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26 minutes ago, BKB IS CAPTAIN AMERICA said:


THAT'S NOT A CAR!!!!!!!! Or whatever the hell the dialogue was exchanged when she met his new fancy bat gadget??? Sorry, but I still maintain that there was genuinely nothing humorous about the Nolan Bat Trilogy unless it was a sole personal thing you found funny as a fan, but for the most part, they were painfully serious and quite frankly, given that it's a DC movie, I wouldn't have expected it any other way...Having these characters all of a sudden start "Nyuck Nyuck Nyucking it up" in these movies and start cracking jokes like MARVEL does, even in CW, would make these characters seem out of place and forced..


I find TDKR really funny actually. but most of the humor I find in it is not intentional. kind of why you find humor, if it's not there audience will find it in something that it wasn't in and not take it seriously not in everything, but Superhero films, even though they don't all have to be super funny need some. Civil War is a great example, overall it's a pretty serious movie and possibly Marvel's darkest film yet. but it had just the right amount of humor to keep us entertained. and not only that is was woven into the story, so it didn't interrupt the flow. kind of where AoU failed. that movie would actually be pretty awesome if they removed a lot of the forced humor.

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So, Civil War beat BvS to a bloody pulp? Didn't expect that. Even with the film sucking bladly, I thought Superman and Batman could have made much more money. Imagine how Warner is feeling. Not bad enough I guess if Snyder still aboard. 

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2 hours ago, BKB IS CAPTAIN AMERICA said:


There was absolutely 0 humor in the TDK Trilogy, PERIOD unless you have this warped sense of humor that other people don't.. It was a pretty violent movie..



I wouldn't characterize TDK as "hilarious" as edm claims, but it definitely wasn't humorless...





The Joker got huge laughs in the theater. Yeah it was dark humor... but it's still funny.




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2 hours ago, Arlborn said:

Jokes aside, nothing so far indicates SS will be a let down, quite the opposite in fact. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Many, many folks said something exactly the same leading up to BvS. Including me, I remained fairly optimistic, but now....I don't know. 

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3 hours ago, BKB IS CAPTAIN AMERICA said:


I'll tell you what: When I take care of honoring my loss to Baumer, which will have to wait til next week when I get paid cause my 1st car payment and bills in general crushed me last week, I will give this some consideration, Ok??


Alright, just let me know.


1 hour ago, Captain Craig said:

Many, many folks said something exactly the same leading up to BvS. Including me, I remained fairly optimistic, but now....I don't know. 


The reception the SS trailers got so far compared to what BVS got aren't enough to guarantee this won't be bad(not that BVS was bad but I digress) but they are a pretty good indicative that so far things are going well.

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12 hours ago, BKB IS CAPTAIN AMERICA said:


You cannot replicate what MARVEL is doing in the same way for the DC Characters because DC characters are more known for it's serious tone and trying to inject humor on these characters when they're not known for that is going to backfire, not to mention the fact that DC fans do not want DC characters to copy MARVEL'S Blueprint and want it to remain it's own entity.. The best thing for DC/WB to do is not try and compete with MARVEL, PERIOD.. Just do your own thing..

6 hours ago, Kalo said:


That's not really true, as a bigger DC fan as far as comics go, they have humor, or at least or not as dry and dull as the movies, have you seen the animated WW or JL tV show? there is tons of humor in them! heck even batman is humorous at points and it works out great. and Flash is basically DC's version of Spider-Man. the original Superman movies had tons of humor and it worked great, in fact Humor is an integral part of who superman is, becuase he knows he has to make fun of himself a bit to have his clark kent persona, that was not limited to the movies either, he does the same in All Star Superman and many other comics. Maybe if you weren't such a marvel fanboy you could pick up a DC comic and realize it is WB's post Nolan DC universe that wants to nuke the humor out of their characters. Their characters have a lot of diversity the problem is WB (and Definitely Synder), acts like they are ashamed of half of them. how can they expect the general public to embrace their characters if they don't?


I'm not sure what you mean by not try and compete with Marvel. they are rival studios so of course they should. but your right they can't expect to get from A to Z without out going from B and C first. that's a huge mistake they made. they need to fire Synder. that man is poison. he does not have any respect for the characters, I just watched an interview where he said he couldn't have Superman and Batman talk while they were in the suites because he couldn't take anything they said seriously, that was honestly the biggest mistake DC/WB has ever made and until they get ride of him their DCEU will suffer. The fact they are making JL with him makes we worry they are already too late. 


Well said @Kalo.    


This idea that "DC is dark and Marvel is upbeat" is so wrong.    The entire problem lately is that DC/WB is buying into that idea and making everything "dark" when it shouldn't be.    That's not Supes at all.    Same with the Flash.   Maybe not film the next DC movie at night in the rain just so Batman can look good?


And what kind of Daredevil show would it be if Marvel was making everything "upbeat"?   They would have made Cap 2 & 3 just like GotG and that would have failed big time.


