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Ethan Hunt

top 50 films for the half decade; Kalo's list begins! (pg. 45)

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So far, of the ten films that have made your list that are on mine, five are family films, one is an adaption of a young-adult novel, one is a superhero film, one is a sequel to a reboot, one is a film that I s generally loved by many but ended up disapointing domestically, and the other is a film is in your top twenty (and also may be in my top 5 ;) ). Have fun guessing.

Edited by Rorschach Ackerman
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So far, of the ten films that have made your list that are on mine, five are family films, one is an adaption of a young-adult novel, one is a superhero film, one is a sequel to a reboot, one is a film that I s generally loved by many but ended up disapointing domestically, and the other is a film is in your top twenty (and also may be in my top 5 ;) ). Have fun guessing.

I'm fairly confident I know what 6 of those movies are.

Edit: make that 8, Still trying to figure out two of the family films

Edited by Ethan Hunt
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12. The Dark Knight Rised

The epic conclusion to the Dark Knight trilogy manages to step up it's game from it's predacsor. A lot of people complain that this film is more about Bruce Wayne than Batman, but I actually liked that. Tom Hardy as Bane is spectacular. This whole movie just builds suspense upon suspense. It follows twists and turns and I had no idea where it was going. The bit where Bruce is in that prison across the world was great. Watching to see just how much Bruce could take. There are those moment (Just like in TDK) of brillian dialouge between Alfred and Bruce. The third act was awsome, and the twist effective. Oh... Joseph-Gordon Levits character was a fantastic add to the movie. THe last shot of Bruce at the restauraunt brings everything to a close perfectly.

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11. The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

Well this movie is so much better than the first one. For starters from the begening I (was finally) able to connect with the character of Bilbo Baggins. Then there was the spider scene in the forest... Let's just say I suffer from Arachnophobia, so yeah that part really freaked me out. Next I really, really dug the elf dwarf romance in this movie. The scene with the talking in the prison cell I found to be just incredible. The barrel scene on the river was a ton of fun to watch. A lot of people complain that the film slows down when they get to Esagaroth, But I think the scenes located there worked as a nice buildup to the grand finale. Probably my favorite scene in the movie is when the dwarves leave Bilbo on the mountain alone, yet he manages to figure out to get in. Now after that this movie goes all in action fest crazy. It's intense and it's entertaing as hell.

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10. Skyfall

Ok, addmitedly I've seen two James Bond movies and I can't even tell you what the name of the other one was. The opening sequence for this movie works fantastically. We have our supposed dead James Bond now. I really do like Daniel Craig in this role and I like what they do with the character in this movie. Judi Dench as M does exceptionally in this movie as well. Her backstory and the intriuge of what is going on creates great suspense for the first portion of the film. Then Javier Bardem comes in to the film. and Man he kills it. The first soncersation between him in Bond is just filled with tension. The final act of this movie is not only a fantastic action sequence but emotional.

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9. Captain America: The Winter Soldier

This film is just awsome! Chris Evans is awsome in the role once again. We finally get to dig deeper into the character of Black Widow. There are some truley mezmerizing scenes between the two of them. Antony Mackie is also excellent and has great chemistry with Evans. This one movie that's easy to get wrapped up in. The reveal that HYDRA is a part of the inner workings of S.H.I.E.L.D is hella well done. All of the action scenes are shot great. I mean great, possibly the best action ever captured for a superhero film. This movie may not be quite as funny as GOTG but it has a couple of hysterical moments. The scene where Cap visits Peggy was great. Of course the ending of this film makes me tear up

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