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Jurassic World Weekend Thread | Official Est. 204.6M | 208.8M - Actuals

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There are fortunately very rarely leaks before home media release. Expendables 3 is probably highest profile movie that has leaked before it's cinema run. Or if you disagree, can you give me some examples?

There anrent many..


The studio blamed its poor BO on the leak. Obviously it had nothing to do with it being complete shit, Oh no..


It took 45million of so less than #2, the notion that it was downloaded and watched 5 million times by people that would have otherwise paid is laughable.

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This generation's Harrison Ford perhaps? (Ford was in his mid to late 30s when he did Star Wars and Indy)

too early to say that. Still when the kid asks whos the alpha and pratt said "your looking at him kid!"

I know i wasnt the only one thinking pratt seemed like ford in indy right there lol. Its going to be interesting to see pratts journey. I dont think any actor today can match the love ford has had in just iconic roles of our times. Tom hanks comes close thanks to films like forrezt gump, cast away, saving privatecryan. But no one is fords equal

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I'm genuinely curious to see where they go from here. 'The park is open and quickly goes to hell' card can only be played once, to a lot of money apparently, but they've also done the 'small group go back' story twice to diminishing returns. What could possibly be next?

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But thats the thing. He's in movies that are based on a brand. When he'll open original movies like DiCaprio does for example then we're talking.


GoTG is a Marvel film, but serious? Who heard of Guardians of the Galaxy before that movie? A tiny fraction of the audience. Its success is a credit to the Marvel brand, but the legs are a direct result of the quality of the movie and the likable characters, the lead of which was Star-Lord. Pratt became a star thanks to that movie, it's not like he took over an existing role where it could have just been any actor. A lot of Star-Lord came directly from Pratt.


It's easy now to say JW was always gonna be a smash based just on nostalgia, but that's hindsight 20/20. It needed to be sold as a worthy continuation to the loved franchise or people would be treating it like they did JP3 or worse - any number of unsuccessful attempts to restart a dormant franchise. Pratt was a major part of the marketing. I get that people are wary about giving him any credit, but seriously, you should see how many people on social media are crediting him for wanting to watch the movie. It's not as insignificant as some think.

Edited by JennaJ
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I'm saying the potential is there...not that he will definitely live up to that potential.


I'm sure everybody said the same thing about Sam Worthington after both Avatar and Clash of The Titans broke out at the box office.


Not that Chris Pratt is as bad as Sam Worthington. Unlike Worthington though, Pratt is actually charismatic, so he'll no doubt have a longer shelf-life. 

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I'm genuinely curious to see where they go from here. 'The park is open and quickly goes to hell' card can only be played once, to a lot of money apparently, but they've also done the 'small group go back' story twice to diminishing returns. What could possibly be next?


Dinosaurs rob banks and are tracked by Hobbs?

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I'm genuinely curious to see where they go from here. 'The park is open and quickly goes to hell' card can only be played once, to a lot of money apparently, but they've also done the 'small group go back' story twice to diminishing returns. What could possibly be next?

The movie sets up whats next pretty clearly

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You know this is one thing I don't get about studios these days. Home video sales are way lower than they were in the 90s and 00's, yet they are much quicker to rush their films out on home formats in 3-4 months. You'd figure with most people opting to wait until they can stream the film on Netflix or something rather than pay $20-30 for the dvd or bluray, studios would be trying to milk the theatrical releases for every dime they can. A great recent example is Frozen. It ended up being a smash hit and had incredible legs. It was still playing in well over 1000 theaters at the time of its home release, and made $2 million the weekend before. Yet, the film was released and definitely lost a few million bucks thanks to that.

Tl;dr with nobody buying DVDs and blurays like they used to, I don't get why studios don't make more of an effort to hold off on the home release for a while and find ways to extend theatrical life.


I have thought about that too. Sure theatre attendance drops very after couple of weeks, but let's say if studio would just announce that there won't be any home media release for a year. I bet that movies would have much stronger box office runs, because everyone who would want to see movie for a year would have to see it in theatres instead of waiting for a torrent.


But no, studios are actually starting to push day and date VOD releases "to combat piracy". That's just lunacy. In those cases pirates will get HD copies immediately. Sure it might be good tactic for some small indie films that doesn't have changes for wide releases but for blockbusters that would be so stupid.

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I'm genuinely curious to see where they go from here. 'The park is open and quickly goes to hell' card can only be played once, to a lot of money apparently, but they've also done the 'small group go back' story twice to diminishing returns. What could possibly be next?

Talking dinosaurs

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I'm genuinely curious to see where they go from here. 'The park is open and quickly goes to hell' card can only be played once, to a lot of money apparently, but they've also done the 'small group go back' story twice to diminishing returns. What could possibly be next?

The end of the film, the raptor training program, the I-Tex and Dr. Wu's story points to it; hybrid dinosaurs and military applications.

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??? What did they ever do that could possibly be compared with creating dinosaurs and then getting a bunch of people killed?

Building and selling cars with a specific, overlooked problem that killed people and then tried to deny it and cover it up?


It's been a very big story the last couple years lol.

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Actually yes it does.  You don't need hard evidence, you need common sense, which isn't so common, apparently.


If you can get something for free, or go pay $10 for it, what motivation do you have to go pay for it?

Yes you DO need hard evidence, thats how the universe works. Common sense doesnt apply when you grossly over simplifiy the situation and dont understand the full situation. You cant make a common sense judgement if you dont know the facts.


Plenty of things can affect BO gross, piracy after the run is ended isnt one of them. Terrible cam copies that are out of sync and unwatchable isnt one of them.


Download numbers simply dont add up, its that simple. As for why pay? Well the cinema offers an experience you cant get at home, thats why. Whats really hurts tickets? 50 inch TVs and home surround sound, media that is better quality than the cinema, and stupid ticket prices... and crappy movies.

Edited by Rovex
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I'm sure everybody said the same thing about Sam Worthington after both Avatar and Clash of The Titans broke out at the box office.


Did they really? I don't remember giving Worthington a single thought after watching Avatar. That movie was all about the effects, not the characters.

Clash of the Titans? Didn't even register.


Comparing Pratt to Worthington in terms of charisma and star power seems really misguided to me. Maybe you guys aren't seeing just how prevelant Pratt is in the media right now, but he's all over the place. It was never like that with Worthington.

Edited by JennaJ
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