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Diversity in top films misrepresents U.S. population

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LMAO. You can't possibly believe the world is getting more racist.  About 150 years ago something called the Civil War was going on.  You think the world is getting more racist from that? The only thing that's happening is the agenda-driven media is out of control.  The media uses gullible sheep to get ratings and tries to find racism in any way, shape, or form. It's amusing how people don't correlate the media's rise with all these issues all of a sudden "getting worse."

Well said, the media can be extremely annoying. 150 years ago black people were slaves in most country. Now the biggest argument on this thread is the lack of diversity in Hollywood movies lol, its hardly getting worse. And let's face it, Hollywood is pretty diverse.
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I think what we need is some less outrage-laced discussion about it. Yes, Hollywood movies aren't as diverse as they should be, but that doesn't need to be an indictment on the humanity of producers and casting directors.


No, it's the fault of casting directors for only allowing white actors to audition for over 70% of roles. You can't honestly tell me that over 70% of roles in Hollywood depend on a white actor for the narrative's sake.

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You know what's funny? How predictable the ignorant people are.


I mean, I've seen posts in other threads over the years and you just knew who would be coming in to make a snarky, ignorant bullshit quote.


I don't think this thread has offered up any surprises on that side of the line, and that is predictable. It's good that there is a clear segment of people who are like that but they don't grow. I mean, it'd be better if there weren't any at all, but at least they're the same trolls. 


The world is getting more racist and all other kinds of -ists. Modern world they described it as. Lack of education is killing the world. 


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8 pages and I don't know what to say because "hispanic" is an american thing WHAT THE HELL IS A HISPANIC PERSON is it an ethnicity? like brown-skinned? can't a hispanic person be white? does 'hispanic' only mean latin american? do spanish people count as hispanic? do brazilian people count as hispanic?


last time I travelled I met some peruvians and venezuelans and I only discovered they were """"""""""hispanic"""""" because they had a foreign accent

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Casting Directors - Biggest Racists of All Time, Confirmed.

I didn't say that and you know it. But please enlighten me how skin-based casting when it's not necessary fits your color blind society.

8 pages and I don't know what to say because "hispanic" is an american thing WHAT THE HELL IS A HISPANIC PERSON is it an ethnicity? like brown-skinned? can't a hispanic person be white? does 'hispanic' only mean latin american? do spanish people count as hispanic? do brazilian people count as hispanic? last time I travelled I met some peruvians and venezuelans and I only discovered they were """"""""""hispanic"""""" because they had a foreign accent

Hispanic is basically a term for people that come from Latin American. They can be white, brown, black, etc. It's less about race and more about heritage. Spanish people don't count nor do Brazilians since they descend from Portugal.It's generally a term used in America and other English speaking countries. People in Hispanic countries identify themselves as whatever country they're in. Technically it's the same with Hispanics in America. I don't actually see myself as Hispanic but as Mexican. Still I claim to be Hispanic for legal purposes and to create a common bond with people from other Latin American countries. It's better to be United than divided when fighting for our interests. Despite this, there is constant tension between Hispanic groups.
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Here is why you need to stop using MLK. He's not the only that fucking did anything. I'm tired of seeing MLK blvd in every city and MLK High School and MLK Museum and MLK Arena. Malcolm X, Rosa Park, Sigourney Truth, Frederick Douglas, WEB Dubois, Booker T Washington, Muhammad Ali, Ronald McNair, Maya Angelou, Langston Hughes, Marcus Garvey, Medgar Evers, Emmitt Till, Spike Lee, Bill Cosby, Mary McLeod Bethune, Thurgood Marshall, Colin Powell, Ray Charles, Condelezza Rice, Clearance Thomas, Ella Baker, Walter White, Jackie Robinson, etc. were all very important black people that did just as much, if not more than MLK.


Everyone always wants to use MLK because he's the most famous and has good quotes and yada yada, makes them look enlightened on the issue. Youre not enlightened on the issue so stop acting like. And it's not just blacks. There have been many Hispanic, Asian, gay, and female, etc. people that have made advancements for their minorities. If you can give me an MLK quote, you can give me a Medgar Evars quote. Oh wait, who is he? You dont know, go ahead and go Google. What about Walter White? Go Google, what about WEB Dobouis? Go Google. MLK and Malcolm X are the only ones people care to know.


Stop fucking using MLK to sound smart and so we don't disagree with you. You can use MLK quotes all you want, you're still blind to the issue. Just the fact alone that you that you only use MLK shows. Stop with the MLK. Stop acting like victims. Stop taking everything out of context. 


"Oh no, baseball doesn't have enough blacks, lets diversify" Shut the hell up. You're totally missing the point and youre being ignorant on purpose.



Yeah but none of those other people are the reason I have a day off from work in January.  :ph34r:

Edited by DAR
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I didn't say that and you know it. But please enlighten me how skin-based casting when it's not necessary fits your color blind society. 


