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***SPOILERS*** The Force Awakens Spoiler Thread ***SPOILERS ALLOWED*** You have been warned! DO NOT ENTER if you don't want to be spoiled

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Old man time (well, I'm 43.. not THAT old...)


I did see the OT in the theaters, as they were released.


I was quite successful in keeping away form spoilers, other than knowing that Luke, Leia, Han, and Chewie were returning, and a few inconsequential form the trailers.  Watched this new one with my son at my side today.


To watch Han Solo unexpectedly die... my first and favorite antihero.... after "knowing" him for 38 years..... wow.


It was indeed sad, but not in a movie-killing sot of way.  Like Han, I've grown, I have a son who has some issues with making life decisions.... to see Han die trying to help save his son from himself... wow, I'm still kind of coming to terms with it.  But it was a great way to go.


Yeah, I know it's just a movie, but it hit me, really.


I'm not sure I remember the next minute or so of the film; I missed exactly how they blew up Galacticus (or whatever that thing was called ;) ).


I walked out wondering if Rey might be Han & Leia's kid as well... but that obviously doesn't make much sense, the more I think about it.  Maybe you guys are right & she's somehow Luke's kid? 


Anyway, I thought it was done quite well (although my first viewing of a film that hits me like this is usually biased to the positive end).


I liked that Kylo Ren wasn't just another Vader.  He's much less in control, much more vulnerable even in somewhat normal circumstances. 


I liked the de-emphasis of C3P0 and R2D2.  They were fine in the OT, but their presence was one of the many problems with the prequels.  And the new little round robot was cool & cute without being overused & gimmicky.


The material for Leia was a bit underwritten and/or misacted IMO.


Really liked what they did, and did not, do with Luke.


The overall feel was a bit darker, like the OT, which I preferred.  I will see it again in theater, for sure!










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15 minutes ago, Baumer Fett said:

Saw it again, loved it.  She's his daughter.  


I'm 60/40 that she is...but I still get an ominous feeling from the final scene. Like they wanted to leave it light and open, but when the next film starts we find out that her returning his light saber didn't go well...like at all. 


In other words...I have a bad feeling about this...

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30 minutes ago, Cmasterclay said:

Did anyone else notice that Max von Sydow looked younger in this movie than he did in the Exorcist, which came out 42 fucking years ago? The dude is like @Obi-Wan Telemachos- he's both ancient AND ageless at the same time.


I don't know if you're joking but Von Sydow wore aging make-up in The Exorcist to make him like he was in his sixties even if he was in his early forties at the time. The make-up artist actually won an Oscar back then because people actually believed Von Sydow was an old man and not in make up as Father Merrin.

Edited by dashrendar44
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18 minutes ago, Baumer Fett said:

Saw it again, loved it.  She's his daughter.  


Yeah, second round just confirmed it for me too. 


Not that I have a problem with an unrelated Rey in theory but then I really cannot give JJ any kind of pass on the rehash criticism in that case cause there really was NO reason at all to put in all those callbacks for Luke and Anakin in their backstory if she's not directly related to them. Like why not just have her grow up on a grass planet or something. At least if she's their direct descendant then you can argue that it's POETRY IT RHYMES. 

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16 minutes ago, dashrendar44 said:


I don't know if you're joking but Von Sydow wore aging make-up in The Exorcist to make him like he was in his sixties even if he was in his early forties at the time. The make-up artist actually won an Oscar back then because people actually believed Von Sydow was an old man and not in make up as Father Merrin.

Oh yea, I know! But all jokes aside, Von Sydow has STILL looked like he was in his 80s for decades now.

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4 hours ago, Baumer Fett said:

All jokes aside, the movie doesn't even really hint about it, they oturight tell you that she's his daughter.  

Basically. Sure we can argue about the technicalities of it not actually being spoken aloud in the film, but that's just because this movie didn't feel the need to always spoon-feed the details. Just like the awesome wordless last scene. Other cues were used to give us info in some cases. If she is not Luke's daughter then JJ just did the biggest trolling in an SW film ever, and that's saying something. 

