Jandrew. They help Shawn up and pull Jandrew up.

ShawnMR: You will cancel the Games, and you will do it now! I want those members back on the Forum! CANCEL it!

Jandrew: Why cancel the games, when we can REBOOT! Jandrew turns to the monitor and SMACKS keyboard hard. The Mods tackle Jandrew and put him in restraints. ShawnMR wipes the blood from mouth. An alarm blares and they focus on the screen. The Pandora zone begins to collapse. And that's that. BOOM. It blows and is destroyed. The Mods carry Jandrew out.

Jandrew: This isn't over Shawn! Now what are you gonna do? I'm the Game Master, I'm not shutting anyting down! They carry Jandrew past the threshold. (in the distance) And Zach Galifianakis sucks! Portals start popping up out of random all over each zone. The members from each zone get sucked in. 

ShawnMR: What's happening?

Jajang: Jandrew has set something off! 

ShawnMR: Get those players out of the Dorum! Now! ShawnMR runs out and Jajang does what he says. He just presses random keys, creating more chaos in the Dorum.


More and more portals open up and players from all the zones get sucked in. In a big arena like complex, players come spilling out, scattered and separated. Tarzan looks around, but no sign of Dar and Mango. Sam looks, but sees no Pink...or E, Kal and Films have been separated, AndyLL lays alone, and K1stpierre sits up and sees she's no longer in Westeros.

K1stpierre: (to herself) What the hell is going on? Where'd did everyone go?

AndyLL: (to himself) What tha? Where am I? The Baysphere, resembling Cybertron, with a mix of The Rock, a splash of Pain and Gain, and a pinch of Bad Boys.

Lilmac: (to himself) Is this Baysphere?

Films: It is. BOOM! The center of Baysphere explodes. They all scramble for their lives around the complex. More members come spilling out of portals. They all get up and run. BOOM, BOOM, BOOM! Explosion after explosion. Jajang, is still pressing more keys. He presses a key and Hogwarts begins to disintegrate. Hogwarts and all of its contents vanish. Back in the Baysphere, items from Hogwarts begin to appear. Wands, magic carpets, Fluffy's, potions. Jajang punches another key and parts of Westeros begin to vanish. Dragons, swords, cannons, start popping up in the Baysphere via the portals.


ShawnMR and two Mod guards walk up to the still illustrious, but restricted Jandrew, who's being held in a steel and glass barrier (like XMen, Skyfall, Avengers, Fast 6, etc). Jandrew just sits there, grinning. The room is dimly lit, further expressing Jandrew's eerie grin.

Jandrew: Came to visit? I hope you brought Jenga like you said you would, I'm getting bored.

ShawnMR: Haha, you're hilarious. And your face will be hilarious when you see the Games ended and the zones destroyed.

Jandrew: You think you can destroy the Games, but you're so naive. You were never in the game. Like I said, I'm always one step ahead. I have a contingency. You think this fish bowl is going to keep me from having an affect? You just wait until you see what I have in store for you and the games next. ShawnMR stands stern, his facial expression not changing. (chilling) I'm coming for youuu...I'm coming for yu...woohoo, I'm coming for you...Jandrew gets up an walks to the edge of the glass. And when I do, you'll get a taste of the Games, and you'll see why it's not-so-bad. Jandrew eerily sits back down. (cold) And then I'll snap your neck. A cold chill moves down Shawn's spine. He and the Mod guards turn and walk out.


ShawnMR comes rushing in the room and grabs Jajang.

ShawnMR: What are you doing!?

Jajang: What you told me!
ShawnMR: You're not destroying the zones, you're merging them together! Move! ShawnMR shoves Jajang away and smashes the cancel key. Westeros stops being fed into the Bayshere, but what already is there, stays there. (to Jajang) Go get B! We have to get this turned off before they massacre each other! Jajang runs out of the room. As soon as he turns the corner, YAK, IJack grabs him by the throat. He uses his long nails and digs in. RIP. He rips Jajangs throat out and Jajang falls. IJack walks into the room. He sneaks up on ShawnMR, and he turns around.

ShawnMR: (not noticing IJack): Finally, I need...(noticing IJack)...what?...What?

IJack: You look like you've seen a ghost? ShawnMR is flabbergasted (did I really use that word?) IJack is not normal ole IJack. He saw Amazing Spiderman 2 so many times that he was able to break into Oscorp. He swan dove into the eels and ZAP ZAP, the glass broke and he fell out. After hours of laying unconscious (is that possible?) he got up and wandered over the lab. He discovered the Goblin serum and injected himself with it. He transformed nastily, growing sharp nails, pointy ears, pail green skin, wild un-tamable hair. The Goblin serum and eel DNA fused and gave him the powers of both villains. Rebirth. He's not IJack, he's IJackedUp. Back to the story...

