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The Fault In Our Stars (2014)


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Saw this today on a date with my girlfriend. Turned out it was pretty good, didnt make me cry(but only one movie has ever done that) and while I usually don't like romantic movies due to their cheesiness, but this was enjoyable. Also I was the only guy in the theaterA-

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this is by far the most beautiful movie i've seen this year easy , i sat up in my seat head resting upon the seat in front of me for the last 20mn , just super pensive and wanting to soak it in , when the credits rolled not a lot of people got up , there were a few couples but mostly women from teens to 40s !

there wasnt any clapping or crying to point you could hear but if they were anything like me then yeah there were def some quiet tears going around


i didnt cry , not exactly , i did tear up , maybe a drop fell maybe but mostly my throat was so tight ! i think because my friend was there , she hasnt read the book and isnt into necessarily romantic films ,  it helped me reign in my emotions plus i had already cried over this when i read the book earlier this week 


thing is i wish i could have brought the movie home with me so i could rewatch it immediately, too bad they don't do this like how some singers will sell their cd at their own concerts for people to buy 


i cannot believe these two play brother and sister in DIVERGENT , they're so good together i want them to do a happy movie , the guy has a bod to die for hello abs (tots off topic but ever since i started my journey to a healthier lifestyle its amazing how much more i notice abs :ph34r:  such a girl thing to say -_- )


talking about casting , i had no idea sam from trueblood was in this aww

willem defoe as the eccentric ugly man that is the writer in this film 


there was nothing corny about the delivery of the lines  :wub: , its a beautiful movie , just sweet . i  like it , i love it , i want it !


my friend did say they could have done more to make augustus look sicker , i told her channeling hazel maybe not all cancer look the same as they're killing you from the inside 


but she did say for a film about cancer it had its funny moments , still feels its not a film to watch at cinema  but in private on HD screen with  a bowl of marshmellows so you can let yourself go 

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Maybe a B-. I've grown increasingly weary of grading films, though. Seems reductive. 


I think it's a solid enough adaptation to function as a film, not to mention it feels particularly short for a 126 minute feature. Much like the source material, the film takes its youthful audience seriously, featuring plenty of humor but never using it as a crutch. But I think in condensing the material to get all of the story's necessary beats into a feature, the personalities of these characters feel mostly lost. The end result is not as witty or spontaneous as the novel, because it can't be. And until the ending, I don't really feel pain for the characters unless the music is telling me to feel pain. I think the screenwriters were afraid to deviate from Green's text so much that the film cannot pick up what was lost in translation. 


Woodley is great, though. Probably her best work to date. 

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i like that they didnt go overboard with the sappiness , i mean it could have been like some films that are really heavy on the pathos and for a film about cancer patients that's a nice feat ! because just like in the book its not about the cancer but about the relationship of these two beautiful people  who share a moment that lasts a lifetime but here's the quote from the book that says it so much better than i could 


 Some infinities are bigger than other infinities. A writer we used to like taught us that. There are days, many of them, when I resent the size of my unbounded set. I want more numbers than I'm likely to get, and God, I want more numbers for Augustus Waters than he got. But, Gus, my love, I cannot tell you how thankful I am for our little infinity. I wouldn't trade it for the world. You gave me a forever within the numbered days, and I'm grateful.”



its a beautiful sentiment ! and it applies to friendships also , its about people leaving an indelible mark on you ,however long their presence in your life was 

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I'll write something later when I am not so emotionally drained.  Great film but a kick to the balls.  One thing, it is pretty close to the book.  The only thing I didn't get from the movie that I wish they could have done through the narration is the sarcasm that Hazel has towards being a "survivor".  But other than that, a very good movie.

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Anyone got any opinions on Dennis Leary's 2 crazy scenes? I have to watch it again, just for those.


One problem that I had, was that she got winded from walking down the stairs at the beginning of the movie, and then should could handle the walk around Paris, the walk up the Anne Frank house, and even pushing him around in a wheel chair at the end.

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i like that they didnt go overboard with the sappiness , i mean it could have been like some films that are really heavy on the pathos and for a film about cancer patients that's a nice feat ! because just like in the book its not about the cancer but about the relationship of these two beautiful people  who share a moment that lasts a lifetime but here's the quote from the book that says it so much better than i could 



its a beautiful sentiment ! and it applies to friendships also , its about people leaving an indelible mark on you ,however long their presence in your life was 


That was the spot I couldn't hold back anymore.  Her beautiful eulogy to him was heartbreaking and uplifting at the same time.  It's such a beautiful book and movie.


