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Weekend Estimates | TF4 - 100M (Paramount sticking to 100M for the Wknd Est)| More Numbers on Page 1

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Bitch, don't ignore me on FB.Do you know how blessed you are that I even have you FB?Sigh.Did you end up seeing TF4 then?

Yeah. I had 6 tickets total. My 4 friends baled on me. I ended up seeing the movie with just my wife.She's all I needed anyway. :) Edited by #ED
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I sort of implied it and of course you can count on E to counter me.



LMAO. You posed a question to the board. I didn't counter you. I answered you. You're a mod now. You can tell him straight up.


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For Blanks.


Narrator: Mitch Donner was a reporter until he was hit on the head, and became Sappy Boy, defender of all that is weak, now joined by his sidekick Squeal, the two fight crime, keeping Davisville safe from such villains as the Bull, the Whirler, and the Squid. Today’s episode, “When time refused to stop”.We find our heroes, Sappy Boy and Squeal fighting Robert Loon. Robert Loon a convict sentenced to prison for life, has escaped from jail. Robert Loon falls to the ground.Robert Loon: Ow, that hurt!Sappy Boy: Oh, I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to hurt you that hard.Robert Loon: Of course you didn’t (kicks Sappy Boy).Sappy Boy: No I didn’t, I meant to hurt you even harder.Squeal: And I’ll throw the finishing punch.Sappy Boy stops Squeal.Sappy Boy: Listen Squeal, we need to work on this sidekick thing. I being the superhero, means that I get to throw the finishing punches. You as the sidekick are supporting me, got that?Squeal: Yes!Sappy Boy punches Robert Loon, and Squeal punches him again, sending him flying against a wall.Sappy Boy (looks at Squeal with an angered face): Hey you weren’t supposed to throw the finishing punch.Squeal: Hey, couldn’t resist the offer.Robert Loon falls to the ground. He gets his feet up, he stops as he soon as he ends up tripping next to a bunch of rocks. He’s standing right next to a wall.Robert Loon: Stupid rocks, why couldn’t they just mind their own business?A dumpster from nearby falls apart and a wristband falls out of it. It’s glowing radiantly.Robert Loon: Who left this wristband here? And why does it glow like a rainbow? It’s clearly a piece of junk.Robert Loon is about to throw away the wristband, but before he can do that he sees that Sappy Boy and Squeal are approaching. He accidently touches the wristband. Suddenly he’s transported to the other side of the wall.Sappy Boy: Say where’d he go?Squeal: I haven’t the slightest clue.Sappy Boy: Oh well, it’s not like he could have gotten too far away from us.Squeal: I wouldn’t be so sure about that.Sappy Boy: Oh hush now, you’re always unsure of yourself. It’s time now we had the talk.Squeal: You mean you’re actually going to talk to be about something other than super-heroics.Sappy Boy: No, not that!Scene changes to Robert Loon.Robert Loon: Woah what just happened. Did I just have an out of this world moment?He looks across his arm, and sees the wristband. He grabs it, just as he does; the wristband transports him back to the other side. Loon has a revelation.Loon: Wait a minute? This simple wristband is responsible for this? (Looks at the wristband) – Awesome! Must have been made at the lab of some mad scientist!Loon looks at the wristband, and sees that there are letters on the bottom of it.Loon: So, this is how it works? I just name the location where I want to go, and poof it takes me there. Say that doesn’t explain how I ended up the other side of the wall? Ah who cares!Robert Loon types down the letters, “Davisville Bank inside vault”, and he’s transformed. He ends up inside the actual vault of the Davisville museum.He touches the money.Robert Loon: I’ll have enough money that’ll I be able to pay for my rent. Scratch that, I’ll have enough money that I’ll be able to get a home, no even further I’ll have enough money that I can own the world.He laughs manically; just as he laughs he hears a sound. He looks out at the vault window.Sappy Boy and Squeal the two superheroes are fighting The Whirler. A bunch of people in the bank are hiding under their seats watching the action as it happens.The Whirler: I’m going to spin that door