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4 minutes ago, RandomJC said:


Doesn't all this math assume a flat exchange rate across several years?


I did thought about it and wrote specially with the bad exchange rate, but the global box office is in US dollar and not in world ticket sold, it must already have converted every revenue in US the year they happened and already fully take it into account. Despite a worst exchange rate, the market still grew overall, but the exchange rate fall of late 2014 is probably why the good progression almost stop between 2013 and 2014.

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3 minutes ago, MrGlass2 said:


GOTG2 is not going to open with less than Suicide Squad! If it did, since this April and not August, its domestic total would be much lower than both Suicide Squad and GOTG1 - which is unlikely.


It does not mean much because it is not an adjusted box office figure, but only 5 movie that made 300 million or more domestic on their first entry saw a progression on their sequel (and only 2 movie achieved to growth from number 2 to 3 of the series while the second movie did over 300 million, Lords of the Rings franchise having 2 of those):




Gotg 2 has a good shot to join that list, but it would not be that surprising (specially in the context of flat ticket price) if it does do less than GOTG1 in term of precedent.

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1 hour ago, AJG said:


What Marvel are doing with some characters on TV is what Disney did to their characters during the direct-to-video sequel era.


It is insane to me that they would waste such great characters like The Runaways on a Hulu show. Squirrel Girl is getting wasted on FreeForm. 

Even the Inhumans are now on ABC,  lol. Kamala Khan is an Inhuman so unless they change her origin, no big screen appearance for her. The MCU just feels a lot smaller than it should be with all these characters banished to tv land with no cross overs. 


If Batgirl and The New mutants can get a movie, why can't Squirrel girl,  Runaways and New warriors get one too? 

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1 minute ago, Barnack said:


I did thought about it and wrote specially with the bad exchange rate, but the global box office is in US dollar and not in world ticket sold, it must already have converted every revenue in US the year they happened and already fully take it into account. Despite a worst exchange rate, the market still grew overall, but the exchange rate fall of late 2014 is probably why the good progression almost stop between 2013 and 2014.


Guess what I mean is that thanks to the worse exchange rate AOU actually had an even better hold WW than it appears. AOU had a 7% drop from Avengers, with a worse exchange rate. I don't have the Exchange Rate #s on hand, but it'd guess the drop would be pretty close to flat. I'm being a touch loose with #s, sorry. But MCU has seen a marked increase over seas, despite an Exchange Rate that is clearly unfavorable.

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8 minutes ago, Hades said:

Even the Inhumans are now on ABC,  lol. Kamala Khan is an Inhuman so unless they change her origin, no big screen appearance for her. The MCU just feels a lot smaller than it should be with all these characters banished to tv land with no cross overs. 


If Batgirl and The New mutants can get a movie, why can't Squirrel girl,  Runaways and New warriors get one too? 


Batgirl and New Mutants getting a movie is like Doctor Strange and Guardians getting a movie.


And Kamala Khan is going to get a movie, because no one gives two fucks about the Inhumans, but everyone loves Kamala. Fiege isn't stupid.

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5 minutes ago, RandomJC said:


Guess what I mean is that thanks to the worse exchange rate AOU actually had an even better hold WW than it appears. AOU had a 7% drop from Avengers, with a worse exchange rate. I don't have the Exchange Rate #s on hand, but it'd guess the drop would be pretty close to flat. I'm being a touch loose with #s, sorry. But MCU has seen a marked increase over seas, despite an Exchange Rate that is clearly unfavorable.


With a 2013 exchange rate pretty sure AOU does Avengers oversea money if not more yes, but it will still have been a market share decrease but compensate by overall market growth.

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Honestly if GOTG2 opens below SS it's time to probably reboot the whole MCU I mean what a flop that film would be if it did that like you can't out open one of the worst reviewed superhero well technically super villain films ever. Yeah the MCU would need to really rethink their strategy going forward. 

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1 minute ago, Barnack said:


With a 2013 exchange rate pretty sure AOU does Avengers oversea money if not more yes, but it will still have been a market share decrease but compensate by overall market growth.