Also, the scene where she talks about saving her ten, and the scene when she finds out that he passed away.  She was so good in the movie.  


Although this film is about young cancer victims, I think all of us know someone who has been affected by cancer.  My mom died way too young after battling that fucking BITCH for 18 months.  This movie really makes you feel emotion.  

Edited by baumer
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Anyone got any opinions on Dennis Leary's 2 crazy scenes? I have to watch it again, just for those.


One problem that I had, was that she got winded from walking down the stairs at the beginning of the movie, and then should could handle the walk around Paris, the walk up the Anne Frank house, and even pushing him around in a wheel chair at the end.


Who did Dennis Leary play?  If you are talking about Van Houten, then that was Willem Defoe.

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Anyone got any opinions on Dennis Leary's 2 crazy scenes? I have to watch it again, just for those.


One problem that I had, was that she got winded from walking down the stairs at the beginning of the movie, and then should could handle the walk around Paris, the walk up the Anne Frank house, and even pushing him around in a wheel chair at the end.

 strolling around doesnt require the same effort from lungs as going up and down stairs


plus she's dying , she had good days and bad days where her lungs , at one point she tells her lungs to behave themselves for a few days so she can travel to amsterdam , that made me laugh and sober up at same time , who hasnt talked to their body and said the same thing 


i hadnt read a walk to remember before seeing the movie , lucky for me i saw it on tv at home because omg here i was thinking i was watching a cute teen movie young love bad guy /nice girl bla bla when bam they hit you with the bad news i was bawling like a baby , i hadnt cried like that since titanic , my eyes were red and puffy for the rest of the afternoon , i was like noooooo its so unfair  whyyyyy, hate the world for a few days after that , esp low lives gangsters, terrorists etc how do these people live long lives and sweet people like these characters get their hearts ripped out like that when a love like that should be allowed to prosper and bloom and bring more happiness into the world , the things you feel when you're young !

not that i don't feel them but time takes care of that too and you lose the veneer of adolescent innocence 




sorry about your mom 

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I think at a certain point in your life, when you have experienced enough pain, as it says in the movie/book, pain demands to be felt.  I don't hold back from crying anymore.  I simply don't care.  I cry at a lot of things now.  This film made me cry for joy and for sadness.  Life is to be celebrated and the sweet wouldn't be so sweet if it weren't for the sour.


Thanks for the kind words, Lady D.

Edited by baumer
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Movie surprised me, it was really well acted and the best of the YA films I have seen (although the book is one of the better YA books I have read, John Green treats his YA audience with some intelligence which is good for both them and non-YA readers).


I am going to push it and say it's a 9/10, a solid A for me, the beginning was a bit rocky but when it picks up it is great (just like the book).

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This is based on an amazing book and the translation from the book to the big screen is fantastic and faultless. The fault in our stars has just became 1 of my favourite films of all time,The script is beautiful and the film has fantastic direction by josh Boone. The cast are just phenomenal. Laura Dern and Dafoe were great in their supporting roles and nat Wolff was amazing as well. But the lead two shine the brightest. Ansel elgort totally transforms into Gus and plays the character amazing and shaliene is just stunning, amazing, great and fantastic as Hazel Grace Lancaster. She is perfect for the role as deserves some award buzz.The audience was fantastic and sold out in this special advance screening. You could tell most people had read the book. There was a lot of screaming (especially with a few of the really popular quotes) and a lot of crying. The pre recorded Q+A after the film was amazing (and loads of laughter when one of the twitter questions was sent in by a person called ConWhore).A fantastic film that I can't wait to see again

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Oh the shame when they turned on the light right after the movie finished and I was sitting there with my swollen eyes... And strangely enough it wasn't the sad moments that got me as much. The moment that got me the most was when they were egging the car. Just them being happy like that... :sadno:

That said there were some pacing issues and clunky dialogue but who currs.



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Read the book. Cried. Saw the movie. Cried. 


It's a great adaptation of the book and the acting is really good. I'm a 100% heterosexual man but this movie gave me the feels. I tried holding back the tears because I had female friends with me. I really do love Woodley though. 



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