No you didn't say that. You said that its the fault of casting directors as to why more minorities are not given roles in Hollywood. Personally speaking I feel that is a rather large percentage of the blame to hand out on this issue and gave an exaggerated reply to show how ridiculous in my eyes is, that your supposition that casting directors are to blame for this situation. You could at least throw some of the blame towards the writers, the directors, and the general public who pay the $$$ to see this stuff if this truly is that big of an issue for you.


I never said we live in a color blind society, only that it is desirable that we move towards one. Of course, even in a color-blind society there will be occasions where colour will actually matter when it comes to casting decisions as our past most definitely was not colour blind. Wouldn't want a white guy in blackface playing MLK would we?

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No you didn't say that. You said that its the fault of casting directors as to why more minorities are not given roles in Hollywood. Personally speaking I feel that is a rather large percentage of the blame to hand out on this issue and gave an exaggerated reply to show how ridiculous in my eyes is, that your supposition that casting directors are to blame for this situation. You could at least throw some of the blame towards the writers, the directors, and the general public who pay the $$$ to see this stuff if this truly is that big of an issue for you.


I never said we live in a color blind society, only that it is desirable that we move towards one. Of course, even in a color-blind society there will be occasions where colour will actually matter when it comes to casting decisions as our past most definitely was not colour blind. Wouldn't want a white guy in blackface playing MLK would we?


I say "when it's not necessary" and you ask me "Wouldn't want a white guy in blackface playing MLK would we?"


You have a very bad habit of only reading what you want to read.

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Everyone looks at this through their own prism.


I think another thing is that unless you happen to be a neo-nazi "white" people don't have any context of thinking about "white heritage".  The idea of celebrating whiteness, being proud to be white or white power is a bizarre and alien concept.  "White" people would think of them selves as American, Irish American, a New Yorker, English Australian, Tasmanian etc.  The vast majority will obviously notice skin colour but would see other people in the same context whether that be a Samoan Australian, a Mexican American, a Peruvian etc.

Edited by DeeCee
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Here is why you need to stop using MLK. He's not the only that fucking did anything. I'm tired of seeing MLK blvd in every city and MLK High School and MLK Museum and MLK Arena. Malcolm X, Rosa Park, Sigourney Truth, Frederick Douglas, WEB Dubois, Booker T Washington, Muhammad Ali, Ronald McNair, Maya Angelou, Langston Hughes, Marcus Garvey, Medgar Evers, Emmitt Till, Spike Lee, Bill Cosby, Mary McLeod Bethune, Thurgood Marshall, Colin Powell, Ray Charles, Condelezza Rice, Clearance Thomas, Ella Baker, Walter White, Jackie Robinson, etc. were all very important black people that did just as much, if not more than MLK.


Everyone always wants to use MLK because he's the most famous and has good quotes and yada yada, makes them look enlightened on the issue. Youre not enlightened on the issue so stop acting like. And it's not just blacks. There have been many Hispanic, Asian, gay, and female, etc. people that have made advancements for their minorities. If you can give me an MLK quote, you can give me a Medgar Evars quote. Oh wait, who is he? You dont know, go ahead and go Google. What about Walter White? Go Google, what about WEB Dobouis? Go Google. MLK and Malcolm X are the only ones people care to know.


Stop fucking using MLK to sound smart and so we don't disagree with you. You can use MLK quotes all you want, you're still blind to the issue. Just the fact alone that you that you only use MLK shows. Stop with the MLK. Stop acting like victims. Stop taking everything out of context. 


"Oh no, baseball doesn't have enough blacks, lets diversify" Shut the hell up. You're totally missing the point and youre being ignorant on purpose.

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Everyone looks at this through their own prism.I think another thing is that unless you happen to be a neo-nazi "white" people don't have any context of thinking about "white heritage". The idea of celebrating whiteness, being proud to be white or white power is a bizarre and alien concept. "White" people would think of them selves as American, Irish American, a New Yorker, English Australian, Tasmanian etc. The vast majority will obviously notice skin colour but would see other people in the same context whether that be a Samoan Australian, a Mexican American, a Peruvian etc.

So your saying I can't celebrate my creamy orgasm of whiteness? Edited by BOOYAH SUCKAS
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Everyone looks at this through their own prism.


I think another thing is that unless you happen to be a neo-nazi "white" people don't have any context of thinking about "white heritage".  The idea of celebrating whiteness, being proud to be white or white power is a bizarre and alien concept.  "White" people would think of them selves as American, Irish American, a New Yorker, English Australian, Tasmanian etc.  The vast majority will obviously notice skin colour but would see other people in the same context whether that be a Samoan Australian, a Mexican American, a Peruvian etc.


Seriously man, I will kick your ass.

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