Even just looking at MCU movies as a whole, their OS growth is impressive. Market share is a bit of an odd duck in my opinion just because of the explosion of the OS market, it's really impossible for AOU to increase it's share over Avengers. JW, F&F7 and TFA did massive OS numbers in '15. Furious 7 was a beast doubling it's OS take from 6, and of course TFA and JW is pretty impossible to compare to their previous entries.

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1 minute ago, theStun said:

Honestly if GOTG2 opens below SS it's time to probably reboot the whole MCU I mean what a flop that film would be if it did that like you can't out open one of the worst reviewed superhero well technically super villain films ever. Yeah the MCU would need to really rethink their strategy going forward. 



I'd like what he's smoking.

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Just now, RandomJC said:



I'd like what he's smoking.


Not sure if serious but the MCU would be in big trouble I mean seriously the DCEU should of been rebooted 3 times already and if JL doesn't make a billion they should reboot immediately 

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1 minute ago, theStun said:


Not sure if serious but the MCU would be in big trouble I mean seriously the DCEU should of been rebooted 3 times already and if JL doesn't make a billion they should reboot immediately 


I don't think Marvel is going to be really that upset if Guardians didn't open to above 133M, most MCU movies have never opened near that amount. and to suddenly put that as a measure is pretty stupid.


GOTG2 will do fine, even if it doesn't blow the roof off OW it won't flop, and only stupid fanboys are going to care about it compared to SS, a movie that opened 50M more than previous MCU movie, Doctor Strange.

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Personal franchise Fatigue ranking :



1) Movies that use human misery to earn undeserved artistic integrity & merit plus awards, free champagne & other perks.

2) Biopics, Inspired by A True Story Movies.


Almost Every movie critics & awards bodies fap to frenetically  each year is getting lamer year after year because of 1) & 2), no risks or creativity what so ever, always the same bullshit & premises.

Can't differentiate  these movies from one another anymore.


No particular order :


3) Deadpool, Logan, the R rated, dudebro infused XFox-CU is already cheesy.

4) Transformers

5) Faster and Furioser

6) Monochrome DCEU Feat Fatfleck.

7) Post Kate Hudson, Matthew McConaughey movies : No Thanks.

8) Jason Blum movies filmed in his backyard.

9) Blockbusters with Katherine Heigl

10) Movies with non Fantastic Beasts


Edited by The Futurist
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1 hour ago, RandomJC said:


I don't think Marvel is going to be really that upset if Guardians didn't open to above 133M, most MCU movies have never opened near that amount. and to suddenly put that as a measure is pretty stupid.


GOTG2 will do fine, even if it doesn't blow the roof off OW it won't flop, and only stupid fanboys are going to care about it compared to SS, a movie that opened 50M more than previous MCU movie, Doctor Strange.


Lol I was messing with you I personally wouldn't care what GOTG2 opened too I'm still going to see it opening night and honestly it opening anywhere from 130-150 is where I expect it to land

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5 minutes ago, theStun said:


Lol I was messing with you I personally wouldn't care what GOTG2 opened too I'm still going to see it opening night and honestly it opening anywhere from 130-150 is where I expect it to land



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6 hours ago, RandomJC said:

When people complain the DCEU is too grim/dark it's not because they don't like grim/dark or don't think it's good. It's because characters like SUPERMAN aren't grim/dark. Logan is a grim/dark character. Daredevil is a grim/dark character. Superman is a man who flies around in bright blue and red who is an embodiment of hope, not an emo "woe is me, why do I have to save people" type character.


Agreed.   Dark isn't the problem, forcing dark on characters where it doesn't fit is the problem.   Logan, Batman, and Daredevil work.   But Supes is not like them.  Brooding isn't his thing.


Dark even works for Spider-Man (he's very dark) and Iron Man, but is usually balanced with their humor used as a self defense mechanism.   They shouldn't be brooding or anything.

Edited by Harpospoke
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One aspect of the DCEU darkness is that it tend to often not really be at all.


Suicide Squad is probably not a good example to use because of how troubled it seem to have been, but the movie need to tell us that those are bad people, because they do not show it at all, no one in the squad do anything bad that is not told or in flashback (except steeling something once), that is far from the Wild Bunch or others movie that follow a group of vilain.


