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Kalo's 54 films of 2014 countdown. (Countdown complete #1 on page 9)

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#19 The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies




I love Lord of the Rings, it is my favorite trilogy of all time (bc I like all three better than ANH).  and I have been one of those fans who was desperately awaiting the Hobbit, it kept getting delayed and for a time I thought it never may happen, but then Guillermo del Toro left and Peter Jackson step in to save the day. and I really liked An Unexpected Journey, sure it had some pacing issues and it wasn't as good as lotr, but lets face it, it never would have been. and then they split from two to three parts, I was a little sceptical about that, but then Desolation of Smaug was released and it was even better than UAJ. but I was like there is only like 15 minutes left to tell, so did they pull it off? Yes, mostly.  


The Battle of Five Armies, begins wonderfully, and the opening sequence throws you right in. Luke Evans really steers the whole first half of the movie, and he is excellent as Bard the Bowman, there is a bit of cheese thrown in, the flashing out or really the entire character of Alfrid, was unnecessary and played out kind of cheesy. and there is a bit of tediousness in the middle, and Thorin is such a bitch in this movie, yeah I know he has dragon sickness (which I have mixed feelings about) but still, he's incredibly unlikable. and some of the CGI, looks really weird, like the Dwarf king that comes the the Aid of the company of dwarves, I was like.. what's wrong with your face dude? and I wished they used real orcs. that being said, the final battle, which is really long was for the most part excellent, I really liked some of the crazy shit legolas did, and even Thorin ended of redeeming himself a bit, Martin Freeman was as always amazing, I just wished the film focused on him more. overall I really liked this movie a lot, but it is probably my least favorite in the series, and I feel maybe the movies would have been better in two films, but there were moments of the film that were completely awesome and level out the unevenness quite a bit. (note I probably need to see this movie again to give  a final verdict, it may fluctuate some.) 


My Grade: A-
Favorite Character: Bard the Bowman/Biblo Baggins 
Favorite performance: Martin Freeman/Luke Evans
Favorite part: Galadriel showing off her power, that scene was insane! 










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19# The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies




I love Lord of the Rings, it is my favorite trilogy of all time (bc I like all three better than ANH).  and I have been one of those fans who was desperately awaiting the Hobbit, it kept getting delayed and for a time I thought it never may happen, but then Guillermo del Toro left and Peter Jackson step in to save the day. and I really liked An Unexpected Journey, sure it had some pacing issues and it wasn't as good as lotr, but lets face it, it never would have been. and then they split from two to three parts, I was a little sceptical about that, but then Desolation of Smaug was released and it was even better than UAJ. but I was like there is only like 15 minutes left to tell, so did they pull it off? Yes, mostly.  


The Battle of Five Armies, begins wonderfully, and the opening sequence throws you right in. Luke Evans really steers the whole first half of the movie, and he is excellent as Bard the Bowman, there is a bit of cheese thrown in, the flashing out or really the entire character of Alfrid, was unnecessary and played out kind of cheesy. and there is a bit of tediousness in the middle, and Thorin is such a bitch in this movie, yeah I know he has dragon sickness (which I have mixed feelings about) but still, he's incredibly unlikable. and some of the CGI, looks really weird, like the Dwarf king that comes the the Aid of the company of dwarves, I was like.. what's wrong with your face dude? and I wished they used real orcs. that being said, the final battle, which is really long was for the most part excellent, I really liked some of the crazy shit legolas did, and even Thorin ended of redeeming himself about, Martin Freeman was as always amazing, I just wished the film focused on him more. overall I really liked this movie a lot, but it is probably my least favorite in the series, and I feel maybe the movies would have been better in two films, but there were moments of the film that were completely awesome and level out the unevenness quite a bit. (note I probably need to see this movie again to give  a final verdict, it may fluctuate some.) 


My Grade: A-

Favorite Character: Bard the Bowman/Luke Evans

Favorite performance: Martin Freeman/Luke Evans

Favorite part: Galadriel showing off her power, that scene was insane! 