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After one viewing:


The Sith:

1. Darth Vader 

2. Darth Maul

3. Kylo Ren

4. Emperor Palpatine

5. Count Dooku(I love Lee in other roles, but this character is so bad he's 70% CGI and they use his Darth name maybe once.)

6. Jar Jar (lol)


Jury is out on Snoke, not sure what to make of him.


The Jedi:

1. Luke Skywalker

2. Obi-Wan Kenobi

3. Rey (Skywalker? And she could move up...she was amazing)

4. Yoda

5. Qui-Gon Jinn

6. Mace Windu

7. Anakin Skywalker


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Anyone else find it odd Ren's name was Ben? I knew that name was familiar to me....beside a new hope and Kenobi, Luke honors him in the now erased expanded universe by naming his only son Ben.

Also there are tons of not very likely but equally shocking possible explanations for Rey's lineage beyond Luke being her father. She could be Ben's twin sister, perhaps hidden from leia and han...perhaps claimed she died in birth but really someone hid her away. What I felt was odd is this idea that Rey thinks someone is coming back for her, but is told no one is coming back for her. I just can't understand why Luke would abandon his daughter knowing how well that worked out for himself.

Also now that Ren has killed his father, I wonder if he takes the Darth Ren name now?

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After one viewing:


The Sith:

1. Darth Vader 

2. Darth Maul

3. Kylo Ren

4. Emperor Palpatine

5. Count Dooku(I love Lee in other roles, but this character is so bad he's 70% CGI and they use his Darth name maybe once.)

6. Jar Jar (lol)


Jury is out on Snoke, not sure what to make of him.


The Jedi:

1. Luke Skywalker

2. Obi-Wan Kenobi

3. Rey (Skywalker? And she could move up...she was amazing)

4. Yoda

Snoke looked like a mess. Wonder if he is a botched clone of the emperor.

5. Qui-Gon Jinn

6. Mace Windu

7. Anakin Skywalker


Snoke looked messed up, wonder if he is a botched clone of palpatine.

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2 minutes ago, Flyingcow29 said:

Anyone else find it odd Ren's name was Ben? I knew that name was familiar to me....beside a new hope and Kenobi, Luke honors him in the now erased expanded universe by naming his only son Ben.

Also there are tons of not very likely but equally shocking possible explanations for Rey's lineage beyond Luke being her father. She could be Ben's twin sister, perhaps hidden from leia and han...perhaps claimed she died in birth but really someone hid her away. What I felt was odd is this idea that Rey thinks someone is coming back for her, but is told no one is coming back for her. I just can't understand why Luke would abandon his daughter knowing how well that worked out for himself.

Also now that Ren has killed his father, I wonder if he takes the Darth Ren name now?

I think Luke could hide from her so Snoke would not go after her. Even if dies to Snoke he has the hope that his daughter could live.  At the beginning of epsiode VII Snoke only believes Luke is last jedi. 

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3 minutes ago, Flyingcow29 said:


Snoke looked messed up, wonder if he is a botched clone of palpatine.


Possible. I like how they made him look like a giant, then when the planet started blowing up there was telltale digitalization showing he was a hologram. He could be a digital clone of someone like him though. 

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Also Luke probably planned to come after her eventually (maybe even told her so as a young child, hence why she subconsciously remembered to wait), but then decided to stay away once he felt responsible for what happened to Ren. Thought he might mess up with his kid too. 

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Good movie, but I think my expectations were way too high. JJ's direction wasn't as on point as I thought it'd be and there are lot of unearned moments, and not nearly enough development of Han and Ren's relationship. Some of that felt rushed. The first half of the movie is nearly perfect, and then after that the flaws start piling up. "The First Order," "The New Republic," and the "Resistance" felt like mere words more than these weighty forces battling for the fate of the galaxy. 


Still enjoyable and far better than the prequels (really appreciated the practical effects and sets), but yeah, at least there's plenty of room for the sequels to improve. 

Edited by tonytr87
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