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Baumer's/Tele's/Chas' 25 films that have brainwashed people into mindless adulation (Tele pg 26)

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Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

Deathly Hallows Part 1


Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol

Rise of the Planet of the Apes

Just to point out a handful (there's some more)

I agree with all of these... Except Gravity and maybe Potter ( that one is kinda close) Edited by Baritone Pride
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Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

Deathly Hallows Part 1


Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol

Rise of the Planet of the Apes



Just to point out a handful (there's some more)

I don't agree with all of those, but some great choices.

One that isn't on your list I feel is better is: Edge of Tomorrow

This is also not counting animated films.

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I don't agree with all of those, but some great choices.

One that isn't on your list I feel is better is: Edge of Tomorrow

This is also not counting animated films.


I didn't want to list 18 films, just some examples

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22. Scarface (1983)




Another movie that's pretty good, but completely overblown in terms of praise and kneejerk adulation (especially after it was rediscovered in the '90s and '00s). It's such a hammy, overdone film, everything cranked to 11, so much so that it's hard to look at it as anything more than a parody of itself.

Edited by Telemachos
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22. Scarface (1983)




Another movie that's pretty good, but completely overblown in terms of praise and kneejerk adulation (especially after it was rediscovered in the '90s and '00s). It's such a hammy, overdone film, everything cranked to 11, so much so that it's hard to look at it as anything more than a parody of itself.


I really like Scarface, but I completely agree with you

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23. The Goonies




For some reason, this mid-80s Spielberg-esque effort is beloved and adored by every kid who grew up in the '80s. Everyone except me. It's okay, but nothing that special, and nothing really that other movies in that era did better. Even as a kid, willing to like pretty much everything, I didn't think it was all that.


I'm not sure if it was the first, but it's the earliest instance that I can remember of the "roller coaster movie" where you've got a series of sets and events that seem like they're designed for a theme park ride. Honey I Shrunk the Kids is another example.


Thankfully, this sub-genre seems to have died.

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24. Inception






Look, I like this movie. Quite a lot, actually. But it's been placed on this absurdly high pedestal by crazed Nolan fanboys who will accept no God other than their own. It's a very clever concept and the action scenes are wonderfully done, and Nolan assembled a great cast... but, like he's tended to do with his recent blockbusters, he takes a brute force approach to storytelling. Exposition-filled speech after exposition-filled speech, characters who do nothing but wander around like the audience's Mary Sue, asking "Why?" ... the first hour is really inert.


Great action movie. Lots of fun. One of the greatest movies ever made? Not even close.


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22. Scarface (1983)




Another movie that's pretty good, but completely overblown in terms of praise and kneejerk adulation (especially after it was rediscovered in the '90s and '00s). It's such a hammy, overdone film, everything cranked to 11, so much so that it's hard to look at it as anything more than a parody of itself.

Fuck you Tele. Fuck you.


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21. The Austin Powers sequels




The original was cute, funny, and a fresh amusing look at a genre which (for the most part) had taken itself very seriously for a few decades. The sequels that followed were considerably more expensive, more filled with cameos and glam co-stars, but basically just regurgitated or repurposed the same jokes from the first film. The bigger they got, the hollower and emptier they felt.

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21. The Austin Powers sequels




The original was cute, funny, and a fresh amusing look at a genre which (for the most part) had taken itself very seriously for a few decades. The sequels that followed were considerably more expensive, more filled with cameos and glam co-stars, but basically just regurgitated or repurposed the same jokes from the first film. The bigger they got, the hollower and emptier they felt.

All the Austin Powers suck. 

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