Perfect description. And the battle against Sauron and the Wraiths was also my favourite part! :D

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#18 Unbroken 





After a near-fatal plane crash in WWII, Olympian Louis Zamperini spends a harrowing 47 days in a raft with two fellow crewmen before he's caught by the Japanese navy and sent to a prisoner-of-war camp.


Well here it is, the film on the incredible true story of olympian runner Louis Zamperini, and Angelina's sophomore attempt behind the director's chair. and it is mostly successful. I thought the cinematography was utilized quite well, especially the beginning action sequence, it had a feel to it that I hadn't really seen before and made you feel like you were right there with Louis, I know some people complain that Jolie had no business directing such a prestigious film with so little experience, but I feel the main job of the director is the get good performances out of the actors, and in this she was incredibly successful, of course the direction on this can only go so far. Jack O'Connell was like I stated in "Starred Up" Incredible, he truly gave a very powerful performance, and in fact all three leads were great. Domhnall Gleeson was great and in fact him and O'Connell drove probably my favorite part of the movie, the stranded at sea, bit, which you would think would be boring, but somehow it managed to be a driven force of the film and really built up a strong relationship between the characters in the film, Garrett Hedlund was also gave a very solid performance and this acting was probably the best thing about the film, even Jai Courtney was decnet! (I'm beginning to think he can actually act) the problem I felt lay mostly in the script, which is weird cause I usually love the Coen Brothers, it could have been handled just a bit more epicly unsteady some scenes just kind of go by, and the focus of the story was misplaced abit, they spent too long on the prison camp part and which most of was good at showcases how awful they were treated. (Well almost my grandfather was a prisoner of war in WWII, and this is tame compared to his accounts)  and could have really dealt more into the Olympic bit, as well as drawn out the end which I felt was abrupt. looking at the trailer I thought this was going to be one of the best films of the year, and it was a really good movie, in it didn't quite live up to my expectations. but I thought it was way better than most people have stated. and I feel it was a pretty powerful movie and a great showcase of what a human can endure, and the measure to never ever give up was incredibly powerful.


My Grade: A-

Favorite Character: Louis Zamperini
Favorite performance: Jack O'Connell 
Favorite part: The lost at sea bit








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#17 The Lego Movie




Like this movie needs an introduction. Okay, so I have seen this movie three times, each time had a different opinion of it. but I think I've finally come to an conclusion EVERYTHING IS AWESOME!!! seriously it's pretty awesome, I will say this when I saw it in theaters, the theater was packed full of parents with their kids, and I laughed more and louder than anyone in the entire theater, it was just so stinking witty, and brought back sooo many childhood memories, the legos look and movie like freakin legos look and move! and Christ Pratt and Elizabeth banks are you kidding me!! oh and Morgan Freeman I'm not kidding I think it my be my favorite performance from him! they are amazing here. it doesn't hold up quite as well as the first time to me, and I fell the thirdish middle bit is a bit exhausting, although I remember in the theater I got fatigued from laughing so much. but yeah I didn't love it quite as much as a certain member *cough* Blankments ​but I still immensely enjoyed us. and just remember this day as Freedom Friday ! except on a tuesday! (even though it really is friday)


My Grade: A-

Favorite Character: Vitruvius/Emmet Brickowoski
Favorite performance: Morgan Freeman/Chris Pratt
Favorite part: not sure.








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#16 Copenhagen 





When the girl of your dreams is half your age, it's time to grow up.


Game of Throne's Star Gethin Anthony play's William, an immature douchebag late twenties American, in the Canadian independent gem of a film. William travels to Copenhagen, with his best friend and his girlfriend in hopes to find out about his grandfather who he has never met, but when his Best Friend abandons him, to get married in London. he is given aid from Effy a native of denmark, who helps him seeks out cues about his grandfather, and helps him mature as a man, William began to fall for her. however after these feelings begin to arise, she reveals to him that she is 14. 


this movie kind of came out of nowhere for me I had never even heard of it, but I found it on netflix, as it had good ratings on IMDB. and I was already a fan of Gethin Anthony from GoT. and this turned out to be a really engaging touching film about love, life, maturity and time. it handled the subject matter really sensitively I thought, and had I not already known Gethin was british, I would have thought he was an American!  he was excellent as well as Frederikke Dahl Hansen, the scenery, the pacing, the story and the music in this film were spot on! this movie was fantastic! 