down.Sappy Boy: Never Whirler you and your evil kind will never succeed as long as there are people like me.Squeal: Ahem, and me!Sappy Boy: Oh yes and you my trusty sidekick.Squeal: I’m not really trustworthy; in fact I have yet to save your life once.Sappy Boy: A-ha-ha, (looks down at him and whispers) that’s aside the point kid.Sappy Boy and Squeal cower over The Whirler.Whirler: What? You think you can scare me, by giving me that look. I’ll blow you away.The Whirler twirls his arms around, and attempts to blast Sappy Boy and Squeal. Sappy Boy manages to stop him, by throwing the tip of a coffee cup at his arms, briefly distracting them. He and Squeal go over to the Whirler, and punch him, and then Sappy Boy uses his tear powers to knock him out.Sappy Boy: All in the days work for Sappy Boy.Squeal: And his sidekick Squeal.Sappy Boy: Yes, his sidekick Squeal.Robert Loon watches from behind the bank doors.Robert Loon: And best of all, with this power there’s no way Sappy Boy will be able to stop me (laughs heavily).Squeal and Sappy Boy hear something. They turn their heads.Sappy Boy: Say Squeal, do you hear something?Squeal: Must be the wind.Sappy Boy: Yeah you’re probably right.Robert Loon (has an embarrassed look on his face): Note to self, need to keep the laughter to a minimum.Robert Loon presses his watch, and then disappears. He ends up next to the Jay Brooks incorporated building. He looks at his watch.Robert Loon: 6:59, just about closing time.He sees several people walking out, he ducks behind the wall, and watches as a crowd of people get into their cars and take off.Jay Brooks: My, did that business meeting go over well.Associate: Are you kidding, you almost blew up the roof and lost your job. The big guns aren’t happy at all.Jay Brooks: Nonsense, I’m as swell as a feather.Associate: A feather’s pretty icky though.Jay Brooks: Of course it is (taps his associate on the shoulder).Robert Loon presses some numbers on his watch and goes inside the building.Robert Loon: Perfect, now that everyone’s gone, I can have so much fun.Robert Loon walks over to where the items are. He starts stealing junk, including a gun, and soil. He then goes over to the cash register. He opens it.Robert Loon: The more the merrier!Robert Loon disappears. The next morning, Sappy Boy and Squeal as Mitch Donner and Rich Rigley are watching the news.Martha Diamond: So now with no more evidence to support his claim, Kurt Vernon aka the Bull is going to prison for what authority believe will be a very long time. In other news, Brooks n cooperated was robbed last night, by what owner Jay Brooks describes as literary nothing.Sappy Boy and Squeal look interested.Jay Brooks: I swear there wasn’t a trace of the culprit at all. Nothing left behind, no tracks. It’s almost like he was a ghost.Martha Diamond: Whoever this new menace is, human or not, it seems that he already has the upper hand on the authorities. When we come back will…Sappy Boy: (Shuts the TV off) Aha it must have been the work of Palehead!Squeal: Isn’t he just a guy who has an extremely white face?Sappy Boy: True. Then who could it be? I’ve never faced a villain before, who literary just vanishes out of the blue. Squeal, I think we’re dealing with a real challenge here.Squeal: Like I haven’t heard that a million times!Sappy Boy: That’s it; Rich we’re going to suit up and look for crime.Squeal: Again! (Places a pillow against his face)Sappy Boy and Squeal get into their costumes and go down town. Meanwhile Robert Loon is nearby, next to an art museum with a bag in his hand.Robert Loon: My favorite painting is the Frescede Dynastar, and it’s all mine now.Robert Loon is running off, when he accidently bumps into Sappy Boy without knowing it.Robert Loon: Oof, maybe I should have looked both ways before I crossed the road.Sappy Boy and Robert Loon recognize each other.Sappy Boy: Well, well, well! I’ve been looking for you the past 18 hours.Squeal: No you haven’t. You spent the last 18 hours doing a variety of things. You stopped the Whirler, watched TV, took a hike, etc., but the one thing you didn’t do, was look for Robert Loon.Sappy Boy: Sometimes I question what their teaching these kids at school.Robert Loon presses his watch.Sappy Boy: A-ha, so you’re the culprit.Squeal: Duh!Robert Loon: And I’ll be gone faster than you can say, Fredacine.Sappy Boy: Fredacine!Squeal grabs Robert Loon, and