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4 hours ago, Cochofles said:


Whether it is ok or not, and whether it is PC or not, the reality is that it does happen (and that's ok).

And before anyone says that I am saying "People will only see movies about people who look/are like them!!"...just stop. I am not saying that.

I am saying that, yes, it is human nature to gravitate towards those with whom we have stuff in common, and yes, some people will choose entertainment that reflects themselves. 


The sixth time I watched Wonder Woman, I watched it with a co-worker who happens to be very particular about the films she watches: she never watches superhero films, she rarely watches action movies, and when I asked her about it, she told me that the only reason she saw WW was because it was a female superhero. She only watches TV that is female-centric, and her favorite film of all time is Titanic. She also said that she loved Mad Max: Fury Road (one of the rare action films she will watch) because of...surprise, surprise... Imperator Furiosa.


Personally, I will watch anything that appeals to me, regardless of the gender, race, or color of those invloved, but I would be lying if I told you that female-centric entertainment does not catch my attention more often than male-centric stuff.

Well just so it's ok for everyone.   

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BVS is universally hated. Nobody likes this cinematic universe.

Wonder Woman's appearance in it was meh.

Gal Gadot is a terrible actress. Wooden.

Zack Snyder doesn't understand the DC characters. Or anything about filmmaking.

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5 hours ago, The Futurist said:

[blah blah blah Wondy ripped off CA:TFA blah blah blah]




I see you are still salty about Passengers' utterly unremarkable [under]performance. :P 









Edited by Cochofles
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11 hours ago, Cochofles said:


Whether it is ok or not, and whether it is PC or not, the reality is that it does happen (and that's ok).

And before anyone says that I am saying "People will only see movies about people who look/are like them!!"...just stop. I am not saying that.

I am saying that, yes, it is human nature to gravitate towards those with whom we have stuff in common, and yes, some people will choose entertainment that reflects themselves. 


The sixth time I watched Wonder Woman, I watched it with a co-worker who happens to be very particular about the films she watches: she never watches superhero films, she rarely watches action movies, and when I asked her about it, she told me that the only reason she saw WW was because it was a female superhero. She only watches TV that is female-centric, and her favorite film of all time is Titanic. She also said that she loved Mad Max: Fury Road (one of the rare action films she will watch) because of...surprise, surprise... Imperator Furiosa.


Personally, I will watch anything that appeals to me, regardless of the gender, race, or color of those invloved, but I would be lying if I told you that female-centric entertainment does not catch my attention more often than male-centric stuff.


That's so cool you've been able to get co-workers to go see it with you!  I think some of my co-workers are getting sick of me raving about this movie (I did the same with Fury Road too when it came out!), but there's some co-workers who I think would really like these movies if they gave them a chance. A surprising number rarely go see movies, and I feel certain movies would definitely appeal to their tastes if they can get beyond thinking "Oh, Fury Road looks like a dumb action movie for guys" or "A comic book film? Isn't that for kids?"  Every person that I was able to convince who has seen either of those really liked them though, so that's a neat feeling.


I think a part of it too is I know for a lot of people movies have gotten too expensive and they stopped going, so when there is something I think is worth spending your money on at the cinema to see it on the big screen instead of on DVD, I like to encourage my friends to take the chance. Heck, I'll even refund the cost of the ticket if I steer them wrong because I just get so enthused sometimes.

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9 hours ago, The Futurist said:


It s even worth than I thought then.

Good, Wondy has quite a lot of MCU DNA so the irony is amazing.

I mean it s a pretty decent remake of The First Avenger.



It's closer to Superman The Movie if we are comparing but I like how you always pretend that movies based on comic books began in 2008.  :lol:

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4 hours ago, Cochofles said:



I see you are still salty about Passengers' utterly unremarkable [under]performance. :P 










What the heck is Passengers anyway? I don't think I've seen a single commercial for it and nobody I know has ever wanted to discuss it.  Must be trash. :sparta:

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17 hours ago, Johnny Tran said:

Everyone's favorite part of Civil War is my least favorite. I hate the airport scene. I don't think it fits in the story at all and I hate that Spider-Man is even involved. It's horseshit. I love pretty much every other aspect of Civil War but the airport scene is so tonally jarring it just sucks. 

In all honesty, I don't disagree w/you in that it is tonally inconsistent w/the rest of the film (something that really stuck out on rewatch). Also has some other issues like unrefined CGI and super bland cinematography and coloring (though very good sense of scale when Ant-Man turns giant). It's actually not my favorite scene of the film - that would be either the awesome Black Panther chase, or the final fight between Iron Man/Cap/Bucky. Those feel a hell of a lot more personal and more heartwrenching than the airport fight, which is closer to happy hour than anything else in the film, which is frustrating, because, as the almost culmination of the fractures within the Avengers, that should be one of the less jokey parts of the film (our heroes fighting each other should be more like "NOOOO! STOP IT!" and less like "FUCK YEAH, LOOK AT ALL THOSE EXPLOSIONS!"), and instead, it really doesn't take itself seriously at all.