My Grade: A- (close to A)
Favorite Character: Effy/William
Favorite performance: Gethin Anthony
Favorite part: the karaoke scene. 







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#15 Edge of Tomorrow





A military officer is brought into an alien war against an extraterrestrial enemy who can reset the day and know the future. When this officer is enabled with the same power, he teams up with a Special Forces warrior to try and end the war.


So this what groundhog day would be if it were a sci-fi action thriller? amazingly awesome! the trailers for this movie made it like so generic, and turns out it was far from it!  EoT is one of the closest movies I've seen to actually being a videogame, and I mean that in a good way. it's also smart and complex unlike so many action films, and especially blockbusters, Tom Cruise is at the top of his game as a coward turned reluctant hero. and Emily Blunt!! who would have thought she could do action so well! and be a driving force of this movie! the visuals were amazing as were the set pieces, the costumes as well, and the design of the aliens was just sick!  there were a couple little bits of tediousness but not overall I found this to be an Incredibly immersive action film and one heck of a ride! I loved it. and it really really makes me want to see a Halo film get made :( (note 15-13 were almost impossible to separated, this could actually place a bit higher)


My Grade: A
Favorite Character: Rita
Favorite performance: Emily Blunt
Favorite part: The climax.







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#14 The Fault in Our Stars 




I think if you've been reading my countdown by now, you've found that I have a soft spot for romance films, I think falling in love is one of the most beautiful things humans can do, sadly I think I've also yet to truly experiences such a thing, although I've come pretty close, I just haven't quite got there yet.  but i don't like just any old romance though, I like ones that have something unique, something deep and meaningfully or even a bit strange maybe, I remember watching the trailer and seeing the poster for this movie and I'm like, I have to see it, I also have this thing for incredibly sad films, I don't know why. also this is my favorite film poster of 2014. the simplicity of it, they are laying on the grass looking faces entwined, saying I'm dying but I'm never been more alive because I'm in love with you, it's so simplistic and yet there is something incredibly complex therein. so before seeing the movie I bought the book and read it on the beach during summer vacation and read it very quickly and I cried and cried. also Augustus Waters is one of the best fictional characters ever written, he is incredibly kind and gentle to Hazel and treats her exactly how any good man should treat the love of your life and in some ways literally brought hazel back to life. this part was translated almost perfectly unto the screen Ansel Elgort gave one of the best performances of the year. and Shailene, well she completely holds her own here, she is perfect as Hazel Grace, and we witness one of the best on screen duo chemistries of the year. and maybe some of it is a bit manipulative like it's trying to make you feel sad, also the color blue, did you realize the color blue is in almost every single shot in this film? I also believe if I'm not mistaken that blue is a color to make one feel emotion. oh and  Laura Dern, I've been a fan of her ever since october sky. she is incredible as the loving mother of hazel, oh and another thing they got right, Hazel has incredibly kind parents who love her, but they still act like her parents. one of the things I thought a weakness was Sam Trammell, as Hazel's father, he was great in the book, I just didn't feel it with him on screen.

and some of the scenes were a bit mmhmm not quite, like the book side story, it was a bit off to me. I guess you could say. but overall this was an incredibly powerful film about life, love and death. and I also cried more than i have for a movie on this and I'm not ashamed to admit it.  gosh and this is only 14?! I said I thought 2014 was the best year ever for films, oh there is actually one other romance film I liked better than this in 2014. also the dialogue most teens my not actually talk like that. but it's so poetic that I can't help but love it.