hits him, but not before the two disappear. The two end up at the outside of the Davisville Bakery, where Robert Loon is pushed against the window of the bakery and he turns invisible and goes inside.Robert Loon (on the ground): I can turn invisible. Awesome!He sees two chiefs standing next to him, looking at him.Robert Loon: If anyone asks, tell them the place is haunted.He presses a few buttons and disappears. The bakers watch in confusion.Outside Squeal gets up on his feet, as Sappy Boy flies down.Sappy Boy: What happened? Are you okay Squeal? Did that evil man hurt you?Squeal: I’m fine, but I got some bad news, he can turn invisible.Sappy Boy: Invisible! Wait how is that possible, if he wasn’t doing it before?Squeal: Well we haven’t seen him prior with this power so we have no idea if he could previously do it, but I would assume that.Sappy Boy: Hush! Teleporting, invisible, science, this can only be the work of one man.Dr. Eugene, a mad scientist, is at his lab looking at some organisms on a telescope.Dr. Eugene: And what happens when I put this here, and put this here.Suddenly the door breaks down, and Sappy Boy carrying Squeal flies down to the scene. Dr. Eugene looks furious.Dr. Eugene: How many times have I told you not to break the door down like that? It cost me thirty bucks to get it repaired, thirty bucks.Sappy Boy: That’s aside the point. We need to talk. Did you ever happen to invent a wristband that could make its user go wherever they wanted?Dr. Eugene: Ah yes.As Dr. Eugene talks, Squeal looks around the room. He looks at Dr. Eugene various inventions, including a TV that talks, a machine that gives you a bath, and so on.As he Squeal finishes looking around, he goes back to where Sappy Boy and Dr. Eugene are.Dr. Eugene: So you see it was an early prototype. The world wasn’t really ready for it.Sappy Boy: Well now a madman has found it, and if we don’t stop him, it could lead to dire consequences. Speaking of which, could the user perhaps turn invisible with it.Dr. Eugene: Oh my! We may be too late.Sappy Boy: What?Dr. Eugene: This is horrible, an absolute disaster. We’ve got to do something about it.Sappy Boy: What, what? Just say it!Dr. Eugene: Once a person reaches that level, they’ve reached capacity, they can’t go much further. Their molecules start to disappear one by one.Sappy Boy: Then what happens to them.Dr. Eugene: They turn into flames and EXPLODE!Sappy Boy: Oh, so it’s really dire.Dr. Eugene: Super dire, we need to do something about it (runs off and goes inside a cupboard, and pulls out another wristwatch only this one is blue).Sappy Boy: What’s this? I’ve got enough blue items as it is.Squeal: It’s another wristwatch with the same kind of powers as the previous one obviously.Dr. Eugene: Exactly, that kid’s got it. Anyway this is another transporting wristwatch I invented; only I managed to work out some of the kinks. This also makes you go invisible instantly, and allows its user to trace other people who are also wearing a transporting wristwatch.Sappy Boy: Will I explode?Dr. Eugene: Of course not!Sappy Boy turn his head, as Squeal keeps poking him on the back.Sappy Boy: What is it Squeal?Squeal: Oh, can I use it.Sappy Boy: You’re just a kid, don’t be ridiculous.Squeal frowns. The scene changes to Robert Loon turning invisible and walking out of the bank with a bunch of money in hand.Robert Loon: Ah cash, I just can’t get enough of it.Sappy Boy (Voice): I think you’ll soon regret that.Loon turns his head and sees that Sappy Boy and Squeal are there.Robert Loon: Come to have some fun I see. Well don’t worry boys; you’ll have plenty of fun trying to figure out where I am.He presses a few buttons on his wristwatch, and vanishes. He ends up in New York City. Just as he’s about to move, both Sappy Boy and Squeal appear before him.Robert Loon: How did you? How did that. But I thought there was only one of these.Sappy Boy grabs Robert Loon.Sappy Boy: You thought wrong, now give me the wristwatch and we can all live happily ever after.Robert Loon: Never!Sappy Boy: But it’s burning your insides. Give it to me, before it’s too late, and you explode.Robert Loon: So? This thing has given me power like I’ve never imagined. I have money, and I can rule the world.Sappy Boy: But is that what you really want? I think you need a hug.A moment of silence occurs.Robert Loon: Oh HELL YAH IT IS!Loon pulls out