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Box Office.com's Top 100 films of All Time (2014 edition)- List Complete! Everyone is Disappointed!

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15. Schindler's List  (1995) 41 points- 16 votes

"Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire."




German businessman Oskar Schindler doesn't hesitate to use Jewish slave labor in his new factory. A member of the Nazi party, Schindler is essentially apolitical but knows how to deal with the bureaucracy and those in power to get what he wants. Over time, he is deeply affected by the treatment of Jews and begins to take steps to protect the 1500 or so people who work for him. He convinces the authorities to build a new factory where the employees are interned and goes out of his way to hire those who face the wrath of the camp commandant, Amon Goeth. When the camp is closed, he arranges for "his" Jews to be transferred to a new factory in Czechoslovakia. When the train carrying the women is diverted to Auschwitz, he races to have them freed using a part of his fortune to have them released to him. By the end of the war, Schindler has lost everything but has saved the lives of over 1000 of his employees.


Trivia: Steven Spielberg was not paid for this film. He refused to accept a salary, citing that it would be "blood money".


Ruk's Comments


"This should be higher. And I know I've said that about a few films now, but this is truly something else. While Jaws, ET and Indiana Jones may have proven Spielberg to be a great director, this and Jurassic Park are what made him a master.


Really, I don't think there's anything else I can say about this. If you've not seen this film go and do so. Seriously."

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Yeah Spielberg made over 250m alone from Jurassic Park. Plus Jurassic Park was a major factor in Spielberg getting some creative control (and $% ) over Universal Studios themeparks. 


Jaws and Schindler's are top 5 movies for me.

Yeah I read somewhere he gets a certain percentage of the theme park gate for Universal

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Yeah I read somewhere he gets a certain percentage of the theme park gate for Universal

Spielberg even gets money on Star Wars merchandising, it is one of the most fascinating story of Hollywood between Lucas and Spielberg.

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shoah. Schindler's is fine and good, but shoah's a monumental achievement. 


I don't really disagree, but its worth noting that some cuts of Shoah are 10+ hours long.  Its not entirely fair to compare what's basically a mini-series with a ~2 hour long conventional movie.

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shoah. Schindler's is fine and good, but shoah's a monumental achievement. 


A Documentary and a movie with a narrative are two very different beasts.

Shoah s director was mad at Spielberg because of the "shower" scene which he thought was in very bad taste to create a fictionnal suspense about the horrible  fact that the people who went into those chambers didn 't know what would happen to them : a horrifying death by suffocation and deadly gaz. No shower there. Just suffering and death.

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That's all well and good but I'm sure if I had a few billion to my name I could bypass a paycheck


I think it was very honorable too of him. Schindler's List was clearly a passion project for him and it showed in the final product.


Such an amazing film.

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