ShawnMR: What the hell happened to you!?

IJack: Well after you had me banned, I got a new hobby. IJack creates electrical sparks with his fingers. He makes a huge bolt of voltage and shoots straight at ShawnMR. The bolt deflects off of a chair that Shawn lifts by raising his hands, and IJack stands surprised. ShawnMR holds out his hand and throws IJack against the wall. He lifts his hand up and IJack goes crashing into the ceiling then crashing down. ShawnMR lifts of 5 desks chairs and heaves them at IJack. IJack dodges and shoots more poorly CGI'ed electricity at ShawnMR. ShawnMR deflects it all. 

IJack: (panting) What the hell are you? An X-Men?



Members continue to run through the hellish Baysphere. In the middle of the complex, a large, and I mean large, sphere cage makes up the rest of the zone. Flames, explosions, raining money, elaborate camera angles, cocaine, anything resembling Michael Bay. Spazz91, Dragon, Jack Nevada, Noctis, and Water Bottle all discover flying carpets from the Potter zone. Elsewhere in the Baysphere, running around separately - A2K, Mango, Empire, and Blink23 discover dragons from Westeros. The dragons startle them all at first, but then quickly warm up. K1stpierre, Heretic, Tarzan, Stingray, and Alfredstellar discover the DINOBOTS. Grimlock, Slug, Slog, Snarl, and Slash. Spaghetti, hiding in a nook, pulls out his wand.


Spaghetti: I know this isn't Hogwarts, but please work! Please work! He aims the wand at a pile of cocaine, says a spell, and the cocaine turns into $5 bin DVD's. Holy shit, it works! Spaghetti runs out. Water Bottle is flying on his carpet, looking for his teammates and finds Stingray. 

Water Bottle: Stingray! Where's the rest of the team!?

Stingray: I don't know! Portals just started opening up everywhere! Started from Arendelle and now we here! 

Water Bottle: The Mods must've scattered everyone! Beep, beep, beep, they look to the left and see a stack of C4 taped the wall, attached to a timer. 10...9...8...This C4 is gonna explode! I'm out of here! Good luck! Water Bottle flies off. Stingray hops onto Snarl and rides away. BOOM! Everyone, now equipped, enters the edge of the sphere cage. A sphere the size of the Superdome, the Georgia Dome, the Dimmsdale Dimmadome.

Walt Disney: So this is where bitches die. The players go after each other. Spaghetti, in a wingsuit, is at the top of the cage. He holds his wand down at the charging players.

Spaghetti: Repeatum deceivum! Spaghetti shoots, and along with money and cocaine, a bolt from his wand goes falling. It strikes every player and they all scramble and fall off their respective transportation. Did Spaghetti just kill them all like that? Yes. The end. JK sorry Spaghetti. The spell that he recited was a cloning spell. Everyone now has a clone. 2 Films', 2 K1stpierre's, 2 Jack Nevada's. The cage is crowded. They all look around confused, not knowing who is who and who is real. Spaghetti wingsuits out of the sphere cage out of the complex.


Spaghetti wing suits on. A portal suddenly opens up, he tries to break, but flies though. POOF. He flies into a raining Westeros, well what's left of it. He flies into the castle and takes off the wingsuit - wand in hand. Dar, Numbers, Walt Disney, Jay Hollywood, Damien Roc, Jesus of Suburbia, Darkelf, Ecstacy, Kal, Tawasal, Bballman24, Telemachos, and #Ed land sporadically throughout Westeros. Naked and afraid. Okay, not naked, but afraid. Ecstacy runs out into a field of dragons. They all stare her down and she quivers. One dragon flies up and sits in front of Ecstacy. She slowly holds out her hand, showing shes no harm. Telemachos finds a battle ax on the wall and pulls it off. Walt Disney lays his giant plush Olaf in the hallway. DamienRoc tests out the Elsa gloves to make sure they still work. 


K1stpiere stares at her clone and she stares back. Everyone else does the same.Tarzan jumps onto Grimlock and swings his heat blade like in the TF4 promos and charges. Everyone else begins. Fancy by Iggy Azalea plays in the background. Cocaine and money still rain. Dragons and magic carpets fill the airspace and the dinobots rule the ground. Tarzan, charging on Grimlock, takes his heat blade and hacks Jack Nevada. 

Blink23: Shoot! Shoot! Blink's dragon spews fire, blasting everywhere. A2K uses a Westeros shield and blocks the fire. Snarl, who is being ridden by Mango, stomps on A2K, squishing him. 

AndyLL: (flying) I can't tell who's real and who's not! 

Films: (flying) Me either! Films takes a crossbows and shoots AndyLL off his dragon. AndyLL hits the cage hard and falls unconscious. Films, not paying attention, is jousted through the chest by Heretic's wand, who passed by on a magic carpet. Stingray, riding on Snarl, goes storming through Dragon, Noctis, and Mango. He sees AndyLL laying unconscious and goes storming towards him. 