Though I do still give that scene credit for great action, great pace and really good character interactions and motivations. It feels like the all-star extravaganza that it should be (and it would feel that a hell of a lot more if it wasn't so bland looking). I also feel that it was well built up and well integrated in the film, but that's just me.


About Spider-Man, I also thought that he was completely shoehorned in at 1st, but then, upon rewatching the movie more closely (as well as Homecoming's promotional material, which has given me enough to understand Spidey's role in Civil War a lot better), I realized that Tony found Spidey through the YouTube cam stuff that he uploaded and probably figured Spidey would serve well as a defense/constraint mechanism, which is what he was doing (until he got himself involved in actual the fighting). Don't know how he figured it was Peter Parker, but I presume that will be answered in Homecoming. Admitedly, I still find it bullshit that he would recruit a teenager to fight the Avengers (when it literally took a woman saying that his son was killed in Sokovia for the guilt to really kick in), but I don't find it as jarring as I used to.

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On 2017-6-25 at 10:38 PM, YourMother said:

I'm starting to care less about Civil War upon rewatching.

I wish they stick to the whole Cap and Bucky thing through the whole movie, instead of wasting time on the whole Sokovia Accords bullshit they throw out of the window since the middle of the movie. There is enough reason for the government to goes after Cap, they don't need some documents to drive the story forward.



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17 hours ago, The Futurist said:


It s even worth than I thought then.

Good, Wondy has quite a lot of MCU DNA so the irony is amazing.

I mean it s a pretty decent remake of The First Avenger.


Except in the First Avenger the didn't gas the town protagonist just saved and let the hero watch all those bodies lies in front of her.


Having a few jokes doesn't make it a Marvel movie.

Edited by jf8350143
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13 hours ago, Napoleon said:



BVS is universally hated. Nobody likes this cinematic universe.

Wonder Woman's appearance in it was meh.

Gal Gadot is a terrible actress. Wooden.

Zack Snyder doesn't understand the DC characters. Or anything about filmmaking.

To be fair, as much as I love WW, I'd still call three out of four of those fairly accurate.

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14 hours ago, Napoleon said:



BVS is universally hated. Nobody likes this cinematic universe.

Wonder Woman's appearance in it was meh.

Gal Gadot is a terrible actress. Wooden.

Zack Snyder doesn't understand the DC characters. Or anything about filmmaking.


I don't think WW being so good fixes the problems in the other movies.   All you did here is show the contrast between them.   Might not want to encourage a comparison.

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On 6/25/2017 at 9:38 AM, YourMother said:

I'm starting to care less about Civil War upon rewatching.

I mean, Civil War is still a good movie and I stand by it, it's just not in my top ten for CBMs anymore not in top 15. Probably still in top 5 in MCU or number 6.

Edited by YourMother
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the only bad DCEU movie was SS. And if they fix the narative and have a clear view on things then SS sequel could be fantastic. MoS is one of the best superhero movies ever made. That finally showed that a superhero have trouble to fit in too like an ordinary man. A perfect origin story about an Alien trying to fit into earth and its people. BvS was epic with a message of "trust"

JL will be the event of the year about all these superheroes coming together and saving the people of earth. I couldnt be more happy with how the DCEU is progressing. And in JL we will get the Supes without the weight on his shoulders. Since people now trust him after what he did for mankind in BvS.

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MCU ranking:

1.) The Winter Solider A+

2.) The Avengers A

3.) Guardians of The Galaxy Volume 2 A

4.) Guardians of The Galaxy A

5.) Iron Man A

6.) Civil War B+

7.) Age of Ultron B+

8.) Ant Man B+

9.) Doctor Strange B

10.) The First Avenger B

11.) Iron Man 3 C+

12.) Thor C

13.) Iron Man 2 C-

14.) The Incredible Hulk C-

15.) Thor: The Dark World D

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Also since I'm seeing Spider-Man Homecoming early this Wednesday I'm going to rewatch all the Spider-Man movies. Starting with Spider-Man 1 in a few minutes.

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  • Community Manager
16 hours ago, Napoleon said:



BVS is universally hated. Nobody likes this cinematic universe.

Wonder Woman's appearance in it was meh.

Gal Gadot is a terrible actress. Wooden.

Zack Snyder doesn't understand the DC characters. Or anything about filmmaking.


Umm among most BvS criticism, WW was barely part of it outside of maybe being shoehorned in. A lot of people who didn't like the movie liked her and thought she was a highlight. People hated BvS but still liked the characters.

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MCU Ranking


1. Captain America: Civil War A+

2. The Avengers A+

3. Captain America: The Winter Soldier A+

4. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 A

5. Iron Man A

6. Guardians of the Galaxy A-

7. Captain America: The First Soldier A-

8. Doctor Strange A-

9. Iron Man 3 B+

10. Avengers: Age of Ultron B+

11. Iron Man 2 B

12. Ant Man B-

13. Thor: The Dark World B-

14. Thor B-

15. The Incredible Hulk C+



DCEU Ranking


1. Wonder Woman A+

2. Suicide Squad C+

3. Man of Steel C-

4. Batman v Superman D

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