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Baumer's/Tele's/Chas' 25 films that have brainwashed people into mindless adulation (Tele pg 26)

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Not to mention, this was apparently all planned -- he and M knew it all was gonna go down like that.


It's nice how Skyfall makes a running theme of really stupid M & Bond plans.  But to make that theme work the closing scene should have been Bond being sacked for being fucking incompetent.

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11) Shakespeare In Love:  Gwyneth Paltrow is the daughter of director Bruce Paltrow and actress Blythe Danner.  Shakespeare in Love is produced by Oscar bribery kings and whores the Weinsteins (think I'm exaggerating, go ask anyone how The Reader beat out TDK for a best picture nomination), add the two together and you have a picture that no one really viewed in the Academy, they just took the gold Rolex's and a pound of Coke from the Weistein's, got the call from Gwynnie's dad and decided that this was the film to give her the Oscar for and this was the film that would win best picture.  Now there are other years that have some egregious winners, there are other years when the Oscar's have been bought, but rarely has there been a film less deserving of a nomination let alone a win than this one.  This is a film that would have played better on ABC at 4 pm and called the ABC after school special.  Not only did the Weinstein's and Gwynnie buy their way to a win, in the process, the fucked over Spielberg again.  I thought that by 1998, SS was beyond the the hate and jealousy that had plagued him in the early part of his career.  But apparently when you are a rich fat cat in Hollywood, you live to be 137 and the scars with them run deep, so they took this one other opportunity to screw him over.  They simply couldn't overlook him for Schindler's List for reasons that I won't mention in fear of coming off as an anti-Semite, and they couldn't not give him best director for Ryan as he directed the hell out of it, but they could give him one final middle finger by awarding best picture to a high school production.  Truly one of the horrible, horrible wins in Oscar history.





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11) Shakespeare In Love:  Gwyneth Paltrow is the daughter of director Bruce Paltrow and actress Blythe Danner.  Shakespeare in Love is produced by Oscar bribery kings and whores the Weinsteins (think I'm exaggerating, go ask anyone how The Reader beat out TDK for a best picture nomination), add the two together and you have a picture that no one really viewed in the Academy, they just took the gold Rolex's and a pound of Coke from the Weistein's, got the call from Gwynnie's dad and decided that this was the film to give her the Oscar for and this was the film that would win best picture.  Now there are other years that have some egregious winners, there are other years when the Oscar's have been bought, but rarely has there been a film less deserving of a nomination let alone a win than this one.  This is a film that would have played better on ABC at 4 pm and called the ABC after school special.  Not only did the Weinstein's and Gwynnie buy their way to a win, in the process, the fucked over Spielberg again.  I thought that by 1998, SS was beyond the the hate and jealousy that had plagued him in the early part of his career.  But apparently when you are a rich fat cat in Hollywood, you live to be 137 and the scars with them run deep, so they took this one other opportunity to screw him over.  They simply couldn't overlook him for Schindler's List for reasons that I won't mention in fear of coming off as an anti-Semite, and they couldn't not give him best director for Ryan as he directed the hell out of it, but they could give him one final middle finger by awarding best picture to a high school production.  Truly one of the horrible, horrible wins in Oscar history.






Joseph Fiennes was so hot in this movie. Ironically he also co-starred in Elizabeth with Cate Blanchett who lost Best Actress to Gwynni for Shakespeare in Love.

Edited by ECSTASY
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14) The Dark Knight Rises:  Sure I like it more now.  Sure it's not as annoying as it once was.  But that doesn't mean it isn't one of the stupidest blockbusters ever made. I could go on about this but we have all discussed this before and you all know the points already.  So I'll just leave it with this.  





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11) Shakespeare In Love:  Gwyneth Paltrow is the daughter of director Bruce Paltrow and actress Blythe Danner.  Shakespeare in Love is produced by Oscar bribery kings and whores the Weinsteins (think I'm exaggerating, go ask anyone how The Reader beat out TDK for a best picture nomination), add the two together and you have a picture that no one really viewed in the Academy, they just took the gold Rolex's and a pound of Coke from the Weistein's, got the call from Gwynnie's dad and decided that this was the film to give her the Oscar for and this was the film that would win best picture.  Now there are other years that have some egregious winners, there are other years when the Oscar's have been bought, but rarely has there been a film less deserving of a nomination let alone a win than this one.  This is a film that would have played better on ABC at 4 pm and called the ABC after school special.  Not only did the Weinstein's and Gwynnie buy their way to a win, in the process, the fucked over Spielberg again.  I thought that by 1998, SS was beyond the the hate and jealousy that had plagued him in the early part of his career.  But apparently when you are a rich fat cat in Hollywood, you live to be 137 and the scars with them run deep, so they took this one other opportunity to screw him over.  They simply couldn't overlook him for Schindler's List for reasons that I won't mention in fear of coming off as an anti-Semite, and they couldn't not give him best director for Ryan as he directed the hell out of it, but they could give him one final middle finger by awarding best picture to a high school production.  Truly one of the horrible, horrible wins in Oscar history.






my last post agreeing with this wasn't good enough.  That year and movie is about the only thing that truly pisses me off and i could go on and on.  But this gif should have been part of my first reply and is necessary



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Saving Private Ryan's last act in the destroyed town and bridge stand is the most incredible war/action sequence ever put on celluloid. Way more complex than the already impressive D Day opening sequence.

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Saving Private Ryan's last act in the destroyed town and bridge stand is the most incredible war/action sequence ever put on celluloid. Way more complex than the already impressive D Day opening sequence.

They are both so great it is hard for me to choose which is the better sequence.

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They are both so great it is hard for me to choose which is the better sequence.


I prefer the last act because the sequence is quite long, very complex, yet you never are lost and it feels you are with these soldiers living this battle oh and the sound design and mix is fucking incredible, Ben Burtt magic at Skywalker Sound. This is the first movie that showed the gruesome impacts that high caliber machine guns have on the human body : dismemberment, decapitation, the body basically explodes and high caliber bullets actually cut you in half.

Edited by The Futurist
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