My Grade: A

Favorite Character: Augustus Waters
Favorite performance: Ansel Elgort/ Shailene Woodley 
Favorite part:

Augustus's letter to Hazel












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14# The Fault in Our Stars 




I think if you've been reading my countdown by now, you've found that I have a soft spot for romance films, I think falling in love is one of the most beautiful things humans can do, sadly I think I've also yet to truly experiences such a thing, although I've come pretty close, I just haven't quite got there yet.  but i don't like just any old romance though, I like ones that have something unique, something deep and meaningfully or even a bit strange maybe, I remember watching the trailer and seeing the poster for this movie and I'm like, I hate to see it, I also have this thing for incredibly sad films, I don't know why. also this is my favorite film poster of 2014. the simplicity of it, they are laying on the grass looking into each others, saying I'm dying but I'm never been more alive because I'm in love with you, it's so simplistic and yet there is something incredibly complex therein. so before seeing the movie I bought the book and read it on the beach at summer vacation very quickly and I cried and cried. also Augustus Waters is one of the best fictional characters ever written, he is incredibly kind and gentle to Hazel and treats her exactly how any good man should treat the love of your live and in some ways literally broke hazel back to life. this part was translated almost perfectly unto the screen Ansel Elgort was pure believable one of the best performances of the year. and Shailene well she completely holds her own here, she is perfect as Hazel grace, and we witness one of the best on screen duo chemistry of the year. and maybe some of it is a bit manipulative like it's trying to make you feel, also the color blue, did you realize the color blue is in almost every single shot in this film? I also believe if I'm not mistaken think blue is a color to make one feel emotion. oh and  Laura Dern, I've been a fan of her ever since october sky. she is incredible as the lovely mother of hazel, oh and another thing they got right, Hazel has incredibly kind parents who love her, but they still act like her parents. one of the things I thought a weakness was Sam Trammell, as Hazel's father, he was great in the book, I just didn't feel it with him on screen.

and some of the scenes were a bit mmhmm not quite, like the book side story, it was a bit off to me. I guess you could say. but overall this was an incredibly powerful film about life, love and death. and I also cried more than i have for a movie on this and I'm not ashamed to admit it.  gosh and this is only 14?! I said I thought 2014 was the best year ever for films, oh there is actually one other romance film I liked better than this in 2014. also the dialogue most teens my not actually talk like that. but it's so poetic that I can't help but love it.


My Grade: A

Favorite Character: Augustus Waters

Favorite performance: Ansel Elgort/ Shailene Woodley 

Favorite part:

Augustus's letter to Hazel









You said it beautifully.  I can't tell you my favourite part of the film because there are so many strong and powerful moments.  So here are 5:


Hazel's eulogy to Gus while he is still alive

Gus' letter to Hazel

The egging of Monica's house

The dinner in Amsterdam...when Gus tells her he loves her and her smile, her reaction.

The love scene.  Beautifully filmed, tender, sweet, romantic.

Hazel explaining her ten.


Okay that's six, but there are so many.


And the song Wait, the one you have here, is beautiful and I listen to it often.  Terrific movie and a terrific write up.  


Thanks Kalo.

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Oh Kalo, I love the write up.

I've said Interstellar is my favorite film of 2014 but, I still flip back and forth between that Fault in my mind all the time. The amazing thing is that the movie doesn't have anything book. The day I bought the book I went home ate dinner sat down and started reading the book and I didn't stop until I reached the back cover. Augustus Waters just might be my favorite fictional character ever to exist.

As for that being the way teens talk, it isn't, I've never talked like that, but I do think like that all the time so it was beautiful to have the characters express themselves that way. The dinner in Amsterdam is my favorite part in the book. The high that entire chapter created was insane. In the movie I'd have to say my favorite part is when Hazel is driving away from the funeral, that just broke me down.

I could say so much more but I think I've gone on enough of a rant now.

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You said it beautifully.  I can't tell you my favourite part of the film because there are so many strong and powerful moments.  So here are 5:


Hazel's eulogy to Gus while he is still alive

Gus' letter to Hazel

The egging of Monica's house

The dinner in Amsterdam...when Gus tells her he loves her and her smile, her reaction.

The love scene.  Beautifully filmed, tender, sweet, romantic.

Hazel explaining her ten.


Okay that's six, but there are so many.


And the song Wait, the one you have here, is beautiful and I listen to it often.  Terrific movie and a terrific write up.  


