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Wednesday Actuals: TF4 - 3.68M (pg 10)

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The only 2014 movie that has potential for epic meltdowns here is INTERSTELLAR.


Next year, TA2 and SW7, if by some insanity they seriously under-perform.

At the rate this year is going I could see some major meltdowns happening over Interstellar. Not even sure about 200 for that anymore.

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Watch Dogs PS4


When I heard about this game being an open-world Chicago, I imediately purchased it. With chicago being my old stomping ground back in my hey day, I wanted to use it instead of Google Maps Streetview when I would wonder down memorey lain. This would be the most fun way to visit my fiends and favorite preecher Al Sharpton one of the kindest and most patriotick men I ever met. As I wandured the streets of Chicago in the game, I became lost just after the sun had set. Things began to take a turn four the worse when I reelized that my phone and wallett had gone missing. A rarely sober heavyset pale middle-aged man with homosexual tendacies such as myself, I knew I was a desirable target to be had in the game.
For the rest of the nite, I was on the run from other men of all shapes, origins, sizes and ages.
A highly unusual turn of events since I am the one who usually does the chasing online. Too be honest, I actually enjoyeded being a victim four a change.
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Nah. I'm sure it'll open big. But if it came in at, say, 45m..... zomg.


$45 million, at that point I'd just kind of be like "well, maybe we can still get to $150".


Seriously, I'm on this Interstellar $250-300 million train and we can all thrive on together or we can crash together. Either way I'm sticking to my guns that it's gonna be big. I'm not going to freak out if it doesn't open to $70-80 million and proceed to leg it out past Inception but if it does, I'm going to be super happy.

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It's a psycho guy on amazon that has hilarious customer reviews. I already posted a few in this thread


Have another: The Art of Titanfall book


With business being slow these past few weeks at the drive-thru window at Taco-Rama King since the grease fire started by the ice cream machine burned down the kitchen, I have had time to work on my business plan. Most of the time when people go through our drive-thru, they are simply lost and looking for directions. Since they are interrupting me working on my business plan and tend not to order anything, I usually just give them incorrect directions into questionable urban neighborhoods that even the police prefer to avoid.
The plan I had put together was an interactive miniature golf course for kids above and beyond anything that has been done before. Sure, people have done various themes of crudely constructed obstacles that quaintly amused the casual players for thirty minutes to an hour. However, my course would be far more engaging. So much so, that the player's very life could depend on how well they played the game.
You wouldn't find any Polish windmills, Mt Rushmores, lighthouses, or static figures like animals or cartoon characters along the course. No, my course would have actual mechanized robots, several wouold be controlled by people, others programmed to run random tasks. Some of those robots would help the player, but the majority of them would be hostile armed with assorted weaponry like the R-101C Carbine, Hemlock BF-R, G2A4 Rifle, EVA-8 Shotgun, R-97 Compact SMG, C A R SMG, Spitfire LMG, Longbow DMR Sniper, Hammer of Dawn, Gnasher Shotgun, Plasma Railgun, Triple Threat, Quad Rocket, Arc Cannon, 40mm and 60mm Cannon, and the XO-16 Chaingun.
Not limited to other types of warfare along the course, biological weapons would be used, but only in moderate dose.
Weapons like the E120 bomblet, E86 and M33 cluster bomb along with the ever popular SUU-24/A dispenser. Simulated light doses of biological agents such as Ricin, Typhus, Smallpox or Hantavirus could be released if the player was holding up a hole too long for the other players to move forward.
Rabid dogs would be another great variable introduced into the course. They often run in packs in pursuit of their prey. Sometimes, running would be the best option, while hiding might work as well since the dogs could be so unpredictable at anytime.
Of course, the young golfers would not go into the course unarmed themselves. Everyone would be issued a well-made miniature golf club made of sturdy material as the budget would allow. Most would be able to spin for a raffle prize like a gas mask, map or materials to make a sling shot if time permitted. However, if they played a fair game, many of those obstacles would be of little concern.
I felt that this book would be a great asset in preparing my presentation to the bank in request for the necessary funding to fully realize this project. Within a few short minutes into my presentation two lightly armed senior citizen and one overweight white Hispanic male (looked a lot like that George Zimmerman fella) security officers escorted me out of the bank instructing me to never return.

Having invested so much into this book, I feel it let me down in pursuing something along the lines in what it showcases to be what the public wants.

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So we have a chat at work where we can ask questions and get answers. So a question pops up if everybody had gotten the "Lucy" card. Somebody asks "what's the Lucy card?"


I proceed to joke that it's a card about that Scarlett Johansson movie. It turns out, the card is for one of our co-workers who recently had a sister pass away which I was not aware of. :mellow:


I hate that movie even more now

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So we have a chat at work where we can ask questions and get answers. So a question pops up if everybody had gotten the "Lucy" card. Somebody asks "what's the Lucy card?"


I proceed to joke that it's a card about that Scarlett Johansson movie. It turns out, the card is for one of our co-workers who recently had a sister pass away which I was not aware of. :mellow:


I hate that movie even more now


You shouldn't have gone limitless there, you should have used only 10% of that joke.

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