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Well, I thought it was great. It was grand, epic, dark and genuinely heartbreaking at moments.


I won't deny it has a fair share of problems. Several scenes dragged too long, the Doctor's make up felt a bit uncanny valley-ish at times (although I think it improved when he aged the second time) and that certain cameo near the end felt entirely completely unnecessary. But it was very much outweighed by the good. The way all the Mysteries from Matt's era slotted together so perfectly. The emotional scenes that managed to hit their mark more often than not. Clara in particular was great, and this is coming from someone who wasn't the greatest fan of her before. And, cameo aside, the regeneration was perfect. Although I would've liked to have seen more Twelve.


All in all, a great way to end the 50th and Matt's era. Puts End of Time to shame. Well.... more shame. Because I really hated End of Time.    

Edited by rukaio101
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Oh yeah, fuck The End Of Time. I can't watch it. This was a little better than that, I guess. They can't get these damn regeneration episodes right.


And I like Clara a lot too, I haven't seen her in action in a regular episode since I skipped the last series but she's great. 

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Wow, the christmas special was shit. After how much I liked Day of the Doctor it's a bit of a letdown.


Ah well, I hope Capaldi owns. 


Have to agree. No offense to Yank members, but that was melodramatic rubbish made for your market. Frack Moffat! Mind you most of the Xmas specials have been a bit shite if you were being honest.


And this splitting the season into two parts is simply destroying the show for a lot of long term fans. Moffat maybe aiming to conquerer the U.S but his Commonwealth audience figures are drifting alarmingly through the last couple of seasons.

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No offense to Yank members, but that was melodramatic rubbish made for your market.

Ah yes, because us Brits are well known for hating emotional moments of any kind. Obviously.



Moffat maybe aiming to conquerer the U.S but his Commonwealth audience figures are drifting alarmingly through the last couple of seasons.

Not really. The average audience viewing figures per series have been pretty consistent since the revival. If anything, there's been an increase in viewing figures, since iplayer has become much more popular than it was in RTD's era (and isn't counted in final figures) yet Moffat's era still holds up in the overall ratings.





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I was thinking on starting to see this, but I never saw anything before. Should I check the 50th Anniversary special and the Christmas Special to get ready for the new season? 

You should start with Series 1 of the revived series with Christopher Eccelstone. The 50th and the Christmas Special have quite a bit of continuity behind them and will probably be a bit confusing to newcomers.


It's totally worth the watch though.

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