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Weekend Estimates | TF4 - 100M (Paramount sticking to 100M for the Wknd Est)| More Numbers on Page 1

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I see the tv spots and they are trying to sell it like a techno ET. 



It was first advertised very straightforwardly like a found footage film until it did a 180 and is now advertising itself as a ET knock-off.


They really are advertising it as and ET knockoff. I don't really think that is going to help people want to see it.

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What does this stuff you are posting mean?  :huh:



I wish it was 2013. :(

Me too... me too


Except Maleficent <_<


I think it's supposed to be his imaginary wishful box office.



July 3rd usually makes up for the fourth, am I right? Not to mention Summer dailies.

2.5x is still better than all of the current 90M+ openers this Summer.

I love my birthday for movies :3


I missed it.

Posted Image

I wonder how many are mine...





I sort of implied it and of course you can count on E to counter me.



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Fri est some films

AOE 39-42, 22J 4.8,HTTYD2 3.8,TLAM2 3.5,malef 2.4

DOFP 900k-1m lost lot thrs see how it goes.


yay! This franchise cannot be stopped! B)


With this OD number 100M OW is all but assured.

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But, erm, couldn't you iust watch a movie instead? One of those awesome ones that everyone talks about but you haven't had a chance to see yet? ;)

I already said earlier in this thread that I have a migraine... Why would I want to watch a movie?

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That movie was both epically stupid AND epically awesome!



How does Michael Bay do it?????



It's weird you watching the film and your just rolling your eyes and shaking your head at certain dialogue and scenes but then the action sequences come on and your like DAMN!!! This is why "Roller Coaster" is the best description for a Michael Bay film.  

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