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Too many superhero movies?

We had - including Big Hero 6 - in 2014 according to BOM 6 Superhero movies. Out of 692 movies that got released in US cinemas last year. In 2013 and 2012 each 5 superhero movies


Who thinks we get too many superhero movies.... doesn't watch enough movies IMHO. And why those should be responsible for not enough female stron roles,... I have really no idea

They aren't just six random films, they're six tentpoles which get a shocking amount of advertising. They feel everywhere and oppressive. And lets not get started about the hype for movies that don't even have scripts yet.

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They aren't just six random films, they're six tentpoles which get a shocking amount of advertising. They feel everywhere and oppressive. And lets not get started about the hype for movies that don't even have scripts yet.


Agreed - the whole 'SH movies are a fraction of the total released' argument doesn't wash: it's the collective, disproportionate focus on them that grates. Look at the first page of the main forum here for proof.

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They aren't just six random films, they're six tentpoles which get a shocking amount of advertising. They feel everywhere and oppressive. And lets not get started about the hype for movies that don't even have scripts yet.


I am aware about that.

Those movies weren't the only ones with a good avertising,... and they are mostly part something out of an already existing franchise plus one animated movie. Still people chose to watch those more than the others. Why? Only bcs of advertising? Why repeat watch them? Why do people watch them, who aren't even reading 'hype'? A lot of the marketing is also dome to get people back into the cinemas. Less and less people see trailers... in the cinemas, less people get in time be aware about new movies only via cinemas. Hece one of the reasons distributer started to enhance the marketing via TV,... too, especially for big-budgets. Read the articles about the cinema owners being VERY concerned about especially that aspect of future business. And compare the money a smaller movie with an interesting looking trailer makes, if said trailer is attatched to a blockbuster. Those usually get way better BOs than other smaller budgets ones.

The insanity is, the big budgets have no other chance than to advertise everywhere, but the smaller ones ~ 2wweks later released CAN use the help via trailers, if the trailer are good and of interest for the GA.

Beside that, Hollywood seems to be a bit out of ideas, if it is about bigger budget movies. And the business needs those, too many people working for the studios to not give them a project.


I often think the artists (my husband, brother, all of their friends,... are ones, me, I worked for ~ 20 years in the entertainment industry before changing professions, now e.g. teaching the differences of story details... of different media and such plus more) have lost touch to the GA.

They expect the GA to more or less only watch their version of art. Or what they accept as art. That's IMHO the first mistake. Todays superhero movies also are an art-form, but not in that 'artsy' way.

Maybe partly less quality in scripts,... but way less 'worse' than a lot of people dare to say. There are very bad superhero movies too (see early tries to adapt some of them), but also really bad indipendent, whatever movies too.


A lot of the demanded proof for quality seem to be about what a movie (book, ...) has to say about the 'real' society, a drama plot (too often overly drama) big feelings (what is with subtle btw) or whatever.

To me those movies are also important. But not as 'The-must-see-all-of-the arts-movies-way', it depends on a lot how it is done, to make it a 'must-see'. And a fun movie,... can also be a must see, for the joy it can give, without being an art movie IMHO (not a fan of comedy btw)

If people would only watch superhero movies, the other 600+ wouldn't have gotten a chance to get filmed. Latest after one of those years no studio would even try or finance them. Do all art movies earn enough? No, but neither do all the big budgets. When done not good... they bomb too, with usually bigger waves.

Still we get hundreds of movies each year.

Something matches not up with that kind of argueing.


Do people expect other people to go daily into a museum? Hear a lecture about painter XY?

People go to sport, hike, read, film the family, blog,... And want often also some art.

But not only art.


For the moment the superhero movies seem to feed the need for non-art-movies / non-documentries... In the past we got tons of Western. Cop-Buddy movies, whatever.

Now partly less of those (Western in some years ~ non-existing) and a few more superhero movies. In the end there was never enough money for art movies, as in big throws per year as there were never enough viewers being interested into those to allow big-budgets for them, if the story wasn't based on true events famous internationally or similar.


The hype for movies that not even exist,... partly feeded by marketing,,...., yes, but partly also showing about the GA being 'hungry' for movies other than the offerd ones.

Not all is about the bad bad bad marketing, ... it's also about a lot of people expecting a movie business and that expectation not matching to the GAs taste, hopes, wishes,... 


Btw, the most people I know here loved GotG not for being a superhero movie, but for finally getting a space opera again, for its fun,....

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^ You're right, there's always been genre fare that catered to an audience that wanted them. I think what's changed is that now blockbusters have such ludicrous budgets that mid-level movies have basically disappeared. So now it's small movies that win the awards and people complain no-one watches them but it's not like the stuff they are watching is so great they demand awards. I can't think of a superhero movie that deserved Best Picture, and even with TDK Ledger did win for his role.

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I don't know, maybe moviegoers should change their rubbish taste instead? Or maybe studios should stop making rubbish blockbusters that couldn't possibly be nominated. There are other ways around this!


Rubbish Taste? its pretentious posters like you that piss me off lol. Because the average moviegoer likes to be entertained when they watch a movie instead of simply admiring the films. Its annoying how people like you will look down on these movie goers when the majority of them actually have a life outside the internet and are probably far smarter than you.

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my dad's, who's got pretty mainstream taste when it comes to movies, his favourites last year were cap 2, the raid 2, edge of tomorrow, that kinda stuff, opinions on the last few best picture winners, which I asked him about:


No Country - liked it until the ending which he hated.

