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AVENGERS Official Wknd Estimates: 191M - Disney

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Except Magneto wasn't the villain? Hell, he was arguably the hero and most rational character in the whole film.


The hook for Days of Future Past was never the villain (like it usually is with these flicks), it was the time travel.


He was one of the villains and audiences see him like that. They have seen him many times. It's like seeing Loki again and again.

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Now that The Avengers has kept the record and even the hugely hyped Ultron will miss by 20 million.



What will? 


Will it stay for another two years


If it stays till 2017 it be longest held opening weekend record.


Something nobody expects. Impossible to know, frankly.

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General public has no clue who Apocalypse is, and they are ones who make Days of Future Past the first X-Men movie in almost 10 years to break $200M domestic. It'll be bigger WW, I'll grant you. But domestically, this franchise has shown it has a roof.

This, DOFP fell short of the original X-Men in ticket sales, no reason to assume without the original cast it can increase.

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Now that The Avengers has kept the record and even the hugely hyped Ultron will miss by 20 million.



What will? 


Will it stay for another two years


If it stays till 2017 it be longest held opening weekend record.

Star Wars will be huge but being released during December will kill its chances at the OW record.

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There are only so many superhero movies people will pay to see, and BvS and Civil War will both have been huge before Apocalypse opens. I don't give it a boost either.


I think BVS is the one in the best position. I will see all three though.

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I don't think that there is necessarily a superhero movie fatigue but Marvel is making movies that are beginning to merge into one another. That's not a bad thing while they all are making huge amount of money but at some point people will have to be convinced that a new movie is worth their time and money. I am not a CBM fan so I was never going to be wowed but even then I was completely unimpressed by TA2. It is just a paint by the numbers Marvel movie. 

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you can t expect every big superhero property to sell around 70m tickets with each outing.

And even if Ultron makes a bit under 500m dom, it s still ginormous and the foreign gross will dry Disney s non existent tears.

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Irrespective of how good MJ2 is, it has a ceiling. I doubt it will do more than 375m.

Ridiculous. 375m is not the ceiling. MJ1 did $340m in 2D and MJ2 has 3D.

Ceiling would be around $430m.

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Theoritically BvS can break OW record. Batman films have broken OW record 4 times. If the hype is built up and it gets insane reviews it can do it being 1st off the block.


Problem is its directed by Zack :-)



70% 2nd weekend drop

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I still think IW Part 2 will be massive.



Finale factor and all the extra characters. 



However 3 years building up to this and fizzzzzzlllleeeee

Edited by Lordmandeep
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I don't think that there is necessarily a superhero movie fatigue but Marvel is making movies that are beginning to merge into one another. That's not a bad thing while they all are making huge amount of money but at some point people will have to be convinced that a new movie is worth their time and money. I am not a CBM fan so I was never going to be wowed but even then I was completely unimpressed by TA2. It is just a paint by the numbers Marvel movie.

Making 500m dom is not the proof that Ultron is a movie that is not Worth people s time and money ?

Give me a freaking break, please.

Don t put your personnal bias towards Marvel and superhero movies in your bo analysis, it s a bit glaring.

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SW7 won't break the record in December. The weekend before Christmas is a huge shopping weekend, the competition is much stronger and the demographics of the movie skews a lot older than the CBM movies.

Making 500m dom is not the proof that Ultron is a movie that is not Worth people s time and money ?

Give me a freaking break, please.

Don t put your personnal bias towards Marvel and superhero movies in your bo analysis, it s a bit glaring.


I wasn't talking about TA2 in the second part of my post. 

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SW7 won't break the record in December. The weekend before Christmas is a huge shopping weekend, the competition is much stronger and the demographics of the movie skews a lot older than the CBM movies.


I wasn't talking about TA2 in the second part of my post.

Misunderstood you, sorry.

Still don t see your point though.

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