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Jurassic World Weekend Thread | Official Est. 204.6M | 208.8M - Actuals

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We are talking a record NBA finals in all the key demographics, do not talk it down like its nothing ESP when kids can now just go see it tomorrow instead since school is out.

And on the flip side, I live in Cleveland and 9 of us went to go see JW Thursday night. Only one of our group decided to stay home and watch the game.

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HBO has 3 season finales total but GoT is the biggest.

WWE has a PPV

NBA Finals Game 6



I watch all 3 shows, but I watch them on Monday or late Sunday on HBO Go.

The WWE PPV isn't a major one (also 3 PPVs in 4 weeks, who came up with that schedule?)

NBA is game 5, not a clinching game. Tuesday and possibly Thursday's games will have a much larger impact.

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No, you don't understand how budgets work. Budget is the money they use in production. It doesn't matter whether it comes from studios or sponsors. 


So you're telling someone they don't know how something works and then in another post in the Terminator thread you are saying that because Arnold was a bigger star than Pratt is, Terminator will make a billion dollars?


Credibility dude.

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Guys, the problem here is everyone is trying to BLANKET everything.


- Some of you are assuming GOT is going to take out a big chunk because everyone is going to stay at home and watch it, but fact of the matter is: for all we know, many people than plan on watching GOT tonight couldve already saw JW, or they could be going earlier today, or they may have plans to see it later in the week. Also, not everyone that watches GOT will watch tonight. People have HBO Go for a reason. But then again, not everyone that is not going to watch GOT tonight is going to JW, theres a million other things they could do.


- Tonights NBA Game is a non-deciding game. Not everyone is going to watch, but not everyone that's not watching will be going to JW, there's a million other things they could do. But some people may skip the game in favor of JW because its non-deciding. Also, many people that plan on watching the game again probably already saw JW or plan on going another day anyway.


You guys keep assuming people are going to do one or the either. There's a million more things to do today than watch GOT or watch JW or watching Game 5. Alot of people that wanted to go to JW last night were shut out and probably already bought tickets for today anyway. It's 100% obvious we're experiencing spillover, so that will soften drops. But let's wait and see. Either way, its gonna be close. Could be 204, could be 207, could be 210, barring strange events, could be 200. Arguing over it is pointless, we'll know for sure in 24 hours, but stop blanketing it, on both sides.

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Guys i love JP 1 and John williams score is one of the most mindblowind experience in cinema i ever had but:



Michael giacchino's score of thie one after 2.00 is Outpaced wiliiams i m sorry what an EPIC ending to a movie remenber batman 89 ending seriously the same.

It is officially time to stop.

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Again yall are over blowing the NBA game.... early may is season finale time for broadcast and if those don't effect the boxoffice than the game won't either.... Logic people - we aren't talking the super bowl.

I think a lot of people were burned by MayPac. So they are assuming the worst.

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HBO has 3 season finales total but GoT is the biggest.

WWE has a PPV

NBA Finals Game 6



Think it JW takes the record, ED? Or, are you thinking aformentioned events impact it just enough to leave it just short of $207.4M?

Edited by JohnnyGossamer
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Guys i love JP 1 and John williams score is one of the most mindblowind experience in cinema i ever had but:



Michael giacchino's score of thie one after 2.00 is Outpaced wiliiams i m sorry what an EPIC ending to a movie remenber batman 89 ending seriously the same.


Wait...so the movie doesn't end with Williams' iconic theme?

I'm actually disappointed with this.

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Personal experience is nice but once again you don't speak for the entire GA.

Didn't say i did. I'm just saying not everyone is gonna stop their lives and watch the game. Countless movies deal with big events and survive.

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Guys, the problem here is everyone is trying to BLANKET everything.

- Some of you are assuming GOT is going to take out a big chunk because everyone is going to stay at home and watch it, but fact of the matter is: for all we know, many people than plan on watching GOT tonight couldve already saw JW, or they could be going earlier today, or they may have plans to see it later in the week. Also, not everyone that watches GOT will watch tonight. People have HBO Go for a reason. But then again, not everyone that is not going to watch GOT tonight is going to JW, theres a million other things they could do.

- Tonights NBA Game is a non-deciding game. Not everyone is going to watch, but not everyone that's not watching will be going to JW, there's a million other things they could do. But some people may skip the game in favor of JW because its non-deciding. Also, many people that plan on watching the game again probably already saw JW or plan on going another day anyway.

You guys keep assuming people are going to do one or the either. There's a million more things to do today than watch GOT or watch JW or watching Game 5. Alot of people that wanted to go to JW last night were shut out and probably already bought tickets for today anyway. It's 100% obvious we're experiencing spillover, so that will soften drops. But let's wait and see. Either way, its gonna be close. Could be 204, could be 207, could be 210, barring strange events, could be 200. Arguing over it is pointless, we'll know for sure in 24 hours, but stop blanketing it, on both sides.

It's reasons to explain the already big 25% drop, if we aren't discussing/arguing over that then what's the point of this thread again? Relax, way too long of a post to just say "let's see what happens" lol.

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So you're telling someone they don't know how something works and then in another post in the Terminator thread you are saying that because Arnold was a bigger star than Pratt is, Terminator will make a billion dollars?


Credibility dude.

His posts thus far have been interesting.

Edited by PDC1987
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It's reasons to explain the already big 25% drop, if we aren't discussing/arguing over that then what's the point of this thread again? Relax, way too long of a post to just say "let's see what happens" lol.


Nobody asked you to read it?

Edited by Jandrew
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I think a lot of people were burned by MayPac. So they are assuming the worst.

I do think MayPac helped inflate Ultron's Sunday. But, I beleive even more so that it impacted its Saturday by roughly $10M+. If I recall, based on mantinees, Rth thought Ultron would $65M+ instead of the $55M+ Saturday that it finished. I'm wondering if events ED mention combine to impact JW by $2.5M to $5M today.

Edited by JohnnyGossamer
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Around 25 million people will watch the game that's more than watched Jurassic park this weekend what you personally do means nothing but a lot of other people will choose to watch the game over the movie which imo is the right call if you care at all about basketball or sports

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So you're telling someone they don't know how something works and then in another post in the Terminator thread you are saying that because Arnold was a bigger star than Pratt is, Terminator will make a billion dollars?


Credibility dude.


Well, Genisys prediction, was what it was: a prediction. But what I wrote about budgets is a fact. And frankly I am surprised that on forum that is dedicated to movie finances this is even under debate.

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