7 hours ago, RandomJC said:

I want my Plastic Man movie, gods damn it!

That could be similar to DeadPool in feel.



5 hours ago, Kalo said:




He doesn't get it.

But not sure why they put in that Hulk scene unless they wanted another example of a character being diminished because the filmmakers were afraid to let him "talk in the suit".   Not a coincidence that is the weakest scene they showed.   Snyder might as well direct a Hulk movie...same attitude.


5 hours ago, Hangman said:

This is the kind of scene that could have made BvS more enjoyable:




It definitely would have improved the movie to have them talk, but ultimately this scene gets to the same "Stupid Supes so Batman can look smart" trick.  It's great for Batman fans of course.   As if Batman could grab Supes and throw him across and room and then somehow disappear without Supes knowing where he went.    Not much there for Supes fans.   It's Batfan service which was also a problem with the movie.


5 hours ago, BKB IS CAPTAIN AMERICA said:


50M OW for SS and that's being generous, all things considered.. I'm not holding my breath on this... This is certainly not GOTG if that's where you're heading??


I think you are going to be surprised.    I will be very curious to see the breakdown on male/female ratio on that one.    I know quite a few girls who are REALLY into SS.   Women love Harley Quinn, the Joker, and Jared Leto.    It should fly past 50m.   I would guess 70-80m right now.

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6 minutes ago, Harpospoke said:

He doesn't get it.

But not sure why they put in that Hulk scene unless they wanted another example of a character being diminished because the filmmakers were afraid to let him "talk in the suit".   Not a coincidence that is the weakest scene they showed.   Snyder might as well direct a Hulk movie...same attitude.


Yeah, I'm not sure why they included that Hulk scene either, considering there's only like two lines in it.

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I wanted to congratulate everyone who joined my Captain America over BvS club.(that I made a year ago) that unfortunately was locked because of the fan wars or whatever ever, had it not been. it would now be a resounding success. Captain America has already outgrossed it WW by nearly $100m. and will soon top it domestically as well, and end with a wide lead. :D


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1 hour ago, BKB IS CAPTAIN AMERICA said:


Women were into WONDER WOMAN in BvsS, considering she was the supposed highlight of the movie and look how that turned out?? I'm not holding my breath on this breaking out like you think and with the word "suicide" in the title, I can't imagine this being that big a draw at the box office..


I think WW's popularity is greatly exaggerated.   I looked at the TV ratings for the years WW was on TV and it didn't show up in the top 30.   Kinda like how people claim the 70s Hulk show was popular.   It only showed up once in the top 30 and never broke the top 25 (#26 in '77).


And there were female led shows which were ratings success.   Lavern & Shirley, Bionic Woman, Alice, Charlies Angels, Maude, Phyllis, Rhoda, One Day at a Time, Mary Tyler Moore, Carol Burnett, and Police Woman were all fixtures in the top 30 in the mid to late 70s....so no one can blame it on "sexism".


45 minutes ago, Hangman said:


You can see the look of shock from Superman when it happens, pretty sure it had to with the Kryptonite weakening him.


That was before the kyrptonite. 

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59 minutes ago, Hangman said:


Batman took out the Kryptonite later, but he had it the whole time.


Doesn't seem odd that Supes felt it when Batman took it out but didn't feel it before Batman took it out?    I mean, if they have Supes react to it visibly when Batman reveals it, it can't very well be claimed it was affecting him the whole time.


It's just another one of those "Batman outsmarts Superman" things they throw in to make Bats look awesome at Supes' expense.

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21 minutes ago, Otakusai said:


Yes, he furthers my theory that everyone who loves Batman V Superman is beanie propeller hat wearing autist...or at the very least on the spectrum.



Seriously dude, I hate BvS with a passion, but that is a fucking terrible thing to say. People have the right to their own opinions without you calling them autistic. If you're going to criticise anything, criticise the movie, not the fans.



Edited by rukaio101
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1 hour ago, Otakusai said:


Yes, he furthers my theory that everyone who loves Batman V Superman is beanie propeller hat wearing autist...or at the very least on the spectrum.

You just keep on endearing yourself further and further into the hearts and minds of this forum, amazing.


Never stop digging that hole.

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10 minutes ago, Arlborn said:

You just keep on endearing yourself further and further into the hearts and minds of this forum, amazing.


Never stop digging that hole.



Okay.... sure, I guess.

But as a fan of MCU's Tony Stark, I find your snark flavorless.

But whatever.

How'd you like Evan Peters in Apocalypse? He was easily the best represented character, yet again.


I thought this infographic was neat. Not sure if it's been posted already.




BvS has dropped three percent since. 






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7 minutes ago, Otakusai said:



Okay.... sure, I guess.

But as a fan of MCU's Tony Stark, I find your snark flavorless.

But whatever.

How'd you like Evan Peters in Apocalypse? He was easily the best represented character, yet again.


I thought this infographic was neat. Not sure if it's been posted already.




BvS has dropped three percent since. 







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