a bag of soil from his backpack.Sappy Boy: Soil? My one weakness! How did you know?Robert Loon: Talking with your enemies in a cell has taught me a thing or two.He throws the soil on Sappy Boy, it hurts him. Robert Loon vanishes. Squeal manages to get the soil off Sappy Boy’s face.Sappy Boy: My powers, their weakened. I’m not psychically weak, but I can’t fly.Squeal: Don’t worry Sappy Boy, I Squeal will save the day for you. (He presses a few buttons). Don’t worry once I’m finished with that fiend I’ll be back for you.Sappy Boy: But you’re just a kid.Squeal: I might be, but I was trained by the best.Sappy Boy: Point taken! Take your time. I think it’s time I took advantage of this offer to look for some ladies. After all I can’t be lonely forever.Squeal just ignores him and vanishes. The scenario changes, Robert Loon is in the white house. He’s battling the secretary of staff, and is managing to defeat them thanks to his wristwatch.Squeal: This is easy; I should have the president down on his knees in no time.Staff member: Mr. President what are we going to do. This man can turn invisible. There seems to be nothing we can do to stop him.President: I have no idea, except where’s my cappuccino!Staff member: Right away sir, right away!Robert Loon laughs, just as he does, Squeal jumps from out of nowhere and punches him. The punch causes quite a bit of damage to him.Robert Loon: Say you’re just a kid. Where’d you learn to throw a punch like that?Squeal: Oh, let’s just say, I had some training.Robert Loon: Good, but not enough (He places his hand in a fist and hits Squeal on the head, pushing him to the ground).Squeal gets up and Loon types some letters on his wristwatch. Squeal jumps at him, just as he’s about to transport. The two end up fighting each other while being transported. After a couple of punches, and kicks words “Qswer” are written on Loon’s wristwatch. At this point the two are in the middle of a rainforest.Robert Loon: What the? What’s happening? Why does my body feel so funny?Squeal: We tried to warn you.Robert Loon: Oh who cares, I still have the power, and I’ll eliminate you.As he’s about to pummel Squeal, he turns into flames.Robert Loon: What’s happening with me?Squeal looks on with a slight look of horror on his face, as Loon explodes into dust.Squeal: I would say that’s rather anticlimactic, but it really isn’t.The scene changes, Sappy Boy as Mitch Donner is walking down the street. He runs into a female.Mitch Donner: Hey lady wanna hang with me tonight.Female: Get away from me freak (walks off).He sees another lady coming by.Mitch Donner: Hey Ms., how’s about you and me go out for dinner tonight.Other female: I don’t even know you (walks off).Mitch Donner walks off into a corner, as Squeal comes back.Squeal: So how did you lady hunting go?Mitch Donner changes into his Sappy Boy costume.Sappy Boy: That’s the last time I try to get a date. I suppose I’ll be a bachelor for life.Squeal: Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne you are not.The two laugh. The scene changes to Mitch Donner and Rich Rigely in the kitchen.Mitch Donner: So I returned the weapon to Dr. Eugene, and he seemed very happy for once. Say what happened to Mr. Loon.Rich Rigely: Oh let’s just say his heat got the better of him.Mitch Donner: He turned into flames and exploded.Rich Rigely: Ehh…. Yeah!Narrator: And so ends another chapter in the saga of Sappy Boy and Squeal.The end.

Edited by Fancyarcher
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I'll admit it.  I panic a little with the 8.7 million Midnights but as the day went on I remembered, Transformers does do a lot of WALK-UP business.  There were meltdowns with "Fallen" and "Moon" 1st few days numbers too.  

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Blank, you're such a cutie.


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I try *flips hair*


Everybody Loves Blankments

I once wrote a sitcom for an English project. "Everybody Moderately Dislikes Piggy." I played Holden Caulfield of course

With excellent reasons.

You flatter me :)

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the early overreaction in the beginning of this thread was laughable. Even though it was known that this was not a  huge rush factor franchise


Yeah people do tend to react negatively here, don't they?

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