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Weekend numbers thread:TMNT: 28.4 GOTG: 24.7 LBC. 17.7 Ex3: 16.2

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:lol: I was a bit confused when you said GOTG and was like, "Damn, did I miss some posts on here?"....

There is a lot hate for GotG, Baumer did not like it. Everybody needs to love it. Even giving the movie a 4/5 is not good enough. Everybody should give it a 6/5. 

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It's a movie that the majority of the forums really likes and it's doing very well at the box office in a summer that's been down in the dumps since it started. What else would you expect?

Marvel is infallible. You could make Marvels The Artist part 2 and it would make 200 mill
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Marvel is infallible. You could make Marvels The Artist part 2 and it would make 200 mill

Bay could make title the fifth Transformers:I'm Only Doing This Because I Want to Buy A Small Country, But Here Are Some Transformers For YouAnd it would make $1billion WW.
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Nope Marvel > Nolan on this forums now. Just wait until Next May when more members join. 


Yeah, next May will be really annoying.  :lol:


In other news good # for GOTG & TMNT. :) Bad #s for EXP3.  :mellow:

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That PG-13 rating certainly expanded this franchise's audience.  15-20m below the opening of the first one!

When will the studios learn? How many R-Rated movie franchises have they decided to make PG-13 in hopes for more revenue, and their whole plan just backfires? Die Hard, Robo Cop, Total Recall, Terminator.


I also learned, it's not just the PG-13 part that people are rejecting, reviews are saying that pretty much

all of the older action heroes that was the whole point to this franchise was wasted in the beginning to make room for a younger cast. So in turn, the movie lost many of it's audience for pandering to an audience that wasn't into this gimmick to begin with. Stallone should have respected the movie's fans, and kept with it's original schtick.

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Between people incessantly stanning for some movie, people trying to impose their taste in movies on others incessantly, certain mods getting on my nerves and no threads actually staying on topic, I'll be taking a break from this forum. I don't post much anyway.


In case anyone cares.



No one does. Bye!


I do. I care.


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