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Weekend estimates: 15.90 M THE MARTIAN | 15.50 M GOOSEBUMPS | 11.37 M BOS | 10.83 M TLWH | 9.00 M HT II | 8.20 M PA: TGD | 7.27 M STEVE JOBS

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This is what happens when you release a bunch of movies that look completely unappealing on a single weekend.

The Last Witch Hunter and Paranormal Whatever were both horror, so this weekend is the natural release date.But Jem and RTK are being dumped.

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Some theater chain is boycotting the movie because of its VOD plan?

Are these chains becoming gangster-like?

A theater refuses to show a movie because it feels it is being released under a plan that will cost them big bucks in the long run. So now a business refusing to hurt itself is "gangster like?"/

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To be fair, the last Riddick was made totally independently (he stuck his neck out on that), and cost less than half of LWH...is probably a better movie...and will probably end up better "on the books" than LWH, as well.  But yes, your point is taken.

VIn Diesal is ,frankly, not a draw outside the F and F franchise.Frankly, if not for Fast and Furious, he would probably be doing DTV movies by now.

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Yeah, they're fighting for survival, just like any other business.  They have valid concerns.  The studios are trying to squeeze the windows tighter and tighter...what incentive is there, then, for theaters to pay for these films, ones that have such immediate VOD escape windows?  I see their point...

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Compared to what most movies cost these days, that's like a charming little indie.

90 Million is at the upper end of the mid budget range. Point is that Lionsgate was stupid to spend anything above 35 to 40 Million on a Vin Diesal vehical. And even then it was probably a bad gamble.

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VIn Diesal is ,frankly, not a draw outside the F and F franchise.Frankly, if not for Fast and Furious, he would probably be doing DTV movies by now.


True.  I just think it's forgotten or misunderstood sometimes how he went back to Riddick with seemingly no real financial or career incentive, but because he (and certain people like me) like him as that character.  I'm surprised it got made at all...just like I'm still surprised Hellboy II got made, even though I'm fan.  ;-)

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VIn Diesal is ,frankly, not a draw outside the F and F franchise.Frankly, if not for Fast and Furious, he would probably be doing DTV movies by now.


This. Diesel's career never panned out the way most thought it would back in 2001-2002. He and the Fast & the Furious franchise pretty much saved each other before it became too late.

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VIn Diesal is ,frankly, not a draw outside the F and F franchise.Frankly, if not for Fast and Furious, he would probably be doing DTV movies by now.

Yeah, that seems to be the case. The last time he was any kind of box office draw outside the FF franchise was The Pacifer 10 years ago. Or maybe even XXX 13 years ago. And no, he was not a draw for GotG before anyone brings that up. I highly doubt his presence added more than an extra $10 to the gross. 

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Also if Jem is averaging 36 dollars per theater. Thats only like 3-4 people going to see this thing PER THEATER. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

If tickets costs $12 that's 57 people per state.

EDIT no its not. My maths suck.

Edited by AJG
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True.  I just think it's forgotten or misunderstood sometimes how he went back to Riddick with seemingly no real financial or career incentive, but because he (and certain people like me) like him as that character.  I'm surprised it got made at all...just like I'm still surprised Hellboy II got made, even though I'm fan.  ;-)

I am one of those who think that the Chronciles of Riddick made a huge mistake in taking what was a cool,fun,"hard" sci fi adventure, with Ptich Black,and try to turn it into a freaking "Lord Of the RIngs" clone.

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I am one of those who think that the Chronciles of Riddick made a huge mistake in taking what was a cool,fun,"hard" sci fi adventure, with Ptich Black,and try to turn it into a freaking "Lord Of the RIngs" clone.

Kind of doesn't matter now since the third one already corrected that course back to the tone of the first. I just don't think it was ever all that interesting of a franchise in the first place.

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