Stingray: Stomp him, Snarl! BOOM! Snarl is RPG'ed. Stingray's limbs go flying off and Snarl falls over and crushes him. Films runs up to AndyLL and smacks him.

Films: Get up, get up! Andy LL wakes and grows surprised fast.

AndyLL: You bitch! AndyLL punches Films, who falls backwards.

Films: Stop! Stop! That wasn't me, it was a clone!

Noctis is running through the Baysphere and finds a box of grenades. He takes the box and runs. Sam, riding a dragon, loads a crossbows with three arrows at once and shoots. They hit Water Bottle, Chd, and Lilmac on the ground. Water Bottle on the magic carpet notices his clone has been killed. He banks the carpet hard right and steers out of the cage. Heretic on a magic carpet, aims his wand at falling cocaine. 

Heretic: Solitarium! The cocaine clumps into a cinder block and falls. Jack Nevada aims his RPG, BOOM. He is splattered by the cindercane. Tarzan, K1stpierre, and A2K stomp around on the dinobots. Grimlock unleashes a fireball on Heretic. Chd flies overhead on a carpet and drops a C4 charge. BOOM! It explodes and Tarzan goes flying. Noctis runs back in takes the four grenades, releases the pins, and heaves them in the air. BOOM, BOOM, BOOM, BOOM: they explode in the air. One explodes beside Lilmac, who's on a carpet and is thrown off. He lands head first onto the ground. The other grenade blasts are dodged.


K1stpierre and Blink23 swing swords on the ground. Clank, clank, Blink23 swings and K1stpierre ducks. Alfredstellar comes flying back on a carpet and Kelli jumps on hijacks the carpet ala Halo 3. She steers it back around and puts an arrow in Blink23. Alfredstellar has ran off. BOOM, BOOM! The players on the air and ground dodge more explosions. It's chaos, it's hell. Alfredstellar is in a nook reloading.

Alfredstellar: (to himself) I don't know who's friggin' real and who's not. I gotta get out of here!


In Westeros, Kal falls in the dungeon. He takes the torchlight and spots a spider nest. Bballman24 appears near the dungeon, dazed and confused.

Bballman24: Where the hell is everyone? Hello? Hello? Kal takes Bballman24 from behind and stuffs the spider eggs in his mouth. Kal runs off back into the dark path and Bballman begins to choke. He grabs his throat as black widow spiders begin to pour out of his mouth and into his nostrils and ears. He scratches at his face as the spiders bite his eyes, ear drums, sinuses, and mouth. He begins to swell and drops to the ground without struggle.


IJack throws a punch at ShawnMR. ShawnMR throws out his hand and flings IJack into the seats. IJack realizes it's his metal belt. He takes it off like Pootie Tang and ShawnMR lowers his hand.

IJack: (getting up) So metal? That's your play?

ShawnMR: Better than some shitty static electricity. IJack charges. ShawnMR lifts up the metal chair and throws, but IJack ducks, sliding on his knees ala Matrix. He kicks out his foot, tripping ShawnMR. He stumbles back and falls onto the keyboard. Portals begin to pop up again. IJack grabs Shawn by the throat and zaps. ShawnMR seizes as the current flows through him. IJack lets go and ShawnMR drops to the ground. IJack restrains the unconscious Shawn, and then zaps into an electrical socket, disappearing.


Elsewhere in Westeros, Numbers is running through the castle. He spots Ed across in another room in front of the window. Ed notices and Numbers pulls out his crossbow and aims. He squeezes the trigger and someone taps him. Ed quickly sees a portal and jumps off the ledge and Numbers shoots, but the arrow misses. Numbers turns around startled and aims at the figure. A wet Iceroll.


To be continued.

Edited by Jandrew
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Well that escalated quickly.


I'm gonna have to go through carefully to see who actually died there (because of that cloning business).





k1stpierre is now a Team Killer. She's on the list. Or was it her clone?


Yeah, I'm not a fan of this cloning business. Muddles things far too much.


Also think you jumped the gun on merging zones and re-scattering members. It seemed like things were building towards an Act 1 climax of sorts but all that got neutered.


But Iceroll's back which is cool.

Edited by 4815162342
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Well that escalated quickly. I'm gonna have to go through carefully to see who actually died there (because of that cloning business). Also 

k1stpierre is now a Team Killer. She's on the list. Or was it her clone? Yeah, I'm not a fan of this cloning business. Muddles things far too much. Also think you jumped the gun on merging zones and re-scattering members. It seemed like things were building towards an Act 1 climax of sorts but all that got neutered. But Iceroll's back which is cool.

Itll all be sorted out in Part 9.
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