A movie like The girls with all the gift pushed the boundary of your hero your root for doing terrible action much more than Suicide Squad and never had to told us.


The wanting to do 700 million+ worldwide PG-13 format is not necessarily the best one for a dark and gritty movie. It is really not that I dislike the idea of one.

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17 hours ago, RandomJC said:


I have never seen anyone complain seriously about TDK trilogy being too dark. (Which isn't apart of the DCEU, but whatever).


When people complain the DCEU is too grim/dark it's not because they don't like grim/dark or don't think it's good. It's because characters like SUPERMAN aren't grim/dark. Logan is a grim/dark character. Daredevil is a grim/dark character. Superman is a man who flies around in bright blue and red who is an embodiment of hope, not an emo "woe is me, why do I have to save people" type character.


And I'm really hating this idea that people keep trying to push out the idea that MCU invented action movies with quips in them. But when people complain it isn't funny, that isn't a problem with the humor, it's a problem with the QUALITY. Back onto TDK trilogy, Daredevil and Logan, they weren't humorless. They were dark, they were grim, they could be depressing as all hell, but they weren't humorless. 


And of course you don't buy there isn't a bias against DC. No way is it possible for people to not like a movie that much. Especially people who claim to actually be fans of the comics or characters. Can't at all be people don't like Snyder just deciding to shoot Jimmy Olsen in the head because he didn't know what else to do with him. Or turning Pa Kent into the exact opposite kind of character he is. Or pissed that Batman is completely fine just mowing down badguys with guns. Totally not a bias AGAINST DC that people don't like these things.


Funny how the people who have a problem with Batfleck killing have no issues with Keaton's Batman SMILING as he puts a bomb in a guys pants and later blew up ACE chemical plant with people in it. So Batfleck killing is bad but Keaton Batman SMILING while attempting murder is ok, sure no DCEU bias there.


There's a lot of petty bias against the DCEU, whenever a MCU movie gets more trailer views or does better at the b.o. we never hear the end of it. Thor: Ragnarok got more trailer views than JL, and people mocked JL. Ragnarok also got more views than Spider-Man: Homecoming and GOTG Vol. 2 but I don't hear any "LOL Thor beat Spider-Man!" comments. How about when GOTG made more than Man of Steel? It was "look Marvel made a movie about a talking tree and raccoon and it made more money than Superman!" Well GOTG also made more than TASM and TASM 2, there were no comments about talking trees and raccoon's beating Spider-Man. That conveniently wasn't worth mentioning for the internet.


I get complaints about a character like Superman not working in a dark tone but it goes both ways. Why does no one care about Dr. Strange, historically a serious character being turned into a snark Tony Stark Jr. character? It seems people only care when lighter characters are turned dark but not when more serious characters are made lighter or more comical.

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10 minutes ago, Clyde Donovan said:


Funny how the people who have a problem with Batfleck killing have no issues with Keaton's Batman SMILING as he puts a bomb in a guys pants and later blew up ACE chemical plant with people in it. So Batfleck killing is bad but Keaton Batman SMILING while attempting murder is ok, sure no DCEU bias there.


There's a lot of petty bias against the DCEU, whenever a MCU movie gets more trailer views or does better at the b.o. we never hear the end of it. Thor: Ragnarok got more trailer views than JL, and people mocked JL. Ragnarok also got more views than Spider-Man: Homecoming and GOTG Vol. 2 but I don't hear any "LOL Thor beat Spider-Man!" comments. How about when GOTG made more than Man of Steel? It was "look Marvel made a movie about a talking tree and raccoon and it made more money than Superman!" Well GOTG also made more than TASM and TASM 2, there were no comments about talking trees and raccoon's beating Spider-Man. That conveniently wasn't worth mentioning for the internet.


I get complaints about a character like Superman not working in a dark tone but it goes both ways. Why does no one care about Dr. Strange, historically a serious character being turned into a snark Tony Stark Jr. character? It seems people only care when lighter characters are turned dark but not when more serious characters are made lighter or more comical.


I really think this is your own bias talking here. There's definitely people complaining about all those things you said. You just pick up on the stuff that picks on DCEU since you obviously care a lot about it. Its not like the internet is one big, homogeneous ball that universally agrees with each other.

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