Thanks Kalo.

this song Buamer? 



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#13 American Sniper 





Navy SEAL sniper Chris Kyle's pinpoint accuracy saves countless lives on the battlefield and turns him into a legend. Back home to his wife and kids after four tours of duty, however, Chris finds that it is the war he can't leave behind.


Let me just say before seeing this, I had pretty much no Idea who Chris Kyle was, and even now the things are heard, I just haven't looked into it enough to know, he may very well have been a douchebag, this is a review for the movie.


Bradley Cooper runs this movie, he is an unstoppable force here, It's the best performance I've ever seen him give, and I am a big fan of Cooper. that is probably part of the reason this is so high, and imo he unlike some actors this year *cough* Benedict Cumberbatch actually deserved the nomination he got. I also did not find this to be a pro-war film, I found it a very interesting character study of what war can do to someone especially someone like Chris Kyle who was exposed to war, probably longer than anyone should be, I also felt it was directed excellently by Clint Eastwood, one of his best efforts. and the realism of tension of war is what really drives this film it's hard to watch at parts, but it forces you too. you are stuck there to witness everything going on. and it sticks, it's a very tragic movie, and anyone who has killed that many people has got to have some serious issues, I thought the portrayal of the wife wanting her husband to just come home and not understanding his need for war was really well handled too. and that fake baby probably gave the best performance of the year! ok not it was actually kind of creepy and if I could ask the makers one thing it would be why the heck did you put a fake baby in this movie and on top of that make it completely obvious. :P this is a movie I would have to watch again to know for sure what I think of it, it would probably more than likely go down instead of up, but I was completely submerged in the film while viewing and it captivated.


My Grade: A
Favorite Character: Chris Kyle sort of 
Favorite performance: BRADLEY COOPER!
Favorite part: The final battle sequence 






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I thought American Sniper was pretty bad. Thanks for the link to the baby scene - I've heard loads of people talk about it but I didn't notice it in the film. That's hilariously bad, how didn't I notice that  :lol:

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I thought American Sniper was pretty bad. Thanks for the link to the baby scene - I've heard loads of people talk about it but I didn't notice it in the film. That's hilariously bad, how didn't I notice that  :lol:

the part where Cooper moves his thumb to make it look like the baby is moving  :lol:

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#12 How To Train Your Dragon 2





When Hiccup and Toothless discover an ice cave that is home to hundreds of new wild dragons and the mysterious Dragon Rider, the two friends find themselves at the center of a battle to protect the peace.


Sequels are rare that are nearly as good as the first, Animated Sequels even more so I find. and How to Train Your Dragon 2, is perhaps the best animated Sequel I have even seen. it had all the Magic of the original, and took everything from the characters and story of the first and elaborated deeper into it, The Story of Hiccup and Toothless is incredibly touching and powerful, and one major thing they got right, was making the characters age, but I hate the most in a lot of animated sequels they are afraid to make the characters age because they think kids won't relate to it anymore or some crap like that. How To Train Your Dragon, was a coming of age story, How To Train Your Dragon 2, is a story of adulthood, and accepting your place in the world. this movie completely tests the bonds of friendship, and probably has the most hearting breaking seen in animation since The Lion King. I also loved the mother son story in line here, it's a story that isn't nearly touched on enough in films and very rarely in animation. the whole family dynamic was all handled very well. it was very sweet and powerful. this movie is also quite funny at parts. Kristen Wiig's character probably being the highpoint of that, also yay for Kit Harrington! the movie dealt with such deep and adult themes, that I I wouldn't even call it a kids movie, and my hat is off to DreamWorks for daring to take that risk, caused it worked out brilliantly. I found the animation itself is breathtaking, and truly beautiful and the score! it is probably in my top 2 favorite film scores of the year. this movie was fantastic! the verdict is still out on weather I liked better than the first. but this is truly amazing and one of my favorite animated films of all time.


My Grade: A
Favorite Character: Toothless and Hiccup 
Favorite performance: Jay Baruchel
Favorite part: too many to name. 


AWARD WINNER! Best animation of the year according to Kalo. 








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