Slumdog - said it was ok

Hurt Locker - Loved it

King's Speech - fell asleep. he hated it.

The Artist - Told me you couldn't pay him to see it.

Argo - Liked it

12 Years A Slave - liked it

Birdman - hated it more than i did. I actually went to see it with him the first time and man, he came out mad as fuck. yelling at me and shit "You told me it was a comedy!"

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2001. A Beautiful mind  (a good film, but FOTR was better and deserved the award ROTK got)

2002. Chicago  (okay film, I personally preferred Road to Perdition and Catch me if you can)

2003. ROTK ( I can understand the win, but I loved Mystic River)

2004. Million Dollar Baby ( I think the academy got it right)

2005. Crash (lol)

2006. The Departed (great movie, they got it right again)

2007. No County for old Men (love this movie, they got it right again imo)

2008. Slumdog Millionaire (liked it at the time but lets face it, this was TDK's Oscar)

2009. Hurt Locker (Inglorious Bastards or Avatar for me, Bigelow's ZDT was far better than THL)

2010. King Speech (Social Network for me, I was expecting a kings speech win and a Fincher directors win, cant believe they gave Kings Speech best director, that was a poor decision imo)

2011 The Artist (seriously WTF? imo 50/50 was better than every nominee that year

2012. Argo (this was a good line-up, argo winning was a disappointment. ZDT and Django were far better imo)

2013. 12YAS (kind of had to win didn't it. Given the concept, it was hard to really make a shit film out of it.

2014  Birdman (meh)

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I feel like having "bigger" movies nominated would only increase ratings if they were to go full People's Choice Awards and nominate nothing but blockbusters or box office hits in all the categories or if one of them emerged as an extreme frontrunner. Would anyone actually watch that wouldn't have otherwise to if, say, Guardians of the Galaxy had been nominated only for it to get beaten by Birdman, a movie most of the public at large probably wasn't aware even existed 48 hours ago (and probably are still unmoved to check out)? Uh huh, no.

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BIRDMAN is "brainy"? Is that now the term for any movie that's about adult subject matter?


Apart from "brainy" being a really annoying pejorative, it doesn't even make sense. Whatever one thought of Birdman it was clearly striving to be an emotional experience first and foremost.


Add to that the fact that Sniper got nominated despite merely ok reviews and it's a rubbish article all round, really.

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While I don't think the Oscars should go full People's Choice Awards, it's nice to have a blockbuster or two in some of the larger categories.

IMO, GOTG should've been a contender for Adapted Screenplay. Hell, IIRC the WGA nominated it in that category.

Edited by Alpha
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While I do think the Oscars should go full People's Choice Awards, it's nice to have a blockbuster or two in some of the larger categories.

IMO, GOTG should've been a contender for Adapted Screenplay. Hell, IIRC the WGA nominated it in that category.


Hmm, not sure, is it possible you meant to write



While I don't think....


Without the added letters it sounds strange in it complete formulation to me.

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Opposed to your argument that box office determines quality

Hmm, not sure, is it possible you meant to write

Without the added letters it sounds strange in it complete formulation to me.

Oops, lol

NOEDIT: While I don't think the Oscars should go full People's Choice Awards, it's nice to have a blockbuster or two in some of the larger categories.

Edited by Alpha
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O mei o mei...


Read up on percentages of female speaking roles in US movies (I posted the numbers a while back), and so on.


A very few female roles don't balance out the extreme unbalanced situation. Especially as the most females roles are still shown in a cliche way...

Same counts for non-whites characters, way too often still cliches.


Your way to argue would mean only 10% of the US are non-white and females together. Or the paying for tickest ones.


About males fitting the roles better, let's say it this way:

- nealry all females in a hero movie wern't shown without cliches still included or in rather bad movies.....


- Only a very few film makers are even able to do 'something' with a female fighter or a strong female person.


- Did you even read up into how many complain there are e.g. missing female hero toys, T-Shirts,... and if they are on the market why females young and old do not want THAT version? see #itsnotjusttheboysthatsavetheday


sjoes ‏@sjoes Feb 21

RT @kesselrunn: #itsnotjusttheboysthatsavetheday @hasbro @amy_geek @starwars < P.S. It's not FAIR!




- How many are extrmely fed up with getting ignored in such movies?

- Why certain CBMs got a far higher female viewershp percentage than others?

And so on...


The people moaning for the sake of moaning... wow, you are an ignoarant it seems. I wasn't aware about how big a one.

that makes me really angry, some of my favorite sw action figures were ones of the girls. and almost all super hero movies make 10 action figures of the hero and none of the girls, how are they supposed to save the damsel in distress if there is no damsel to save? how are they supposed to married? or maybe the damsel could save the hero? you can't have half the time, because they just make thousands action figures of the guys, even the SH girls seem to get snubbed, the idea that girls do not play with AF is stupid and the Idea that boys don't like AF of female characters is bogus and it's really stupid and it's hurtful for women.

Edited by Visor shades Kalo
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While I don't think the Oscars should go full People's Choice Awards, it's nice to have a blockbuster or two in some of the larger categories.

IMO, GOTG should've been a contender for Adapted Screenplay. Hell, IIRC the WGA nominated it in that category.

That's cause about a third of Oscar contenders are usually ineligible under WGA rules.

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The first step they need to take is completely rebooting the production team. No more of these two and their tacky and bloated ceremonies. I imagine there were many viewers who started watching but changed the channel and said, "Yeah, I'm not sitting through 3 hours of this."

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